Page 170 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 170


                                                ACCESSORIES & TUNING

             SCGDCHTK                                                           SCDB

        RATCHET, SPEED & HIGH TORQUE                                SC4244                 WING KEY ALL-IN-ONE
        DRUM KEYS                                                                          ADJUSTMENT TOOL
        SCRK    Rachet ........................$19.15  QUICK RELEASE DRUM KEY              Has standard drum key socket, ½” socket
        SC4248  Speed ...........................16.30   Gibraltar  styled  weighted  drum  key  with   STANDARD & DRILL BIT DRUM KEYS   for  congas, bongos, timbales, tightens all
        SC4245   Torque ..........................12.45  quick release key ring.   SC4244   Drum Key .........................$6.70  sizes wing nuts and rack T handles.
        SCGDCHTK  High Torque  .................21.10  SCGQRDK .......................................$25.85   SCDB   Bit Key..............................10.55  SCGWK ............................................$82.45

                                                    EXTERNAL TONE CONTROL
                                                    Hoop-mount  tone  control  device
                                                    attaches to virtually any tom tom
                              DRUM SET TECH KIT     or snare drum.
                              Tension  rods,  cymbal  washers,   SC4235   1-pack ............... $30.70  DRUM TUNING DOTS
        DRUMMERS TECH KIT     cymbal sleeves, cymbal felts, hi-  INTERNAL TONE CONTROL   Lightweight  foam  rubber  pieces
        Includes  BD  Click  Pad,  Tension   hat felts, hi-hat seat felt, SC4244   Mounts inside drum w/ adjustment   w/ a light adhesive, can be placed   RATCHET LUG WRENCH
        rods, Cymbal Washers, Sleeves,   drum key, strips of snare tape,   on exterior. Exerts pressure by felt   onto any drumhead to control   Heavy  ratchet  style  drum  tuning
        Felts, Snare Cord and Drum Key.   8mm cymbal wing nuts.   pad against the head.   overtones. 0.78” x 4” x 5”  lug wrench.
        SCDTK   1-pack ............... $42.20  SCDSTK ........................... $51.75  SC4400   1-pack ............... $30.70  SCTD   6-pack .................. $11.50  SCRLW   1-pack ............... $25.85
                                                  SNARE DRUM PARTS

                                                      DELUXE CLASSIC SNARE THROW-OFF
             GSC12                                    Cast metal classic styled strainer with mount-
                                                      ing hardware. Mount hole spacing 1½”.
                                    SCGLL             SCDLSTO  1-pack  ............................ $49.85   DRUM HOOPS
                                                                                  SC1408BS  14” batter side, 8 lug ..............................$40.25
                                                                                  SC1408SS  14” snare side, 8 lug ................................36.45
        GSC12  Nylon Tension Rod Washers, 12-Pack ....... $8.25
        SCSSW  ABS Tension Rods, 10-Pack....................... 10.60  DELUXE MODERN STYLE SNARE
        SC4J   1⅜” (35mm) Tension Rods w/ washer, 6-pk . 6.30   THROW-OFF
        SC4C   1⅝” (41mm) Tension Rods w/ washer, 6-pk . 6.30   Side throw modern style strainer with mount-
        GSC4B  2” (52mm) Tension Rods w/ washer, 6-pk  ... 8.25   ing hardware. Mount hole spacing ⅝”.
        SC4E   2⅜” (58mm) Tension Rods w/Washer, 6-pk .. 8.25   SCDSTO  1-pack  ............................$47.85
        SCLN   Small Swivel Nuts 7/32”, 12-Pack .............. 10.20
        SCLG   Large Swivel Nuts 6mm, 12-Pack  ............. 10.20
        GSC11  Metal Tension Rod Washers, 12-Pack  ......... 4.40
        SCILS  Replacement Screws, 10-Pack .................... 6.30
        SCGLL  Lug Locks, 6-Pack  ....................................... 8.65
                                                                                  VINTAGE SLINGERLAND-STYLE THROW-OFF
                                                                                  Designed as an upgrade or replacement  for the classic
                                                                                  3-point model. 3 hole spacing - upside down triangle hole
                                                                                  pattern, 1 /16  x  2 /16”.
                                             DELUXE THROW-OFF                     SCGVSTO  1-pack  .................................................$61.35
        STANDARD SNARE BUTT PLATE            Quick-release throw-off mechanism. Mount hole spacing 1½”
        2¾” mount hole spacing.              SCSTO  1-pack  ..................................................... $67.10
        SCSSBE  1-pack .....................................................$13.45

        DELUXE SNARE BUTT PLATE                                                   DUNNET R-4 SNARE THROW-OFF
        Butt-end assembly w/ deep channel & high tension drum key   PICCOLO THROW-OFF    A 360° swivel adjust for a low profile unit. Rear mounting
        bolts eliminates snare slippage. 1¾” mount hole spacing.   Throw-off for short drums. Mount hole spacing ⅞”.  screws adjust to hole spacing ⅝ & 1¼”.
        SCSBE       1-pack ................................................... $19.15   SCPTO  1-pack ........................................................ $36.45   SCGR4TOC 1-pack  ...............................................$191.70

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