Page 252 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 252


        Model                  Birch       Rattan  Model              Birch     Rattan  Model                     Birch
                              Handles      Handles                  Handles    Handles                          Handles

        UNWOUND SERIES                       MARCHING KEYBOARD SERIES             BALTER BASICS I
        MB1   Black Rubber  ES    $25.00 pr.  $38.00 pr.   MB91  1 ⁄8” Poly   MH   $25.00 pr.    $38.00 pr.   MBBB1  Yellow Yarn   H      $29.00 pr.
        MB2   Tan Rubber   S    25.00 pr.   38.00 pr.   MB92  1 ⁄8” Lexan   H    30.00 pr.     44.00 pr.   MBBB2  Blue Yarn   M      29.00 pr.
        MB3   Brown Rubber  MS   25.00 pr.   38.00 pr.   MB93  1” Phenolic   EH    25.00 pr.        MBBB3  Red Yarn   S      29.00 pr.
        MB4   Lt Green Rubber  M    25.00 pr.   38.00 pr.                         MBBB4  Yellow Cord   H       29.00 pr.
        MB5   Dk Gr Rubber  MH   25.00 pr.   38.00 pr.                            MBBB5  Blue Cord   M         29.00 pr.
        MB6   Grey Rubber   H    25.00 pr.   38.00 pr.                            MBBB6  Red Cord   S          29.00 pr.
        MB9   5 ⁄8” Brass   H    25.00 pr.   38.00 pr.                            MBBB7  Yellow Rubber   H      23.00 pr.
        MB9A  ⁄8” Aluminum  MH   25.00 pr.   38.00 pr.                            MBBB8  Blue Rubber   M       23.00 pr.
        MB10  1 ⁄8” Phenolic   EH    25.00 pr.   38.00 pr.                        MBBB9  Red Rubber   S        23.00 pr.
                                                                                                               23.00 pr.
                                                                                  MBBB10  1” PVC
        MB10A  ⁄8” Phenolic   H    25.00 pr.   38.00 pr.                          MBBB11  1” Poly   MH         23.00 pr.
                                                                                  MBBB12  Round Brass   H      23.00 pr.
                                             GRANDIOSO UNWOUND SERIES             BALTER BASICS II
                                             MB104  Lt Green Rubber  M    $25.00 pr.        MBBB21  Black Yarn   H      $26.00 pr.
                                             MB105  Dk Green Rubber MH   25.00 pr.        MBBB22  Black Yarn   M      26.00 pr.
                                             MB106  Grey Rubber   H    25.00 pr.        MBBB24  Black Cord   H      26.00 pr.
                                             MB108  1 ⁄8” Rosewood  H    25.00 pr.     MBBB25  Black Cord   M      26.00 pr.
                                             MB109  ⁄8” Brass   H    25.00 pr.     MBBB26  Black Cord   S      26.00 pr.
                                                                                  MBBB27  Black Rubber   M      21.00 pr.
        ENSEMBLE SERIES – Marimba Mallets
        MB11  Yellow Yarn   H    $46.00 pr.  $47.00 pr.
        MB12  Green Yarn   MH   46.00 pr.   47.00 pr.
        MB13  Blue Yarn   M    46.00 pr.   47.00 pr.
        MB14  Red Yarn   MS   46.00 pr.   47.00 pr.   CHORALE SERIES – Microfiber Marimba
        MB15  Aqua Yarn   S    46.00 pr.   47.00 pr.   MB211  Yellow    H     $40.00 pr.
        MB16  Orange Yarn   ES    46.00 pr.   47.00 pr.   MB212  Green   MH     40.00 pr.
                                             MB213  Blue    M       40.00 pr.
                                             MB214  Red     MS     40.00 pr.
                                             MB215  Aqua    S       40.00 pr.

                                                                                  BAND DIRECTOR’S SPECIAL
        PRO VIBE SERIES – Vibe Mallets                                            Band Director Special #2
        MB21  Yellow Cord   H    $52.00 pr.  $58.00 pr.                           (2 pair ea: BB22, BB25, 1 pair ea: BB27, T2, 1-MBMP)
        MB22  Green Cord   MH   52.00 pr.   58.00 pr.                             MBBDS2   Special Pre-Pack #2   $195.00
        MB23  Blue Cord   M    52.00 pr.   58.00 pr.   TITANIUM SERIES – Vibe/Marimba Mallets
        MB24  Red Cord   S    52.00 pr.   58.00 pr.   MB322  Green Trim   H           $48.00 pr.
                                                                           48.00 pr.
        MB25  Silver Cord   Jazz   52.00 pr.   58.00 pr.  MB323  Blue Trim   MH     40.00 pr.

                                             MB325  Aqua Trim
                                             MB326  Orange Trim   S       40.00 pr.

                                                                                  CHIME                      Maple Handle
        ARTIST SERIES                                                             MBCM2  Medium (1 ⁄2”)        $32.00 ea.
                                                                                  MBCM3  Large (1 ⁄4”)
                                                                                                               33.00 ea.
        MBX18  Ian Finkel   MH       $48.00 pr.
        MB48  Joe Locke   M           52.00 pr.   GLOCK / BELL / XYLO SERIES MALLETS
                                             MBG1  1” Poly   MS           $38.00 pr.
                                             MBG2  1” Lexan   MH          44.00 pr.
                                             MBG3  1” Nylon   M-MH        38.00 pr.
                                             MBG4  1” PVC   H             38.00 pr.
                                             MBG5  ⁄8” Round Brass  H     38.00 pr.
                                             MBX1  1 ⁄8” Nylon   MH       38.00 pr.   SUSPENDED CYMBAL      Birch Handle
                                             MBX3  1 ⁄4” Sarlink   MH     38.00 pr.   MBSC1   MH              $38.00 pr.
                                                                                                               38.00 pr.
                                             ARTIST SERIES                               MS
                                             MBX18  Ian Finkel   MH       48.00 pr.
                                                                                  LOUIE BELLSON DRUMSET SERIES
                                                                                  MBLB1   Drum Mallet         $56.00 pr.
        CONTEMPORARY SERIES – Marimba Mallets   When ordering keyboard mallets indicate handle choice by   MBLB3   Brush Mallet   56.00 pr.
        MB81  Purple Yarn   H    $40.00 pr.     adding the following suffix to each model number:
        MB82  Green Yarn   MH   40.00 pr.             B for Satin Birch, R for Rattan  TRIANGLE BEATERS
        MB83  Rose Yarn   M    40.00 pr.   52.00 pr.        MBSB   Single 4-N-1 Beater   45.00 ea.
        MB84  Blue Yarn   MS   40.00 pr.                                          MBERSR   Emil Richards Super Rub Mallets,
        MB85  Wine Yarn   S    40.00 pr.                Call For Dealer Price             1 each head size: 3/4”, 7/8”, 15/16”  25.00 pk.
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