Page 341 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 341


                                            APPLIED RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY

                                                                                   DIRECT BOXES
                                                                                   High quality interface that lets you to connect instrument,
        PHONO PREAMP                                                               line, or speaker level signals to any balanced input. Ex-
                                                                                   tremely  wide,  flat  frequency  response  can  handle  high
        The DJ PRE II is a high quality phono preamp designed for   4 CHANNEL MIXER   input signal levels while still maintaining an isolated, bal-
        your home and studio. It acts as an interface between your   Four channel mixer in the simplest form for any ¼ inch   anced low impedance output.
        turntable and your audio recording system. The analog in-  connection.  When  you  have  up  to  four  line-level  signal
        put capacitance can be switched between 100pf and 200pf   from various sources (ie: mic, instrument, audio samples,   XDIRECT   Active  .............................................$75.99B
                                                                                   ZDIRECT   Passive  ............................................49.99B
        to optimize phono cartridge response. A switchable low cut   etc.) you can expand a console mixer by converting stereo
        filter removes rumble while leaving the audio pristine.   to mono into a single line out.   AV DIRECT
        DJPRE2 ................................................................$79.00B   SPLITMIX4 ...........................................................$89.99B   AVDIBOX   Audio/Video Direct Box ...................$99.99B

                                                                                   MICROPHONE SPLITTER/COMBINER
                                                                                   The ARTcessories SPLITComPro is an ideal audio utility to
                                             FOUR CHANNEL HEADPHONE AMP            use in an application where you need to split a low imped-
        DUAL TRANS ISOLATOR                  The ARTcessories HeadAmp4 is a simple, cost effective   ance microphone signal to feed two separate mixers, or
        High  quality  passive  audio  interface  that  uses  a  pair  of   solution for any studio requiring up to four additional chan-  where it’s necessary to combine balanced low impedance
        high performance transformers to totally separate input   nels of headphone amplification, each with individual vol-  microphone signals from two mics into a single channel
        and output signals.                  ume control. Ideal for virtually any home or project studio.   input.
        DTI ........................................................................$89.00B   HEADAMP4 .......................................................$109.99B   SPLITCOM ...........................................................$59.99B

        CLEANBOX PRO CONVERTER               HEADAMP6 PRO                          TWO CHANNEL DUAL PREAMPLIFIER
        Two Way Stereo Converter             The main outputs for each channel of the headphone am-  It is designed to work over a wide variety of applications
        Single/Balanced  –  Balanced/Single  The  CleanBOX  Pro   plifier are rear mounted stereo TRS jacks and are wired in   from  remote  field  recording  to  desktop  studio  tracking.
        converts a consumer level RCA signal to a balanced XLR   parallel with the corresponding output jacks on the front   Each of the two low noise input channels has up to 48 dB
        professional line level and visa-versa. CleanBOX Pro has   panel. Front panel, rear panel, or both front and rear panel   of clean gain with signal present and clip LED indicators.
        two XLR inputs and stereo RCA outputs, as well as stereo   outputs can be used simultaneously to drive headphones   Inputs can be either XLR balanced or ¼-inch TRS. Each
        RCA inputs and two XLR outputs.      or be used as feeds to additional headphone amplifiers in   of the ¼-inch TRS outputs is buffered low impedance bal-
        CBPRO ...............................................................$109.99B   a distributed audio network.   anced. Flexible 3-way power from USB. External supply, or
                                             HAMP6PRO .......................................................$349.99B   9 volt battery. Includes USB cable – everything.
                                                                                   USBDPPS ..........................................................$125.99B

        USB MIX
        The USB Mix is fully USB 2.0 compliant and offers a bal-
        anced XLR input or unbalanced ¼” instrument input with
        switchable impedance. Switchable low noise 48V phantom   A/B-Y SWITCH
        power also included. Balanced ¼” TRS inputs for stereo or   The CoolSWITCH delivers full A/B-Y switching, plus par-  INTERFACE
        mono line-level with ¼” TRS output jacks that work with   allel common in/out jacks. It lets you switch a common   The USB Phono Plus, acts as an interface between your
        either balanced or unbalanced lines. Independent controls   source signal (guitar, bass or keyboard) between 2 ampli-  computer and a wide variety of analog and digital sources.
        are featured for both sets of inputs, main output as well as   fiers or amp channels. It also allows you to switch 2 source   The analog inputs are switchable between Phono and Line
        headphone monitoring. Also featured is a switchable as-  signals (like two different guitars) into the same amplifier.   level signals and a low cut filter removes rumble and wind
        signment of USB play-back and monitoring.   COOLSWITCH .....................................................$79.99B   noise.
        USBMIX ..............................................................$109.99B   CSPRO  Cool Switch Pro (w/ Isolation) ................109.99B   USBPHONO+ .....................................................$125.99B

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