Page 383 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 383

MOLLARD BATONS                                    MOLLARD LANCIO  BATONS

                                                                 Handles of high grade anodized aircraft aluminum with White Carbon Fiber Shaft
                                                                          12"         14"          16"
                                                                Black  L12BWCF      L14BWCF     L16BWCF ................$69.95B
                                                                Silver  L12SWCF     L14SWCF     L16SWCF ...................69.95B
                                                                Gold   L12GWCF      L14GWCF     L16GWCF ..................69.95B
                                                                Blue   L12BEWCF     L14BEWCF    L16BEWCF .................69.95B
                                                                Green  L12GNWCF     L14GNWCF    L16GNWCF ...............69.95B
                                                                Pink   L12PKWCF     L14PKWCF    L16PKWCF ................69.95B
            P = 7 Grams                 S = 7 Grams                 E = 14 Grams         Purple  L12PEWCF  L14PEWCF   L16PEWCF .................69.95B
                                                                Red    L12RDWCF     L14RDWCF    L16RDWCF ................69.95B
                               P Series
           Original Mollard baton - lightweight, precision balance, beauty   Handle Size: 12” = ¾” x 2”; 14” = ¾” x 2¼”; 16” = ¾” x 2¼”
                           and responsiveness.                  Weight: 12” (.65oz); 14” (.70oz); 16” (.75oz)
        P12(X)(Y)  12” ....................................................................................$39.95B  PLEASE NOTE: During the gold anodizing process, slight color variations occur and
        P14(X)(Y)  14” .......................................................................................39.95B  the color of each gold handle may vary slightly, even within the same order. Addi-
        P16(X)WCF  16"  (White Carbon Fiber Only) ...................................49.95B  tionally, the color your computer displays for our images, the batons may be slightly
                           Handles Available in:                different from the color you receive.
                Bloodwood (B), Maple (M), Oak (O), Purpleheart (P),
                    Pau Ferro (R), Walnut (W), Zebrawood (Z)            MOLLARD BRITE STIX BATONS
                               S Series
           Similar to the “P” Series batons but with a pear shaped handle.
        S12(X)(Y)  12” ....................................................................................$39.95B
        S14(X)(Y)  14” .......................................................................................39.95B
        S16(X)WCF  16"  (White Carbon Fiber Only) ...................................49.95B
             Handles Available in: Oak (O), Purpleheart (P), Pau Ferro (R)
                               E Series
              Designed for high visibility and heavy duty applications.
               Large handle allows a secure grip, even with gloves.
        E14(X)(Y)  14” ....................................................................................$39.95B  Dazzling Fluorescent Colors. Coating glows in black light. Lightweight & balanced.
        E16(X)(Y)  16” .......................................................................................39.95B  Cork handles. 2 handle styles: medium and large.
                 Handles Available in: Pau Ferro (R), Zebrawood (Z)
                                                                BS12M  12”, Medium Handle ............................................................$34.95B
                     W = White Shaft    N = Natural Shaft                             Available in:
                WCF = White Carbon Fiber Shaft (all are $49.95B)   Lime Green (G), Hot Pink (P), Bright Orange (O), Lemon Yellow (Y)
              Please specify by series, handle color (X) and shaft color (Y).  BS14M  14”, Medium Handle ...............................................................34.95B
              (i.e. P12PW = P Series, 12” Purpleheart with White Shaft;               Available in:
               i.e. S14RN = S Series, 14” Pau Ferro with Natural Shaft)  Lime Green (G), Hot Pink (P), Bright Orange (O), Lemon Yellow (Y)
        DSR30     Round Display - Holds 30 Batons.................................$81.00*  BS14L   14”, Large Handle ..................................................................34.95B
                                                                                      Available in:
                    MOLLARD BATON CASES                            Lime Green (G), Hot Pink (P), Bright Orange (O), Lemon Yellow (Y)
                                                                         STARLINE TWIRLING BATONS

        P69C       Cherry Case, Fits “P” Series .....................................$109.75B
        P69W       Walnut Case, Fits “P” Series ......................................109.75B
        E69CVR     Case Cover, Black nylon ................................................42.95B
        P69CVR     Case Cover, Black nylon ................................................42.95B  SU  VN  SR
                                                                SU     SUPER STAR is the world’s most popular twirling baton.
        UNIVERSAL HARDWOOD CASE                                            Fluted shaft ..........................................................................$44.00
        E69C       Cherry Case, Mix & match up to 5 batons ...........$109.75B  VN   VENUS with dimensional stars on the ball and has
        E69W       Walnut Case, Mix & match up to 5 batons .............109.75B         hand-hammered looks bans on shaft ................................38.00
        SINGLE BATON PRESENTATION CASE                          SR     STARLET has sleek ball and tip and plain shaft .................33.00
        G2008M     Maple Case, Fits 12” and 14” Batons .....................$76.95B  SUB   SUPER STAR BALL ...................................................................... 8.00
        G2008CVR   Case Cover .......................................................................42.95B  SUT   SUPER STAR TIP .......................................................................... 7.00
                                                                VNB    VENUS BALL ................................................................................ 8.00
        TRI-FOLD BATON TOTE  (Durable Black Nylon - Holds up to 4 Batons)  SRB   STARLET BALL .............................................................................. 8.00
        MBT        Large - For all batons up to 16" max ......................$42.95B  VNSRT  VENUS-STARLET TIP .................................................................. 7.00
        MBT12      Small - For 12" batons only ..........................................47.95B  ⅜" Diameter (Available in 16" - 30" Lengths)
                                                       *Call For Dealer Cost
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