Page 448 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 448


        SYMPHONY                                                        SYMPHONY COLORS/CLEAR

        Their most popular stand is perfect for school bands, orchestras and in-
        dividual musicians - now available with 3 sizes of shafts to choose from   Add excitement to your band room or individualize music settings by infusing the brilliance
        (Standard, Concertino and Tall). Desk is 20”W x 12½”H, with a 2¼” lip.  of COLOR. Perfect for individual performers and younger-aged musicians.
                                                                  Blue (B), Green (G), Gold (GO), Gray (GR), Orange (O), Pink (PI),
        M48      26”- 48” (lip to floor) Max Hgt 60½” ............................$84.85  Purple (PU), Red (R), Silver (SI), White (W), Yellow (Y)
        M4801    Individually Boxed ............................................................... 99.50  Also avilable in Matte Finish:
        M48C     CONCERTINO 16”- 28” Max hgt 40½” .......................... 84.85  Matte Blue (MBL), Matte Grey (MGR), Matte Red (MRD), and Matte White (MWH)
        M48TALL   TALL 38”- 60” Max Hgt 72½” .........................................113.50
        MAN48TBP  TROMBONIST STAND (Designed to offset to either side) .112.95  M4801(X)   Please Specify Color  (Individually Boxed) ........................................$108.10
        M84      w/ ABS Plastic Desk ...........................................................108.70  M4701   Clear Desk Symphony Stand  (Individually Boxed) ........................... 164.95
                               VOYAGER                            FOURSCORE         CLEAR DESK STANDS/SHIELDS

                     This highly portable concert                                               Desk/shield is made of a clear,
                     style music stand is identical to                                          durable  polycarbonate  sheet
                     the Symphony Stand,  but  the                                              plastic. Height: 37”- 66” lip to
                     base and desk come apart for                                               floor Desk is 26”W by 22”H,
                     easy transport and storage.           A one-piece desk that measures       w/ 1” lip.
                                                           32” wide - enough room to hold
                                                           4  pages of music. Ideal for
                                                           groups, private studios, conduc-  CONDUCTOR STAND
                                                           tors and more.          M2050   w/ Symphony Base ......................$231.25
        M52      26”- 48” Max Hgt 60½” ..........$117.60
        M52COMBO Stand w/ Tote Bag .......................161.95                   ACOUSTIC SHIELD
        MAN1800  Tote Bag Only.................................. 39.25             MAN2000  w/ Tripod Base .............................$205.50
        M82      w/ ABS Plastic Desk ....................141.45                      Can easily double as a full functioning music stand
        M52C     CONCERTINO                                                        MAN2019  w/ Symphony Base ........................205.50
                   16”- 28” Max Hgt 40½” .........117.60  M51   26”- 48” Max Hgt 60½” ..........$122.75  Shield: 24" x 24", no lip
                           ORCHESTRAL                               DIRECTOR              CONDUCTOR/DIRECTOR

                                                                                               These double-shafted stands have
                     Double lip provides convenient        A  must  for  every  director.      a wide & extremely stable base.
                     storage for bows, rosin, pencils,     Unique double desk construction     The desk (32”W x 15”H) is capa-
                     reeds, valve oil and more. Di-        provides easily accessible music    ble  of  holding  the  larger  scores.
                     mensions identical to that of the     storage. Desk is 20"W x 12"H.       The “Regal” has a built-in acces-
                     Symphony Stand.                                               REGAL       sory ledge & storage pocket (be-
                                                           26"- 48" Max Hgt 60½"
                                                                                               hind the desk), the “Grande” has a
                                                                                               shelf for storage.
                                                                                               28½”- 50½” Max Hgt 63½”
        M50      26”- 48” Max Hgt 60½” ..........$105.60  M49   Individually Boxed .......................$135.95  M54   Regal Conductor..........................$242.75
                                                                                   M5450   Grande Director .............................242.75
                               TABLETOP                         ACCESSORIES
                                             M4802   Desk for M48 ...................................$41.70  STORAGE CARTS
                     Ideal for classroom, private stu-  M4902   Desk for M49 ..................................... 76.70
                                                     Desk for M50 ..................................... 52.65
                     dio, bell choir, etc. Rubber foot   MAN5202  Desk for M52 ..................................... 46.60
                     on back support and felt pads   MBASE   Base for M48, M49, M50 ............... 28.40
                     located beneath the lip prevent   M8103   Base for M81C .................................. 35.80
                     any  scratching  of  tabletop  or   MSHAFT  Shaft for M48, M49, M50 .............. 37.95
                     other surfaces.         M69T    Tall Shaft ............................................. 44.10
                                             M5220   Neck Assembly for M52 .................. 16.70
                                             M1670   Manhasset Wrench ........................... 18.25
                                             M70     Conversion Kit Standard Thread .... 12.10
        M53       Desk is 20”W x 12½”H .............$56.95  M70M   Conversion Kit, Metric Thread ......... 12.10
                                                     Base Cup Washer ................................4.30
                                             M72     1¼" Cap, screw ...................................2.90
                            WALL STAND       M74     Desk Neck Swivel Joint ..................... 16.30
                                                     Accessory Shelf (2"x 2"x 16") ........ 11.25
                                             M91     Maestro Stand-Out (1 pc.) ............13.65B
                                             MCL     MusiClip ............................................... 20.75
                     The Wall Stand can be moved   MFFS   Fourscore Folder Extends to 32" .... 34.95
                     to an infinite number of positions   MAN1700  Floor Protectors (3) ..............................9.20  Holds up to 25 Symphony music stands. Built to allow
                     (between the extension's hori-  MAN2400  Shaft Lock ........................................... 17.25  easy racking and removal of music stands. Rugged
                     zontal & vertical positions) and   MAN2600  Table Lock ........................................... 18.10  and durable zinc-plated, welded steel construction.
                                             MAN2800  Stand Accessory Box ........................ 35.50
                     the desk angle is also adjustable  M1550   Standmate (Dbl Curve Inst Holder) . 24.75  43"H x 22"W x 92"L
                                             M2820   Regal Shelf Accessory (18"x 6") .... 46.20  MAN1910 Symphony Cart ...............................$886.10
                                             M2830   Mini Shelf Accessory (6" x 6") ........ 25.30
                                             Monarch Pencil Clips                  MAN1920 Short Cart (Holds 13, 43"Hx22"Wx58"L) 621.75
                                             M3400   for Manhasset Shafts ...........................1.69  MAN1980 Harmony Cart, Holds 15 ................621.75
        M5601 .........................................................$74.25  M3450   for Larger Diameter Shafts ................1.69  MAN1945 Swivel Casters for MAN1910, 20, 80.... 19.55
                                               DROP SHIPMENTS ARE AVAILABLE F.O.B. FOR YAKIMA, WA
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