Page 80 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 80


        DUNLOP                      D'ADDARIO                   ERNIE BALL                  MARTIN

                                    Pro Winders w/ Cutter       PEGWINDER PLUS              Martin partnered w/ MusicNomad Equip-
        100    Black .............................$5.99  DP0002  Guitar ...........................$18.10  EB9604    ....................................$24.99  ment Care to redesign their grip winder.
                                                                                            MGSW Guitar ............................. $16.99B
                                    DP0002B  Bass ..............................18.10
        105RBK  12 Black  .......................49.99
        105RY   12 Yellow .......................49.99
        105RGL  12 Glow .........................49.99                                      FENDER
        105    50 Asst Display Jar .....199.99
        G101   50 Gels Display Jar .....199.99
                                    Ergonomic Peg Winders
                                    PWPW1  Guitar ..........................$11.70
                                    PWPW1B  Bass .............................11.70         50 peg winders - Black
        Deluxe Stringwinders                                    POWER PEG/POWER PEG PRO     1028   .......................................... $89.99B
                                                                       Power Peg ..................$32.99
        123  Guitar  ................................$10.99     EB4117   Power Peg Pro ..............64.12
        114J  Guitar Display Jar 24 pcs ...187.27                                           SPIN DOC
        115  Bass .......................................8.66   SHUBB
                                    Turbotune String Winder
                                    Peg and Drill Bit Winder Combo
                                    PWTTPW01  Glow-in-the-Dark ....$24.10                   Designed to fit any cordless screwdriver
        Peg Winder                  Drill Bit Peg Winder        Peg Winder                  for fast restringing of fretted instruments.
        HE475 Guitar ..................................$7.89  PWDBPW01  Guitar/Bass .............$11.10  SW1   ......................................... $5.95B  SDOC  Spin Doctor .........................$4.50
                                               GUITAR ACCESSORIES

        O-PORT  SOUND ENHANCER      SCREECHING HALT             VARIGRIP                    GRIPMASTER

                                                                Develops and maintains strength and dex-
        The O-Port  will provide a fuller sound w/              terity of your fingers, hands and forearms.
        more volume, better clarity & enhanced pro-  Eliminate  feedback  and  enhance  stage   PWVG01 ................. $22.50  MAP $15.99
        jection to any guitar & also suppresses feed-  volume, soft rubber insert safe for guitar   Isolates & strengthens each finger using
        back - made from a custom blended polymer   finish, tapered design allows greater fit to   spring-loaded  finger  piston  technology.
        to prevent damage to your guitar finish.   a variety of guitars.   DYNAFLEX         Builds hand, wrist & forearm strength.
        PWOPBKL  Black - Large (4") .....$40.75  PWSH01  .......................................$12.50  Xtra Light Tension - 3 lbs per finger
                                                                                            GMXL  Yellow .............................$15.95
        GATOR FRET MUTES            FEEDBACK BUSTER                                         Light Tension - 5 lbs per finger
                                                                                            GML  Blue ...................................15.95
                                                                                            Medium Tension - 7 lbs per finger
                                                                                            GMM  Red ...................................15.95
                                                                GYRO HAND EXERCISER         VIA GRIP
                                                                Exercise and condition hands, wrists and
                                                                forearms. Increases hand speed and im-
                                                                proves endurance.
                                                                PWDFP01  .............. $49.95  MAP $24.99
                            Lrg     Acoustic guitar volume control, helps elim-  THE SQUEEZE BALL
                                    inate feedback, ideal for quiet practice.
                                    FBR2  ..............................................$5.60
        Fret mute string dampener suppresses
        overtones  &  sympathetic  resonance  of   ARM REST
        open strings during various tapping tech-
        niques or general playing. Stretchy mate-                                           With soft finger pads & palm rest, the VIA
        rial w/ hook-and-loop strap to adjust the                                           strengthens  each  finger  separately  and
        level  of dampening.  Great for studio  re-                                         conditions entire hand, wrist and forearm.
        cordings, rehearsals & live performances.                                           Light Tension - 4 lbs. per finger
        GFMSM1BK  Small ......................$15.99                                        VM13003  Pink ............................$11.95
        GFMMD1BK  Medium ....................15.99  Armrest attaches to the edge of a guitar's   VM13101  Yellow ...........................11.95
        GFMLG1BK  Large ........................15.99  soundboard to give you more tonal clarity   Medium Tension - 6 lbs. per finger
        GFMXL1BK  Extra Large ..............15.99  than you would believe.                  VM13102  Blue ..............................11.95
        GFMMD3BK  Medium, 3-Pack .......39.99  JPEAR  Ebony ........................ $38.45B  CSB1  Gel Hand Exerciser ......... $4.98B  VM13103  Black ............................11.95
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