Page 210 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 210



         LP204AN                             GIOVANNI SIGNATURE COLORED COWBELLS
                                             The vice mount bells are as unique as "the master" himself.
                 LP205                       LP570G1  4" - Teal ................................................ $63.60   LPBB080
                                             LP570G2  5" - Yellow ............................................... 71.60  LP008CS
                                             LP570G3  6" - Green ............................................... 79.55
                                 LP206A      LP570G4  7" - Blue .................................................. 87.50   SALSA
        BLACK BEAUTY                         LP570G5  8" - Orange ............................................. 95.45   Latin percussion cowbells that are higher in pitch with a
        Originally  designed  for Cha Cha, it is our most popular   LP570G6  8½" - Red ............................................. 103.40  more lively Latin Salsa sound. All brushed steel.
        model. It’s also very popular with rock drummers. Features   LP570GMT  Triple Mount Bracket .............................. 55.70  ES2   Cha-Cha 4¾" ............................................. $67.75
        the exclusive SONACURVE playing surface for maximum                       ES3   Salsa Bongo 8" Handheld ............................ 77.00
        playing ease and volume.                                                  ES4   Salsa Bongo High 7¾" Handheld ................ 77.00
        LP204AN  Black Beauty .......................................... $63.00   ES5   Timbale 7½" ............................................... 102.40
        LP204B   Deluxe Black Beauty - Chrome ................ 86.65              ES8   Songo 8" Mountable .................................. 102.40

        BLACK BEAUTY SR   ®                                                       LPES9  Sergio 8" Handheld ...................................... 94.50
        This bell was inspired by the legendary Black Beauty Cow-                 ES11   Salsa Claro Cowbell 7¼" ............................. 86.65
        bell. A whole step lower in pitch, the Black Beauty Sr. has               ES13   Salsa Claro Bongo Hand Held, 7¼"............. 86.65
        the same dry sound and dynamic approach. 5½”                              ES14   Skinny Mambo 8" ....................................... 102.40
        LP228  ....................................................................... $70.90  ES17   Big Band Timbale, 8¼" .............................. 102.40

        MAMBO                                                                     BANDA
        This bell has a unique “creased” playing surface for maxi-  JOHN "DANDY" RODRIGUEZ SIGNATURE  Latin percussion designed its Banda Bells to meet the sonic
        mum playing ease and volume. Its use is similar to that of   8" Handheld -  one piece, steel construction.   and rigorous quality demands of Banda musicians but is
        the LP205 Timbale Cowbell and is chosen where a deeper                    equally at home in Salsa. All brushed steel.
        sound is desired.                    LPJR2   Low Pitch, Brushed Steel ................... $127.25
        LP229  Mambo Cowbell.......................................... $78.75     LPBB060  6"........................................................... $78.75
                                                                                  LPBB080  8"............................................................. 94.50
        TRI-BELL SET                                                              LPBB105  10.5"...................................................... 110.25
        Reintroduced  by  popular  demand,  the  Tri-Bells  first
        emerged when the smallest bell was discovered in an an-                   ROCK
        tique shop and was tuned to blend with the medium-sized                   Designed for drum set players , with a rich, cutting sound
        LP Tapon Bell and the larger Black Beauty Sr. Patented                    that is medium in pitch and moderately dry.
        vice-mount & memory lock for rods from ⅜" to ½", with a                   LP007N   Rock, 8" ................................................. $78.75
        cushioned mounting system to eliminate cross-talk. Bells
        can be removed from the bracket to fit ⅜" to ½" diameter                  RIDGE RIDER
        rods for single cowbell use.                                              The Ridge Rider cowbells have a patented Jenigor bar that
        LP570   3",4" 5½", Mountable, Black Finish ...... $210.00  RAUL PINEDA    dampens sound and resists denting.
        BONGO COWBELL                        LP574RP  7" ..........................................................$111.35  LP008CS  Chad Smith Ridge Rider, 8" Red ......... $118.15
        Produces a high pitch that perfectly complements the lower   LP576RP  8.5" ........................................................ 119.30  LP008N   Rock Classic Ridge Rider, 8"................... 94.50
        Timbale Bell in a traditional timbale set-up.                             LP009N   Classic Rock Ridge Rider, 8"................... 94.50
        LP206A  Bongo, 8" ................................................. $86.65   LP268
        TIMBALE COWBELL                      BEATER
        A must for any timbale set-up. Produces a moderately dry,   LP207   Cowbell Beater ...................................... $36.80
        deep  pitch  that  contrasts  perfectly  when  paired  with  the   LP268   Pro Cowbell Beater ................................. 36.80
        Bongo Bell.                          MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE
        LP205   Timbale, 8" ............................................... $70.90  LP308  Bolt Assembly (Mounts cowbells to 3/8" rods.. 19.70


                                                                                  LP  ASPIRE  SATIN BLACK
                                                                                  LPA402   Agudo, 4⅝" ............................................ $39.35
                                                                                  LPA404   Cha-Cha, 5¾" .......................................... 47.25
                LP231A                                                            LPA404HK Cha-Cha Hand Held w/ Beater, 5¾" ........ 56.00
                                                                                  LPA406   Timbale, 6⅞" ........................................... 52.00
                                                                                  LPA408   Rock, 8" ................................................... 63.00
        AGOGO BELLS                          JAM BELLS
        Pair of steel bells connected by a U-shaped steel handle.   LP  Jam  Bells  produce  a  bright,  high-pitched  sound  with   LP  ASPIRE  EZ GRIP COWBELL
        Pitched a minor third apart and are used to play various   short sustain making them perfect for accent notes. Avail-  3½" Cowbell mounted on a 4" wooden handle, w/ beater.
        Afro-Brazilian patterns.             able in two sizes, one pitch slightly higher than the other.  Delivers dynamic open tone. Great for kids who want to get
        LP231A  Standard ................................................... $86.65   Blue, High Pitch  in on the beat.
        LP231B  Large .......................................................... 94.50   LP1231   (3½" Mountable) ....................................... $47.25  LPA900PR Puerto Rican .......................................... $42.00
        LP579  Large, Dry ................................................. 102.40   Red, Low Pitch  LPA900BK Black ........................................................ 39.40
        LP571  Mounting Bracket ........................................ 49.00  LP1233   (4" Mountable) ............................................ 63.00   LPA900R  Red .......................................................... 39.40
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