Page 361 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 361


        FREEDOM PAR H9 IP                    FREEDOM PAR Q9                        FREEDOM PAR T6

        100%  TRUE  wireless,  battery-operated,  hex-color  LED   100%  TRUE  wireless,  battery-operated,  quad-color   This ultra-compact and lightweight 100% TRUE wireless,
        uplight w/ built-in D-Fi transceiver. The light's IP rating &   (RGBA) LED uplight w/ built-in D-Fi transceiver. Brilliant   battery-operated,  tri-color  (RGB)  LED  uplight  w/  built-in
        robust  housing  repels  mother  nature  for temporary  out-  color mixing comes with new secondary optics and a mag-  D-Fi  transceiver.  New  secondary  optics  provide  perfect
        door situations to give you Freedom lighting power rain or   netic diffuser pops on and off w/ ease to widen coverage   color blending & a magnetic diffuser pops on & off w/ ease.
        shine. Adjustable run times ensures fixture will last length   area. Adjustable run times ensures fixture will last length of   Adjustable run times ensures fixture will last length of the
        of the event. Built-in RF receiver.   MAP  the event. Built-in RF receiver.   MAP  event. Built-in RF receiver.   MAP
        FPH9IP ............................................... $639.99*   $479.99  FPQ9 .................................................. $506.65*   $379.99  FPT6  .................................................. $413.32*   $309.99

        FX PAR 9                             SlimPAR Q12BT                         SlimPAR T12BT

        Compact effect par with multiple technologies in a single
        fixture. RGB+UV in outer ring for increased color mixing   A compact wash light w/ built-in Bluetooth  wireless tech-
        and effects. Separate control of center LED, outer ring and   nology that allows you to control the light from any smart   Remote light control is easy with its on-board Bluetooth
        SMD strobes for dynamic effects. Multiple zones allow for   phone or tablet. Features 12 quad-color (RGBA) LEDs that   wireless technology, giving you control right on your smart
        spectacular effects. SMD strobe ring adds strobe effects to   generate a broad spectrum of colors & achieve natural-  phone  or  tablet.  It  has  12  tri-color  (RGB)  LEDs  and  its
        any setup big or small. Generate eye-catching effects with   looking  color  temperatures.  Create  eye-catching  effects   compact design easily fits inside sticks of truss making it
        sound-activated and automated programs. Power linking   with sound-activated and automated programs.  perfect for truss warming.
        saves time setting up.         MAP                                  MAP                                  MAP
        FXPAR9   ...........................................$253.32*   $189.99   SPARQ12BT ...................................... $293.32*  $219.99   SPART12BT ....................................... $226.65*  $169.99
        SCORPION  DUAL                       SlimPAR Q12 ILS                       SlimPAR T12 ILS

        Dual FAT BEAM  aerial effect laser, perfect for events with   Low-profile, high-output quad-color (RGBA) LED Par w/   Low-profile,  high-output  tri-color  (RGB)  LED  Par  w/  ILS
        fog or haze. 32 built-in patterns, including the popular “La-  ILS (Integrated Lighting System) compatibility that makes   (Integrated Lighting System) compatibility that makes cre-
        ser Sky” effect. Generate customized & ever-changing la-  creating  coordinated  light  shows  across  different  fixture   ating coordinated light shows across different fixture styles
        ser shows using programmable pan, tilt, & zoom effects w/   styles easy. Warm wash is what SlimPAR Q12 ILS does   easy. D-Fi USB compatibility is also features for Master/
        separate X, Y & Z rolling effects & scan speed adjustment.   best - you can generatena broad spectrum of colors and   Slave or DMX control. Convenient access to RGB color
        Easily operate in an automatic, master/slave, manual or   acchieve  natural-looking  color  temperatures  w/  punchy   mixing and static colors with or without DMX. Access built-
        sound-activated mode. Wireless control using the included   amber LEDs. D-Fi USB compatibility is also features for   in automated programs via IRC-6 remote, Master/Slave or
        IRC-6 remote.                             MAP  Master/Slave or DMX control.    MAP   DMX .                  MAP
        SCORPD ............................................ $253.32*   $189.99  SPARQ12ILS ..................................... $333.32*   $249.99   SPART12ILS ...................................... $253.32*   $189.99
                                                     * = CALL FOR DEALER PRICE
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