Page 377 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 377


                            CP450   Clatterpillar .................................$15.00B
                    CP450                                                             TH499
                            HRM6   6-Piece Set ..................................54.00B
                            S2004   Finger Cymbals (set of 4) .............19.00B
                            S2203   Hardwood Block ........................... 11.00B
                            S2207   Soprano Sounder ...........................5.00B
                            S2208   Crow Sounder  .............................14.00B
                            S2266   Two-tone Wood Block ..................12.00B                           TH475
                            S2360   4” Triangle  .....................................8.00B
                            S2361   5” Triangle  ...................................10.00B  TH12NP   Bosun (Boatswain) Whistle ....$42.85
                            S2362   6” Triangle  ...................................12.00B   TH15   Metropolitan Whistle  ...............20.15
                            S2603   Hardwood Claves ...........................7.00B   HRM6   TH147NP   Siren Whistle  ...........................68.50
                            S310   Tri-color Wood Maracas  ..............24.00B       TH259    Crow Call  ................................12.60
                   S2004                                                              TH263    Wind Whistle  ...........................23.60
                            S363   Plastic Mini Maracas  ...................10.00B    TH281    Quail  ........................................54.65
                            S371   Train Whistle (Plastic) ..................10.00B   TH446    Cuckoo  ....................................35.20
                            S3800   5” Cymbals w/ Mallets ..................23.00B    TH451    Siren Horn  .............................137.90
                            S4009   Wrist Bells ....................................10.00B   TH472   Slide Whistle, plastic ................56.85
                            S4033   Handle Sleigh Bell  .......................13.00B   TH475   Mardi Gras (Samba) ................11.05
                S2360       S502   Beginner Harmonica  ...................13.00B      TH499    Nightingale Water Whistle  .......56.60
                            S5603   Rhythm Sticks  ...............................6.00B  S2203  TH500   Pigeon, Dove ...........................42.40
                            S601   6” Tambourine ..............................15.00B   TH534   Train Whistle ..........................141.05
                            S9319   Soprano Recorder (3-piece)...........7.20B        TH536    Tugboat Whistle .......................64.40
                                                                                               Duck Call  .................................25.00
                            S9636   Flutophone  ....................................7.00B   TH572   Tornado  .....................................8.25
                            SGC2   8-Note Glockenspiel  ....................26.00B    TH6012NP   Thunderer Whistle, Sm.  ..........12.75
                    S310                                                              TH5912NP   Thunderer Whistle, Lge ............14.30
                                                                 S2266                THT2000BK  Referee  .....................................7.85
                                                                                      4218     Train Whistle, Wood ................8.30B
                                                                                      302      Slide Whistle, Metal .................43.45
                                                                                      W10      Slide Whistle, Metal  ................34.98
                                                                                      LP352    Samba Whistle, Brass  .............70.90
                                                                                      LPA229   Samba, Plastic  ........................20.50
                                       S2208         S2603                            W100W    White Lanyard ............................2.70
                                                                                      S671     Black Lanyard ............................2.70
                 FIRST NOTE MELODY HARP                            FIRST NOTE NOVELTY INSTRUMENTS

        The Melody Harp is a highly-polished, wood crafted instrument. Truly one of the world’s   FN100   Hum-A-Zoo ..........................................$3.00
        easiest and fun musical instruments to play! Simply slide a song sheet under the strings,   FN110   Nose Flute  .............................................3.00
        fold down the “tab” to hold the music in place and follow the “dots” with your pick. In minutes   FN120   Kazoo, Plastic  .......................................3.95
        anyone will sound like they’ve taken music lessons for years.  FN125   Metal Kazoo  ..........................................6.00
        FN600   Melody Harp ...........................$63.75B  FN130   Magic Flute.............................................3.95
        FN6C   Soft Case  ................................... 21.50    FN140   Fife  ........................................................4.95
        BWAHK  Tuning Key ................................. 14.20   FN150   Slide Whistle ..........................................6.95
                                                               FN152   Sweet Potato  .........................................9.50
        MUSIC PACKS                                            FN153   Flutophone  ............................................6.95
        TMP05   Popular Songs  ........................... $8.50   FN155   Recorder  ...............................................6.50
        TMP10   Children Songs 1 .......................... 8.50   FN160   Jaw Harp ................................................7.95
        TMP15   Children Songs 2 .......................... 8.50   FN200   Rhythm Sticks ........................................4.95
        TMP25   Folk Songs 1 ................................. 8.50   FN205   Castanets  ..............................................4.50
        TMP30   Folk Songs 2 ................................. 8.50   FN210   Finger Cymbals  ...................................12.50
        TMP35   Christmas Songs .......................... 8.50
        TMP45   Blank Song Sheets  ...................... 7.55   FN220   Sleigh Bells ..........................................11.95
                                                               FN225   Sand Blocks w/ Handles  .....................10.95
             Each music pack contains 12 songs. TMP45 lets you write your own songs.   FN228   Wrist/Ankle Bells  ...................................8.95
                                                               FN230   Triangles  ...............................................8.95
                             TROPHY                            FN232   Musical Spoons  ...................................13.50
                                                                     Plastic Tambourine 8¼” Head ..............13.50
                                                               FN240   Cymbals  ..............................................25.55
                                                               FN242   Tone Block ...........................................10.00
                                                               FN250  Maracas  ..............................................13.50
                                                               FN252   Multi-Color Tube Maracas (set of 4) .....22.50

        MELODEE BELLS                                          A  unique  collection  of  musical  rhythm  instru-
        Scientifically Tuned – F to F                          ments.  Set  includes  12  easy-to-play  pieces.
        4766...........................................................................................................................$42.95B  Includes  a  durable  drawstring  bag  to  keep
        TROPICAL RAINSTICKS                                    everything  together.  Contents:  3  Kazoos,  3
                                                               Noseflutes, 1 pr. Rhythm Sticks, 2 Castanets, 1
        16" long and provide a gentle, soothing rain sound reminiscent of a tropical forest.  Triangle, 1 Sleigh Bell & 1 Tambourine.
        RSxx ............................................................................................................................ $18.95  FN500   Musical Rhythm Set ...............$44.95
            Available in: Canary Yellow (10), Rainforest Green (12), Kiwi Lime Green (14),
                        Mango Tango (16), Wild Cherry (18)
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