Page 455 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 455



        Allows switching between true bypass & the newly devel-  19-inch 1U rackmount tuner for guitar/bass. Multi-colored
        oped Ultra Buffer. Meter LED offers bright mode settings   LEDs for excellent visibility w/ five LED color patterns: blue
        for high visibility. Choose from four types of display modes:   & red gradation, green & red gradation, cyan, green and   VOCAL PITCH TRAINER
        Regular, Strobe, Half Strobe and Mirror. Ultra-high tuning   blue.  Lightweight,  thin  &  removable;  not  limited  to  rack   With a vertical layout that's easy to operate when held in
        accuracy down to +/-0.1 cents. Features a built-in "just-  installation. Four meter display modes: Regular, Strobe,   the left hand, a five-line musical staff display to show the
        right tuning" display.               Half-Strobe and Focus. Ultra Buffer minimizes any change   notes for intuitive pitch checking, and a sound back function
        KPBX    Pitchblack X ................................... $139.99*  in audio quality. Features a built-in "just-right tuning" dis-  that outputs the reference tone closest to the input vocal,
        KPBXS   Pitchblack XS .................................. 139.99*   play. Cable Checker warns of broken or shorted cables.    this dedicated vocal lesson is packed w/ unique functions.
        KPBXMINI   Pitchblack X Mini ............................ 124.99B   KPBXPRO ........................................................... $299.99*   KVPT1 .....................................................................$76.99

                                                                                               KAWLT100T      KAWLT100V

        OLED CLIP-ON TUNERS                  CLIP-ON TUNERS                        CLIP-ON TUNERS
        Cutting-edge  OLED  display  technology  provides  an  un-  Provides  a  stunning  battery  life  w/  approximately  100   These clip-type tuners achieve a battery life of approxi-
        precedented degree of visibility. Features an intuitive   hours of operation. Bright Color LCD for excellent visibility.   mately 100 hours using a single AA battery & features a
        chord  finder  function.  Calibration,  auto  power-off,  and   The lightweight design features a triangular shuttle switch   color  LCD  that  ensures  excellent  visibility.  KAWLT100M
        memory backup functions. Ultra-high precision tuning with   that allows intuitive operation. In addition, the AW-LT100B   has a large clip that supports a variety of orchestral instru-
        accuracy as great as +/- cents. Bass-specific AW-OTB has   features  enhanced  sensitivity  for  detecting  the  low-fre-  ments, KAWLT100T is equipped w/ a small clip perfect for
        been optimized to tune lower notes with more speed and   quency  range.  Calibration,  auto  power-off,  and  memory   trumpet & trombone, and the KAWLT100V has a dedicated
        accuracy and includes a tempo finder function.  backup functions.          clip and mode for violin & viola.
        KAWOTG  Guitar ............................................... $59.99*   KAWLT100G  Guitar ..........................................$38.99B   KAWLT100M  Orchestral ...................................$48.99B
        KAWOTB  Bass ................................................... 59.99*  KAWLT100B  Bass ..............................................38.99B  KAWLT100T  Trumpet (or Trombone) .................48.99B
                                                                                   KAWLT100V  Violin (or Viola)..............................48.99B

                                                                                   TUNER ACCESSORIES


        Pitchclip  2  is  a  compact,  clip-on  style  chromatic  tuner.
        Simple & easy-to-read LED display w/ reverse function that
        vertically inverts the meter display. Clip w/ enhanced holding
        power & a rubberized grip.                                                 CONTACT MICROPHONE
        Pitchclip 2+ uses approximately 2.5 times as many meter   MINIPITCH TUNERS   Redesigned cable that's even more durable and resistant
        LEDs, allowing for even more precise pitch adjustment.   MiniPitch is a compact-sized tuner that is made for the   to stress. Clip section allows stable attachment to a variety
        The calibration function and the +/-0.1 cent high-precision   ukulele.  LEDs indicate the peg that needs to be tuned -   of instruments. Uses a piezo element that sends the vibra-
        tuning have been greatly improved.   even a beginner can tune with confidence.  tions of your instrument directly to your tuner.
        KORGPC2  Pitchclip 2 ..........................................$30.99  KMP    Uke ...........................................................$20.99  KCM300 ...............................................................$19.99B
        KPC2+   Pitchclip 2+ ..........................................33.99   Blue (BL), Orange (OR), White (WH)  Black (BK), Black/Red (BKRD)
                                                     * = CALL FOR DEALER COST
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