Page 75 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 75
A fundamental aim of our research has been to make a new synthetic product
having the same acoustic properties as gut - but without its typical defects (high cost,
limited duration and high instability under varying climatic).
Red Series sets provide performance over traditional strings for musicians who
love clear, sharp sound and powerful voicing across the full scale of the instrument.
The strings also maintain their intonation better.
The Lava Series ukulele strings are a grey-black string colored with a touch of
mother-of-pearl. These strings maintain the same identical mechanical and sound
properties of our famous white-pearl Super Nylgut ukulele strings.
19C Alabastro set, Normal Tension ..................................................................$17.30
20C Alabastro set, Superior Tension ..................................................................17.00
97C Alabastro set, Light Tension ........................................................................17.00
98C Alabastro Basses, Light Tension ..................................................................9.70
140C Alchemia set, Normal Tension.....................................................................15.50
146C Alchemia set, Superior Tension ..................................................................15.50
55C AMBRA 900 set, (Historical) Classical Guitar ..............................................17.00
82C AMBRA 800 set, (Historical) Classical Guitar ..............................................17.00
108C AMBRA 2000 set, Normal Tension (Super Nylgut Trebles) ......................17.00
131C Cristallo set, Normal Tension ......................................................................17.00
138C Cristallo set, Superior Tension ....................................................................17.00
96C Guilele/Guitalele (6-String hybrid guitar/ukulele), short scale length 17",
BARITONE A Tuning, aecGDA .....................................................................................17.00
21U 4-Strings, DGBE (Low-D) (2 wound strings) ................................................$10.94 133C Guilele, Red Series full set, A Tuning, aecGDA .........................................20.80
23U 4-Strings, GCEA (High-G) ................................................................................9.42 135C Granato Series set, Flamenco Guitar, Normal Tension...............................20.80
24U 6-Strings, (Low-D) New Nylgut , (3rd-4th wound, Red Series ) DGBE ......11.00 136C Granato Series Trebles Only, Flamenco Guitar, Normal Tension ...............11.10
26U 8-Strings, (Low-D) New Nylgut , (3rd-4th wound, Red Series ) DGBE ......13.60 37C Perla set, Normal Tension ............................................................................17.00
89U Regular Set, (Low-D) Red Series , (G & D are wound) DGBE ....................11.65 38C Perla set, Superior Tension ..........................................................................17.00
116U 4-Strings, Lava Series , (G & D wound strings) DGBE (Low-D) ....................15.25 134C Rubino set, Normal Tension ........................................................................20.80
117U High-G, Lava Series , (no wound strings) GCEA ...........................................9.42 126C Seta set, Basses only Single Strings for 127C ............................................11.80
128U 4-Strings, (Low D) Super Nylgut (2 wound strings) DGBE .........................11.65 91C Terz Guitar set, Nylgut Trebles, Silver-Plated wound basses ....................17.00
156U Low-D Tuning, Sugar, (2 wound strings), DGBE ...........................................10.80 129C Zaffiro set, Normal Tension .........................................................................17.00
Zaffiro set, Superior Tension .......................................................................17.00
22U Single Packaged 4th Baritone D (wound) ........................................................3.40
49U Single Packaged 3rd aluminium wound ...........................................................3.40
108U Single Packaged 3rd G for 6 + 8, plain, Red Series ......................................2.40 BANJO / MANDOLIN
109U Single Packaged 4th D for 6 + 8, plain, Red Series ......................................2.50 1B 5-String, Timeless Banjo, New Nylgut , (1 Red), Medium, DBGDG ..........$12.35
A2B 5-String, Timeless Banjo, New Nylgut , (1 Red), Light, DBGDG .................12.35
AQ5B 5-String, All Nylgut + Red Series 4th, Medium, DBGDG ........................11.50
6B 5-String, All Nylgut + Red Series 4th, Light, DBGDG .............................11.50
7B 5-String Minstrel Banjo, New Nylgut , Medium, dGDF#A ............................12.75
11B 5-String Banjo, Red Series , Normal Tension, DGBDG ...............................12.35
A1M Mandolin, Nylgut , Medium, eeaaDDGG (eaD - all Red; G wound Red) .....13.85
1O Turkish Tuning, 11-Strings, Reds , Normal, ddaaeeBBAAE .....................$30.50
17O Turkish Tuning, Single Packaged - 1st strings, Reds , dd ............................3.18
18O Turkish Tuning, Single Packaged - 2nd strings, Reds , aa ...........................3.18
19O Turkish Tuning, Single Packaged - 3rd strings, Reds , ee ............................3.18
66O Turkish Tuning, 11-Strings, Super Nylgut , Normal, ddaaeeBBAAE ..........30.50
BASS 67O Turkish Tuning, Single Packaged - 1st strings, Super Nylgut , dd ...............3.18
Turkish Tuning, Single Packaged - 2nd strings, Super Nylgut , aa ..............3.18
68U 4-Strings, Thundergut , Very dense elastic-plastic blend, GDAE ..............$33.23 69O Turkish Tuning, Single Packaged - 3rd strings, Super Nylgut , ee wound ...4.40
69U 5-Strings, Thundergut , (B String Red Series ), GDAEB ............................37.40 13O Arabic Tuning, 11-Strings, Reds , Normal, ccggddAAFFC .........................30.50
91U 4-Strings, Thunder Reds (All Red Series ), GDAE ...................................52.60 43O Arabic Tuning, Single Packaged - 1st strings, Reds , cc ..............................3.18
168U 4-Strings, Thunder Reds (All Red Series ), EADG ...................................66.75 44O Arabic Tuning, Single Packaged - 2nd strings, Reds , gg .............................3.18
169U 5 th String, Thunder Reds B string ...............................................................52.60 45O Arabic Tuning, Single Packaged - 3rd strings, Reds , dd..............................3.18
92U Shortbass-One basic model, (12 joint frets) (All Red Series ), GDAE.......58.15 70O Arabic Tuning, 11-Strings, Super Nylgut , Normal, ccggddAAFFC ............30.50
93U Shortbass-One 14 model, (14 joint frets) (All Red Series ), GDAE ...........62.30 71O Arabic Tuning, Single Packaged - 1st strings, Super Nylgut , cc .................3.18
140U 4-Strings, Thunderblack , (18"-21" scale), GDAE.......................................33.23 72O Arabic Tuning, Single Packaged - 2nd strings, Super Nylgut , gg ...............3.18
170U 4-Strings, Thunderblack , (23"-26" scale), GDAE.......................................44.50 73O Arabic Tuning, Single Packaged - 3rd strings, Super Nylgut , dd wound ....4.40
147U 5-Strings, Thunderblack , (23"-26" scale), GDAEB ....................................37.40 61O Iraqi Tuning, 11-Strings, Reds , Normal, ffccggddAAf .................................30.50
165U 4-Strings, Thunderbrown , (18"-21" scale), GDAE .....................................59.55 62O Iraqi Tuning, Single Packaged - 1st strings, Reds , ff ....................................3.18
167U 4-Strings, Thunderbrown , (23"-26" scale), GDAE .....................................66.45 63O Iraqi Tuning, Single Packaged - 2nd strings, Reds , cc .................................3.18
166U 5-Strings, Thunderbrown , (23"-26" scale), GDAEB...................................83.05 64O Iraqi Tuning, Single Packaged - 3rd strings, Reds , gg .................................3.18
65O Iraqi Tuning, Single Packaged - 4th strings, Reds , dd .................................3.18
BANJO UKULELE (BANJOUKE) 74O Iraqi Tuning, 11-Strings, Super Nylgut , Normal, ffccggddAAf ..................30.50
28U Banjo Uke, High-G, New Nylgut , (1 Red Series - 3rd string), GCEA .....$10.52 75O Iraqi Tuning, Single Packaged - 1st strings, Super Nylgut , ff ......................3.18
42U Banjo Uke, High-G, New Nylgut , GCEA Tuning ............................................9.42 76O Iraqi Tuning, Single Packaged - 2nd strings, Super Nylgut ,cc ....................3.18
43U Banjo Uke, High-G, all Genuine Gut strings), Key of C, GCEA ...................30.46 77O Iraqi Tuning, Single Packaged - 3rd strings, Super Nylgut , gg....................3.18
90U Banjo Uke, High-G, All Red Series set, (no wound strings), GCEA ...........10.10 78O Iraqi Tuning, Single Packaged - 4th strings, Super Nylgut , dd wound ........4.40