Page 111 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 111


        STICK & PLAY                                                    EZ GUITAR TRAINER

        Contains over 400 (4) color plastic adhering see-thru over-
        lay markers for scales, chord theory & chord progression;
        (1) full set of pre-cut plastic self-adhering, directional letter
        note labels.                         The perfect learning aid for beginner and aspiring musicians.  Vibrant color-coded system helps new players more effectively
        SP1  Guitar  .........................................................$19.95B  learn to play guitar.  Unique clear cling strips easily wrap around any guitar neck without adhesive or damage.
        SP2  Bass .............................................................19.95B
        SP4  Mandolin .......................................................19.95B
        SP6  Violin .............................................................19.95B  EZGTMAJ   EZ Guitar Major Chord Set ...................................................................................................................$9.99
                                             The base that you start from. With this set alone you can play hundreds of popular songs.
        EZ CHORD
                                             EZGTMIN   EZ Guitar Minor Chord Set ...................................................................................................................$9.99
                                             Additional and complimentary chords for customers to learn and play thousands of more songs.

                                             A complete Point of Sale tool with an attractive display stand and an assortment of each product set, including 4 sets of
                                             Majors, Minors, Notes and Basic Bundle sets.
                                             EZGTDB   EZ Guitar Display Bundle .................................................................................................................$179.90
        The amazing device that lets lets you start playing guitar
        in an instant! Replaces difficult finger moves with just four
        numbered buttons which make the chords D, E ,A & G. All   QWIK TUNE                   PEAVEY
        you have to do to change chords is push buttons at the
        right time!                                   GUITAR PROFESSOR                    PT100  Tuner/Recorder
        EZCHORD   ............................................................. $27.99

        JANGCB1  Small ..................................................... $7.50  Combines three much needed guitar tools in one neat, little   Unique chromatic guitar tuner plus recorder, backlit display,
        JANGCB2  Large ...................................................... 8.25  package: TUNER, CHORD FINDER and PITCH PIPE.  records up to four minutes. Requires two AAA batteries.
        JANGCB3  Tenor Banjo/Mandolin/Ukulele ................ 7.50  QTGP1    ............................................................. $19.95  03009010   ...........................................................$31.59B
                 HAL LEONARD                             MEL BAY                              ALFRED

        Hal LEONARD GUITAR METHOD Book 1 (2nd ed)
                                             MEL BAY MODERN GUITAR METHOD Grade 1  ALFRED BASIC GUITAR METHOD Book 1 (3rd ed)
        Book Only   ............................................................... $8.99
        Book/CD/Online Audio ................................................ 12.99  Book/Online Audio & Video ........................................ $9.99  Book/Online Audio ...................................................... $9.99
        Book/CD/DVD ............................................................. 24.99  Expanded Edition - Book/Online Audio & Video ......... 14.99  Book/Online Audio/DVD ............................................. 14.99

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