Page 118 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 118


                    FLOW  PICKS                             GEL                                  POLYS

                                             Eyecatching Standard Shape Colorful Picks.   Refill Bag/72 ............................................................$35.47
        Durable Ultex  material, uniform bevel and low profile grip.  4861  Cabinet, 432 Rcks  .....................................$209.00   BLU479RL  Light   WHI479RH     Heavy
                                                                                   RED479RML  Medium Light  BLK479RXH    Extra Heavy
        549R    Bag/24 ...................................................$26.65   4860  1008 Picks ...................................................439.00  YEL479RM  Medium
        549P   6 Pack  ......................................................7.41  LT (Blue), ML (Green), MD (Purple), HV (Red), XH (Yellow)
        Specify Gauge: .73, .88, 1.00, 1.14, 1.5, 2.0  486R  Refill bag/72, Specify gauge ..........................33.15
        Acrylic Loaded Cabinet Display       486P  Bag/12, Specify gauge  ....................................6.99   TECK PICK
        12 packs for each gauge: 5 cells for the Standard size (no
        1.14) & 3 cells for Jumbo.                        DELRIN 500
        5491    Players Pack/96 picks .........................$709.72
        5491E   Empty Display Cabinet  .........................120.00
                FLOW  JUMBO PICKS
                                                                                   Aluminum picks with perforated grip.
                                                                                                Available in:
                                             Delrin “500” picks for guitar and bass.   Textured Aluminum (TEX), Brass (BRS), Red (RED),
                                             4100 Cabinet/324 picks .........................................$129.79   Blue (BLU), Black (BLK), Aluminum (CLR),
                                              .46 (Lt. Pink), .71 (Pink), .96 (Dk. Pink), 1.14 (Magenta),  4670  72 Pick Display Cabinet  ..........................$189.00
                                                      1.5 (Lavender), 2.0 (Purple)  467R  Refill Bag 12 Picks  ......................................33.00
                                             41R  Bag/72, Specify Gauge  ..................................26.69
                                             41P  Bag/12, Specify Gauge .....................................5.23
                                                                                            STAINLESS STEEL
                                                    PRIME GRIP  DELRIN 500
                           FLOW JUMBO 420
        With a larger standard-sized profile for players who want
        more surface to grab onto.
        547R    Bag/12 ...................................................$26.65
        547P   3-Pack  ......................................................7.41
        Specify Gauge: 2.0, 2.5, 3.0                                               Highly polished steel.
                                                                                   STANDARD & ELLIPTICAL TRIANGLE
        FLOW JUMBO GRIP 420 (4.2mm)          Get the fat tone and slick release of Delrin “500” picks with   .20, .38, .51 mm. Gauge
                                             better handling, thanks to the low-profile gripping surface.
        This pick's extra heft makes it even more ergonomic, play   DUN4500 Cabinet/324 picks .................................$153.75   46RF  Bag/36, Standard .......................................$50.95
        even faster & project even louder w/ a smoother high end.
                                                       .46, .71, .96, 1.14,1.5, 2.0
        547R420   Bag/12 ...................................................$62.25  450R  Bag/72, Specify Gauge  ..................................35.47   AMERICANA ™
        547P420  2-Pack  ....................................................11.53
                                             450P  12 Pack, Specify Gauge ...................................6.81
                FLOW  GLOSS PICKS
                  Highly polished, tapered edges for fast,   STUBBY
                  articulate licks. Contoured finger indenta-
                  tions for maximum control. Ultex  material.
                  550R   Bag/12 ............................ $40.44
                  550P  3-Pack  .............................. 10.99               Made  of  durable  polycarb  and  are  perfect  for  “tremelo”
                  Specify Gauge: 2.0, 3.0                                          picking for mandolin & flatpicking stylists.
                                                                                   494P101  Round Triangle, Player's Pack (3) ............$9.84
             MAX GRIP /MAX GRIP  JAZZ III    Contoured for smooth release, these picks provide an ex-  494P102  Large Triangle, Player's Pack (3) ...............9.84
                                             tremely positive attack. Manufactured from Lexan.
                                             Gauges (mm)/colors:                               SPEEDPICK
                                                   1.0 Red, 2.0 Lt. Purple, 3.0 Dk. Purple
                                             4740  Cabinet/144 picks  ....................................$120.22
                                             474R  Bag/24, Specify Gauge  ................................20.31
                                             474P  Bag/6, Specify Gauge .....................................6.02
                MAXGRIP            MAXGRIP JAZZ III
                                             4760  Stubby & Big Stubby Cabinet/
        Molded gripping surface features a carefully engineered       216 picks - 36 of each gauge & size  .......$186.22
        coarse grid that provides an unparalleled non-slip surface.                5 different weights, sizes, at a 10° angle in black Delrin.
        MAX GRIP ®                                  BIG STUBBY/TRI STUBBY          1010   Cabinet, (1 Gross)  ...............................$164.00
        Specify Gauge: .60, .73, .88, 1.0, 1.14, 1.5                               REFILLS  24 Pack .....................................................25.76
        4491   Cabinet/216  .........................................$103.49       M10   Standard, 71mm                  M10J      Jazz, 71mm
        449R   Bag/72 ......................................................34.63    H10   Standard, 96mm                  H10J      Jazz, 96mm
        449P   Player's Pack/12 .........................................6.81      M10R  Standard, 84mm, Reverse Angle
        471R3   Bag/24 ....................................................$18.34            JD JAZZTONES ™
        471P3   Player's Pack/6 ...........................................5.23    BIG STUBBY
                (N) Red Nylon, (S) Black Stiffo   4750  Cabinet/144 picks - 48 of each gauge  .....$120.22
        471R3C  Carbon Fiber, Bag/24 .............................$20.98  1.0 Red, 2.0 Lt. Purple, 3.0
        471P3C  Carbon Fiber, Player's Pk/6 ........................5.94   475R  Bag/24, Specify Gauge  ...............................20.31
                                             475P  Bag/6, Specify Gauge  ...................................6.02
                                             4450  Cabinet/144 Picks ....................................$120.22    Developed specifically for the Jazz guitarist, these picks
                                             445R  Bag/24, Specify Gauge ................................20.31   deliver great tone and speed.
                                             445P  6 Pack, Specify Gauge  ..................................6.02  4770  Cabinet/180 Picks ....................................$198.00

                                             TRI STUBBY                            477R  Refill Bag/36 picks (Specify Model No.) .......54.32
                                             473R  Tri Stubby Refill Bag/24 ..............................$20.31  477P  Bag/6  .............................................................9.84
                                             473P  Tri Stubby Refill Bag/6 ....................................6.02  204 Round Tip     205 Point Tip     206 Medium Tip
        15R2.00  12-Pack ..................................................$19.11   1.5 Red, 2.0 Lt Purple, 3.0 Dk Purple    207 Large Round Tip   208 Large Point Tip
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