Page 221 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 221


        Hand made from selected hardwood. Well-balanced sound.   SUPERTONE MARACAS   MINI COCONUT MARACAS
        Beautiful hand painted design on each maraca.   Ideal for live performances. Plastic shell w/ wooden handle.   Coconut shell. Warm sound ideal for acoustic performance.
        T3132 ....................................................................... $37.40   T2110........................................................................ $31.20   TMCM ....................................................................... $23.30

        SEED SHELL SHAKER                                                         SURF DRUM
        Natural bundled pangium edule tree seed shells.                           Play  in  a  circular  motion  to  create  the  sounds  of  waves
        TSS ........................................................................... $25.00  CAXIXI   crashing. Made of a highly durable synthetic shell. Syn-
        SEED POD SHAKER                      Closed basket with flat plastic bottom. Lively sounds.   thetic heads on both sides. End cap allows you to adjust the
        Natural bundled sweet chestnut seed pods.   T2543  Small ........................................................... $28.10   inside fill. 1¾” Height x 14” Wide.
        TSPS ........................................................................ $25.00   T2544  Large  ............................................................ 31.20   TSURF ...................................................................... $80.00

                                                                                  TOCALIMBA THUMB PIANOS
                                                                                  9 steel-plated keys. Small is constructed of solid natural
                                                                                  Ashwood. Large is constructed of Asian oak with a walnut
        CASTANET MACHINE                     COCONUT KALIMBA                      matte finish, has a hollow body with a sound chamber that
        Wood base construction. Ebony castanets. Equipped with   Made of coconut shell. 7 notes allows the player to create   projects a waw-wah effect.
        mount.                               different sounds.                    TTHPS  Small ........................................................ $108.00
        T2300 ..................................................................... $120.00   TCK .......................................................................... $28.10   TTHPL  Large  ......................................................... 150.00

        Made of bamboo. Three different güiro sounds to choose
        from. Comes with striker.            SYNTHETIC GUIRO                      GECKO WOODEN CLACKER
        TMBG  Mini ............................................................ $14.10   Fiberglass  construction.  Comes  with  beater.  Beautifully   Made of wood construction. Nice addition for any percus-
        TSBG  Small ............................................................ 15.30   high pitched for live performances.   sionist. Features a wooden gecko design for each handle.
        TLBG  Large  ........................................................... 25.70   T2526W .................................................................... $78.00   TGC .......................................................................... $31.20

                                                                                  RIBBIT FROG
        RATCHET                              WOOD RATCHET                         Resembles frog sound when played with striker. Wood con-
        Ideal for any musical application. Loud response & durable.   Wood construction. Nice sound effect for any percussionist.   struction.
        T2520 ....................................................................... $78.00  TWR ......................................................................... $17.20   TFROG ..................................................................... $34.40

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