Page 120 - Sheet Music Catalog '24-'25
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         Fretted Instruments & Related Effects  __Pedalmania (The Complete Guide to Stomp-   Vocal Training
                                                 boxes and Pedalboards - DeMasi/Pecoraro
        __Acoustic Guitar Repair Detective - Neri 17.99      (w/Video) ........................................................... 24.99  __A Cappella 101 (A Beginner's Guide to
        __Alternative Rock (Guitar World Presents) (How  __Setup & Maintenance (Hal Leonard Guitar      Contemporary A Cappella Singing)
            Artists Like Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Nine      Method) - Chad Johnson ............................. 14.99      (w/Audio) - Rob Dietzl .................................. 29.99
            Inch Nail, etc., Rose From the Alternative Under-  __Teach Yourself Guitar Repair and  __Belting: A Guide to Healthy, Powerful Sing-
            ground to Conquer the Rock World) ........... 17.95      Maintenance ................................................... 12.99      ing (Berklee Press) - Jeannie Gagné
        __Autoharp Owner’s Manual (Everything from  __Tube Amp Book - A. Pittman (Deluxe revised      (w/ Online Audio & Video) ........................... 19.99
            Maintaining to Building an Autoharp) .... 29.99      edition) (w/Online Media) ........................... 60.00  __Cantare Italiano - The Language Of Opera
          Blue Book Of .....                 __Tube Guitar Amplifier Essentials - Weber 34.95     (The First Italian-Born Method & Complete
            __Acoustic Guitars (15  ed) - Fjestad ... 29.99  __The Ukulele - A Visual History (revised &       Guide to Lyric Diction & Interpretation of
            __Guitar Amplifiers (5  Ed) - Triggs....... 39.95      expanded) - Jim Beloff .................................. 24.95      Italian Opera) - Sara Gamarro..................... 18.90
          Burst Believers - Vic DaPra                                              __Complete Vocal Wokout (A Step-by-Step
            __I......................................................................... 59.99  Piano/Keyboard/Organ      Guide to Tough Vocals) - Kain (w /2CDs) .. 24.95
            __II ....................................................................... 69.99  __Contemporary Singer (Elements of Vocal
            __III ...................................................................... 85.00  __Bastien - How To Teach Piano      Technique) (2  ed) (Berklee Press)
            __IV - Vic DaPra/David Plues ....................... 85.00      Successfully (3  ed) ...................................... 34.95      (Book/Audio) .................................................... 27.99
            __V (Serial Number Ed) - DaPra/Plues ..... 85.00  __The Complete Pianist (From Healthy Technique  __Eat Sleep Sing - Sing for Well-Being (A
            __VI ("The Final Encore") - Dapra/Plues .. 85.00      to Natural Ability) - P. Roskell ......................... 59.00      Practical Guide to the Benefits of Singing)
        __Complete Guide To The Gibson Mandolins  __Creative Synthesizer Technique - Adam    - S. Delooze ..............................................................19.95
            (Mandolas, Mando-Cellos & Mando-Basses)       Holzman (w/Audio) ....................................... 24.99  __Heart Of Vocal Harmony (Emotional Expres-
          - Paul Fox .............................................................. 45.00  __The Hammond Organ (An Introduction to the      sion in Group Singing) (Music Pro Guide) 19.99
        __Complete Guide To Guitar & Amp         Instrument & the Players Who Made It  __It's About Time (A Step-by-Step Guide For
            Maintenance - R. Fliegler ............................ 18.99      Famous) - Scott Faragher ............................. 33.00      Understanding Basic Rhythms) (Designed
        __Complete Guitar Repair - H. Kamimoto . 29.99  __Piano Tuning (A Simple & Accurate Mehtod      For Bands, Choirs, Orchestras & Private Study)
        __Dear Guitar Hero (Guitar World Presents) (The      for Amateurs) - Fischer ....................................9.95    - Ron Middlebrook/Dick Sheridan .............. 14.99
            World's Most Celebrated Guitarists Answer    Professional Piano Teaching (A Comprehen-  __Teaching The Child Singer (Pediatric Peda-
            Their Fans' Most Burning Questions) ...... 16.99      sive Piano Pedagogy Textbook for Teaching      gogy for Ages 5-13) - Dana Lentini .......... 19.99
        __Do-It-Youself Guitar Setup & Maintenance       Students) - Jacobson      __Voice Works (A “How-To” Owner’s Manual for
          - Denny Rauen (w/Video) ............................... 22.99      __Vol. 1 (Elementary) (2  ed) ..................... 59.99      Vocal Students & Teachers) - H. Alviani ... 14.95
        __Electric Guitars Design & Invention (The      __Vol. 2 (Intermediate to Advanced) ....... 59.99  __Voices In Harmony (Youth Choir Leadership,
            Groundbreaking Innovations That Shaped the  __The Psychology Of Piano Technique (Piano      Education and Artistry) - Robyn Lana ..... 24.99
            Modern Instrument) - T. Bacon ................... 29.99      Professional Series) - Murray McLachlan . 19.95  __Voices Of Latin Rock (People & Events That
        __Gibson "P.A.F." Humbucking Pickup - From  __Synth Gods (Keyboard Magazine Presents)      Created This Sound) - McCarthy/Sansoe .. 24.95
            Myth to Reality - Milan/Finnerty ............. 29.99    - Ernie Rideout ................................................... 14.99  __The Voice Teacher's Cookbook (Creative
        __Gibson 335 Guitar Book (Electric Semi-Solid  __Wit & Wisdom From The Piano Bench (50      Recipes for Teacher's of Singing) .............. 24.95
            Thinlines and the Players Who Made Them      Witty and 50 Wise Ways to Inspire Aspiring
            Famous) - T. Bacon.......................................... 29.99      Musicians) - S. Guy/ T. Holland ......................9.99  Band/Orchestra
        __GoldTop Believers - DaPra/Plues .............. 85.00
        __Gruhn’s Guide To Vintage Guitars (3  ed)        Recording                __The Band Whisperer (A Practical Guide to
           (An Identification Guide to America’s Fretted                               Making Beautiful Music) - D. Morrison ... 24.95
                                                                                   __Bridging The Gap Between Middle and
            Instruments) (Updated/Expanded)   __First 50 Recording Techniques You Should
          - Gruhn/Carter .................................................... 34.99      Know To Track Music - Bill Gibson .......... 15.99      High School (Tips for Directors, Parents,
        __Guitar Effects Pedals (The Practical Handbook)  __Hal Leonard Recording Method (For Band,       Students and Music Supervisors)
                                                                                       (NAMM/Music Achievement Council)..... 14.95
          - D. Hunter (Book/CD) (updated & revised) .. 34.95      Singer/Songwriters & more) - Jake Johnson
        __The Guitar Handbook - R. Denyer        (w/Audio & Video) .......................................... 14.99  __Collected Thoughts (On Teaching & Learning,
            (Fully Revised - New ed) ............................... 35.00  __The Roger Nichols Recording Method (A      Creativity & Horn Performance) - Hill ..... 39.95
        __Guitarist’s Guide To Maintenance & Repair      Primer for the 21st Century Audio Engineer)  __Cross-Curricular (Learning for the Instrumental
                                                                                       Ensemble) (Kendor Classroom Music Series)
            (A Tech to the Stars Tells How to Maintain      (w/DVD-Rom) ................................................... 29.99
            Your Axe Like a Pro) - Redler/Rubin ......... 15.99  ___The Bruce Swedien Recording Method     - Arlene Bennett .......................................................29.95
                                                                                   __Developing Rehearsal Techniques Through
        __Guitar Player Repair Guide - D. Erlewine      with Bill Gibson (The Legacy Series)
            (3  ed) (expanded & updated) (w/DVD) ... 34.99      (w/DVD-Rom) ................................................... 39.99      Active Listening (Anthology & Methodology
        __Guitar Setup & Maintenance (Hal Leonard                                      For the Development of Rehearsal Techniques
            Guitar Method) (The Definitive Guide for   Drum /Percussion                for Band) - Andrew Boysen, Jr ..................... 67.99
                                                                                   __How To Practice Music - Andrew Eales ... 10.99
            Musicians & Technicians of All Levels)
          - Chad Johnson .................................................. 14.99  __Complete Percussionist (A Guide Book for the  __How To Work On Clarinet Reeds - Drapkin 19.95
        __Guitar Setup, Maintenance & Repair .... 29.99       Music Educator) (2  ed) (revised & updated)  __It's About Time (A Step-by-Step Guide For
                                               - R. Breithaupt ..................................................... 34.95
        __How To Make Your Electric Guitar Play Great                                  Understanding Basic Rhythms) (Designed
            (2  ed) - D. Erlewine (w/Video) ................... 29.99  __Drum Circle Facilitation - Buidling Commu-      For Bands, Choirs, Orchestras & Private Study)
        __How To Write Guitar Riffs (Create & Play      nity Through Rhythm - A. Hill .................. 29.95    - Ron Middlebrook/Dick Sheridan .............. 14.99
                                                                                   __National Core Arts Standards In General
            Great Hooks for Your Songs) (3  ed)   __How To Tune Your Drums - D. Black ............5.50
            (Revised & Updated) - Rikky Rooksby ........27.95  __(Rush's) (Neil) Peart - Modern Drummer       Music (Maximizing Student Performance)
        __(B.B.) King's Lucille & The Loves Before Her      Legends (An Anthology of Neil's Modern    - Wendy Barden ................................................. 12.95
           (A Musical Journey Through B.B. King's Guitars      Drummer Cover Stories) .............................. 19.99  __Practice With Purpose (Indispensible Resource
                                                                                       to Increase Musical Proficiency) - D. Kish .. 29.95
            & Music Gear From His Youth Through Today)   __(Jeff) Porcaro - It's About Time (The Man and
          - Eric E. Dahl ......................................................... 24.99      His Music) .......................................................... 24.99    Rehearsing The Middle School .....
        __Martin Guitar Masterpieces (A Showcase  __(Tito) Puente - King Of Latin Music       __Band - Stephen Meyer ............................ 19.95
                                               - Jim Payne (w/ DVD) ....................................... 22.95
                                                                                       __Orchestra - Sandie B. Goldie ................. 19.95
            of Artist's Editions, Limited Editions and
            Custom Guitars) - D. Boak ............................ 40.00  __Sympathy For The Drummer - Why Charlie  __Sound Leadership (Leadership Curriculum
        __Official Vintage Guitar Price Guide      Watts Matters - Mike Edison ...................... 16.95      for Music Students for Band, Orchestra and
          - Greenwood/Hembree .................................. 39.97  __Technique Of Percussion (Columns by      Choir) - Scott Lang ......................................... 12.99
                                                 George Lawrence Stone for International  __(Trevor) Wye - Flute Secrets (Advise for
                                                 Musician Magazine 1946-1963) ................ 34.99      Students, Teachers & Professionals) ......... 19.99
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