Page 111 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 111

KYSER LIFEGUARD                           HUMITRON                     GUITAR TEACHING AIDS

                                                                                   EZ CHORD

                                             Maintains proper moisture levels.
                                             DAMPG    Guitar ..................................................$9.30
        The  disc-shaped  body  of  the  Lifeguard  Humidifier  fits   DAMPGDLX  Deluxe ................................................10.80
        perfectly into the sound hole of the ukulele so the sponge   DAMPU     Ukulele..................................................9.15
        inside can slowly distribute water in the air, naturally regu-             The amazing device that lets lets you start playing guitar
        lating humidity to ensure the integrity of your instrument.                in an instant! Replaces difficult finger moves with just four
        KLHU1A    Concert Ukulele ..............................$19.95B  GROVER    numbered buttons which make the chords D, E, A & G.
                                                                                   All you have to do to change chords is push buttons at
                                                                                   the right time!
                  D'ADDARIO                                                        EZCHORD   ............................................................$27.99
                                                          GP760  Guitar ......................$18.50
                                                          GP720  Ukulele ......................16.50
                                                                                   CHORD STAMP

          GH                                      GPIT
        The D'Addario Humidifying System releases the moisture
        slowly and evenly keeping the instrument perfectly humidi-
        fied, and the D'Addario Humidity & Temperature Sensor
        (HTS) will help maintain the proper climate conditions.                    JANGCB1  Small ..................................................$11.00
        GH       Acoustic Guitar Humidifier ..................$12.00  Prevents cracking, warping and shrinkage due to moisture   JANGCB2  Large ...................................................11.00
        GHRS     Replacement Sponges for above (3-Pk).8.80  loss. Room humidity indicator included.  JANGCB3  Tenor Banjo/Mandolin/Ukulele .............11.00
        GHP      Guitar Humidifier Pro (holds 12x its weight  GPIT   Guitar Humidifier ......................................$33.00
                    in water; longer time between refills) .20.80  SPIT   Super Guitar Humidifier ..............................41.45
        GHPRS    Sponge Pro Replacement Pack (2-Pk) .10.45  MPIT  Mandolin .....................................................20.05  EZ GUITAR TRAINER
        UHP      Ukulele Humidifier Pro ..........................18.70  UPIT   Ukulele .......................................................20.05
        PWHTS    Humidity Control Sensor .......................45.10
        PWGHHTS  Guitar Humidifier w/ Humidity   HERCO GUARDFATHER
                     Control Sensor ..................................70.20
        PWHPK01   Humidipak Automatic Humidity Control
                     System ..............................................47.05
        PWHPK03   Humidipak Restore Kit (for extremely dry   Helps prevents drying out and cracking.
                     or never before humidified guitars) ...47.05  HE360  .........................................$7.34
        PWHPRP03  Refill 3-Pack..........................................30.30
        PWHPRP12  Replacement 12-Pack ........................105.70
        PWSIH01    Small Instrument Case Humidifier ........11.55
                                                                                   Vibrant color-coded system helps new players more effec-
                                                                                   tively learn to play guitar. Unique clear cling strips easily
                                                                                   wrap around any guitar neck without adhesive or damage.
                                                 FIH1                              EZGTMAJ   EZ Guitar Major Chord Set ...............$9.99

                                             Controls humidity with the turn of a dial.  PINSTRIPING TAPE
                                             FIH1  Perfect for mandolins, ukuleles, violins, etc ..$21.45
                        OH6                  FIH3  Perfect for guitars, dulcimers, cellos etc. ........33.90
        OH1  Guitar.........................................................$24.95
        OH3   OH 1 & OH2C Combination Pack ...............59.95
        OH3C  OH 6 & OH2C Combination Pack ...............59.95  PEARSE
        OH3P  OH 5 & OH2C Plus Combination Pack .......59.95
        OH3CP  OH 14 & OH2C CasePlus+ Combo Pak .....56.90      JP523
        OH5   Plus+ Guitar (50% More Humidity Output) ..24.95
        OH6   Case Humidifier ...........................................24.95
        OH14  Case Plus+ (50% More Humidity Output) ...24.95
        OH18  Ukulele ........................................................24.95
        OH21  Double Bass (3/4 & 4/4 size) .......................24.95
        OH26  Mandolin ......................................................24.95  JPGH  Guitar Humidifier .................................... $11.95B
        OH30  HH Combo (Humidifier/Hygrometer   JP523  K-Saire  Case Humidifier .........................24.98B
                 Combination) ...........................................44.95
        OH32  Ukulele Plus+ (50% more Humidity Output) ..24.25  ON-STAGE HUMIDIFIERS
        ACCESSORIES                                 Sound hole suspended, sponge-style humidi-  PROSTRIPE VINYL PINSTRIPING TAPE
        OH2+  Digital Hygrometer/Thermometer ..............$34.95  fier releases moisture evenly w/ out coming in   ⅛" Wide x 40 ft., Self-Adhesive - For Fingerboards
        OH4   Humigel Replacement Kit ............................11.95  contact w/ the instrument.  R20808   White ......................................................$5.99
        OH20  Guitar Hygrometer Holder ...........................11.95  GA150  Guitar ....................................$13.99  R20822   Yellow  ......................................................5.99
        OH30RS Replacement Sponge for OH30 ....................8.00  GA250  Ukulele ....................................12.99  R20831   Fire Red ...................................................5.99

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