Page 114 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 114



                                                                                           YJMR01WH 1.5 White, 24-Pack ......$39.99
                                    Extra snappy attack, super aggressive grip.            YJMP01WH  1.5 White, 6-Pack ..........11.99
                                    45RFT100  Bag/24 .........................$21.12       YJMR02RD  2.0 Red, 24-Pack ...........39.99
                                    45PFT100  6-Pack ...........................11.99      YJMP02RD  2.0 Red, 6-Pack .............11.99
                                                                                           YJMR03YL  1.4 Yellow, 24-Pack........39.99
                                         JIM ROOT NYLON        PRIMETONE JAZZ III XL PICKS   YJMP03YL   1.4 Yellow, 6-Pack..........11.99
        FRANKENSTEIN                                           AALP01  .73 Brown - 3 Pack ...........$11.66
        Features  .60mm  Max-Grip   picks  -  with             AALP02  .73 Green - 3 Pack .............11.99
        artwork based on his "Frankenstein" guitar.            TORTEX JAZZ III XL PICKS          FAT MIKE NYLON
        EVHPT02  Pick Tin (6) .....................$16.99      AALP03  .60 White - 6 Pack ............$11.99
        EVHR02  Bag of 24 ..........................39.99      AALP04  .73 Black - 6 Pack ..............11.99
        EVHP02  6-Pack ..............................11.99     ANIMALS AS LEADERS PICK TIN
                                                               AALPT01 Pick Tin  ...........................$16.99
                                                               (2) custom grip Animals as Leaders Prim-
                                                               etone  Jazz  III  XL  .73mm  Picks,  (2)  Tosin
                                    Combines size & shoulder profile of the stan-  Abasi Signature Tortex Jazz III XL .60mm
                                    dard pick shape w/ the Jazz III-inspired tip.   Picks, and (2) Javier Reyes Signature Tor-  .60mm provides flexibility and warmth.
                                    447RJR138  Bag/24 .........................$39.99  tex Jazz III XL .73mm Picks.   44R060FM  24-Pack .......................$39.99
                                    447PJR138  6-Pack ...........................11.99     45P060FM  6-Pack ...........................11.99
                                                                     JOHN PETRUCCI
                                         RABEA MASSAAD            SIGNATURE PRIMETONE ®          AKIRA TAKASAKI
        WHITE w/ BLACK STRIPES            FLOW  SMOOTH                                         CUSTOM PRIMETONE ®
        Features .60mm Max-Grip  picks w/ artwork
        based on his white-with-black-stripes guitar.
        EVHR03  Bag of 24 ........................$39.99
        EVHP03  6-Pack ..............................11.99
                                                               Sculpted from John’s own worn pick with a
                                     Front               Back  Jazz III tip provides precision  and clarity.
                                                               Super durable Ultexmaterial provides loud,   Compact size, 3 hand-burnished edges and

                                    Custom logo for respected guitar player and   bold sound. Available in Black and Oxblood.   the easy playability & bright sound of Ultex
                                    YouTube star, w/ superior attack, precision   518RJPBK  12-pk. Black ...............$39.99   material, this pick has everything the Japa-
                                    and articulation of the Flow  pick.  518PJPBK  3-pk. Black ...................11.99   nese guitar player was looking for.
                                    548RRM100 Bag/24 .........................$39.99   518RJPRD  12-pk. Oxblood Red .....39.99  516RAKT   Bag/24 .........................$39.99
        VH II                       548PRM100  6-Pack ...........................11.99   518PJPRD  3-pk. Oxblood Red .......11.99  516PAKT   6-Pack ...........................11.99
        Features .60mm Max-Grip  picks w/ artwork
        based on his black-with-yellow-stripes guitar.  MISHA MANSOOR   JOHN PETRUCCI TRINITY     JEFF LOOMIS
        EVHR04  Bag of 24 ........................$39.99  CUSTOM DELRIN FLOW ®                CUSTOM ULTEX SHARP
        EVHP04  6-Pack ..............................11.99

                                    “Live”               “Studio”
                                     Back                Front
                                    “LIVE” PICK                Combines a custom Small Tri shape with
                                    573R065MM .65mm, 24-Pack...........$39.99   the contoured shoulders of the Flow  Pick   The brightness & durability of Ultex , fang-
                                    573P065MM .65mm, 6-Pack...............11.99  shape w/ a Jazz III-inspired tip for a faster,   like  precision  of  the Tortex   Sharp  pick  &
        SHARK GUITAR                “STUDIO” PICK              smoother, more precise playing experience.  superior handling thanks to a custom grip.
        Features .60mm Max-Grip  picks - with art-  573R073MM .73mm, 24-Pack...........$39.99   545RJP140  Bag/24 .........................$39.99   461RJL  Bag/24 ............................$39.99
        work sourced from Eddie's "Shark" guitar,   573P073MM .73mm, 6-Pack...............11.99  545PJP140  6-Pack ...........................11.99   461PJL   6-Pack ..............................11.99
        burgundy w/ silver stripes.
        EVHR07  Bag of 24 ........................$39.99  SIGNATURE  JOHN PETRUCCI               ERIC JOHNSON
        EVHP07  6-Pack ..............................11.99
                                       FLOW /FLOW  JUMBO                 JAZZ III                CLASSIC JAZZ III

        5150                                       ®
        Features  .60mm  Max-Grip   picks  -  with   JOHN PETRUCCI FLOW  PICK
        artwork directly sourced from Eddie's 5150   548RJP200 12-Pack ........................$27.99   Designed  to  the  prog  rock  legend’s  own   A Jazz III with an even, more refined and
        Kramer guitar, one of the most widely known   548PJP200 3-Pack ..............................7.99  specifications,  made  from  Ultex  and  fea-  smooth  tip,  more  flexibility  inspired  by  a
        guitars he used throughout his career.  ANDY JAMES FLOW  JUMBO PICK   tures a raised grip and a slick polished tip.   vintage Jazz III pick from Eric’s collection.
        EVHR08  Bag of 24 ........................$39.99  546RAJ200 12-Pack ........................$27.99  427RJP   Bag/24............................$25.99   47REJ3N  Bag/24 ..........................$24.99
        EVHP08  6-Pack ..............................11.99    546PAJ200 3-Pack ..............................7.99   427PJP   6 Pack ..............................11.99   47PEJ3N  6 Pack .............................11.99
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