Page 230 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 230


                                              14  22
                                                               BUFFALO DRUMS
         TA510670                                              Fiberskyn 3 drumheads & Acousticon  drum
        FIBERSKYN  TAMBOURINES - White                         shells & come w/ a rope handle & mallet.   OCEAN DRUMS
        TA5106   6" Single Row ...............$43.80   18  23  E10308  8" x 3½" ..........................$82.30   ET0212   12" x 2½" ....................$93.90
        TA5108   8" Single Row .................50.00          E10310  10" x 3½" ..........................92.90   ET0216   16" x 2½" ....................120.50
        TA5110   10" Single Row ...............54.70           E10312  12" x 3½" ........................107.10   ET0222   22" x 2½" ....................169.60
        TA5208   8" Double Row ................61.10           E10314  14" x 3½" ........................127.60
             Also Available in Black (70)                      E10316  16" x 3½" ........................150.40   With graphics
                                                                                           ET021210   12" x 2½" ..................$104.30
                                                               E10322  22" x 3½" ........................213.50
        TA5210   10" Double Row Jingles ..70.40   21  24                                   ET021610   16" x 2½" ....................135.00
          Also in Black (70) and Red (52)..72.00   PRAISE TAMBOURINES  BAHIA BUFFALO DRUM  ET022210   22" x 2½" ....................186.10
                                    Features  a bright open jingle  tone and is   Vinyl Bahia Bass fixed pre-tuned drumhead &
                                    ideal for worship music applications.   Acousticon  drum shells, w/ rope handle & mallet.
                                                               E11316BE 16" x 3½", Black Earth ..$167.00
                                    Single Row of Jingles
                                    TA910614  6" "Praying Hands".........$43.80
                                    Double Row of Jingles
                                    TA920814  8" "Praying Hands".........$63.10
                            TA5208ML   TA921014  10" "Praying Hands".........70.40         NIGHTWAVES
        ECONOMY TAMBOURINES         TA921018  10" "Dove"  .......................70.40     ET02167109  16" x 2½" ..................$167.70
        WITH SMOOTH WHITE HEADS     TA921021  10" "Sharing Hands" ........71.60            MALLETS
        TA5106ML  6" Single Row ...............$31.20   TA921022  10" "Uplifted Hands".........65.30  Wood handle, foam head, soft black cover
        TA5108ML  8" Single Row .................39.70   TA921023  10" "Ruach Spirit".............71.60  for  Nestling  Djun-Djuns,  Gathering  Drum,
        TA5110ML   10" Single Row ...............43.80   TA921024  10" "Celebrate" ................71.60  Ocean Drum and Buffalo Drum.
        TA5208ML  8" Double Row ...............50.00           FIBERSKYN  FRAME DRUMS      HK1208   12" x ⅝" ..................$21.90 ea.
        TA5210ML  10" Double Row .............54.40   GOSPEL TAMBOURINE   Constructed with an Acousticon  drum shell   16" x ⅝" ....................24.60 ea.
                                    TA301081  10", 8 Double-Row Jingles,   and a pre-tuned Fiberskyn  drumhead pro-  HK1210
                                           Antique Finish ................$92.00  viding warmth and projection when played   HK1350NS  N.S.L. (Not So Loud) . 32.00 pr.
                                                               with a hand or mallet.  Walnut finish.
                                                               HD8508   8" x 2½" ........................$45.40
                   TA6110                                      HD8510   10" x 2½" ........................48.40   TROPHY
                                                               HD8512   12" x 2½" ........................60.50
                                                               HD8514   14" x 2½" ........................70.00
                                                               HD8516   16" x 2½" ........................78.60
        HEADLESS TAMBOURINES - White                           HD8522   22" x 2½" ......................114.90
        TA6106   6" Single Row ................$26.40          HD850006  Pack (8" thru 22") .........373.30
        TA6108   8" Single Row ..................34.70   WILD TAMBOURINES
        TA6110   10" Single Row ................36.90   ®
        TA6208   8" Double Row .................41.70   Pre-tuned  Skyndeep  Drumhead, classic
        TA6210   10" Double Row ...............49.60  warm sound, lightweight traditional design.  HAND DRUM
                                    TA81107015  10" Single Row ...........$64.30
                                                                                           Super-thin 10" hand drum provides an ex-
                                    TA82107015  10" Double Row ............67.40
                                                                                           ceptionally loud, clear sound. Assorted col-
                                                                                           ors, includes mallet.
                                                                                           B360A  .............................................$16.95
               48                                              THINLINE FRAME DRUMS
                                                               Manufactured  with  a  Renaissance   fixed
                                    VALENCIA TAMBURELLA CALABRIA   drumhead. Both a training drum and also a
                               43   TAMBOURINE                 great practice drum for professionals.
        PRIZMATIC TAMBOURINES       Skyndeep  goat brown drumhead, chrome   HD8908   8” x 1 ⁄16" ........................$55.90
        Black Quadura  covered shells. Prizmatic   jingles, Antique Brown finish.  HD8910   10” x 1 ⁄16" ........................62.40
        Pinwheels (43), or Radiant Prizmatic (48).   TA351281  12" x 2½" Key-tuned ....$219.70  HD8912   12” x 1 ⁄16" ........................70.60
        TA410648   6" Single Row ...............$52.70         HD8914   14” x 1 ⁄16" ........................75.30
        TA410843   8" Single Row .................65.80   TAMBOURINE HOLDER  HD8916   16” x 1 ⁄16" ........................89.90   FRAME DRUMS
        TA410848   8" Single Row .................67.40        HD890005  Pack (8" thru 16" w/ Bag) .398.60   Excellent  quality  frame  drums.  Includes
        TA411043  10" Single Row ...............71.40  Mounts  any  model  tambourine  on  Hi  hat   ACCESSORIES  wooden mallet.
        TA420843   8" Double Row ................79.10    rod or top of cymbal stand. Side mounting   HD0016BG  16" Hand Drum Bag .....$70.70  W106   6" .........................................$13.95
        TA420848   8" Double Row ................78.90   leaves cymbal area open.   HD0022BG  22" Hand Drum Bag .....127.40  W108   8" ...........................................16.50
        TA421043   10" Double Row ..............84.60   DAN308  ...........................................$27.00   HK002500  Frame Drum Holder........16.60  W110   10" .........................................18.50
        TROPHY                                      MID-EAST
        Wood cross bracing provides sta-  SAGA (Trinity College)   MIDBTN8R 18" Rosewood         VALENCIA
        bility & easy grip, w/ wooden mallet.   SATB2  18" Dark Green . $84.00         Tunable ..$143.90B   MIDBTGTR   Acousticon shell, vinyl Bahia Bass
        W414  14" ....................... $67.50  SATB3  18" Dark Brown ... 84.00   MIDBSSB  Tipper ..............8.90B   MID-EAST    drumhead, w/ tipper & tuning key.
        W416  16" ......................... 73.95   SC5010  Bag  ..................... 47.75   MIDGT22  Goatskin Head   MIDBTGR  18" Drum ...$143.90B  ET451481 14" x 4.5" ....... $351.90
        W418  18" ......................... 74.95  SBT001  Tipper .................... 7.35        Only – 22"  .26.90B   MIDBTGTR 18" Rosewd.123.90B    ET451681 16" x 4.5" ......... 364.10
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