Page 231 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 231


                                                            TRBPH6                                (Triangle Not Included)
        PROJECTION-PLUS  SERIES – Natural Calf Head
        Includes Bag.                             TR6           TRBHL4          TRB6
        Single Row Models
        T1GS    10” German Silver..........................$238.00B
        T1PHBR   10” Phosphor Bronze .......................238.00B   GROVER PRO TRIANGLES
        T1BC    10” Beryllium Copper .......................270.00B                GROVER PRO MILLER MACHINE
        T1SS    10” Basque (Spanish Silver) ............208.00B   *No strikers w/ triangles*  Mountable Triangle Machine
                                             BRONZE PRO HAMMERED – Includes Bag
        Double Row Models                    TRBPH6   6” ........................................................210.00B   Grover Pro teamed up with innovator Billy Miller to create
        T2BC    10” Beryllium Copper .....................$290.00B  TRBPH7   7” .......................................................216.00B   the ultimate triggering device. It can accomodate up to 10"
        T2GS8   8” German Silver..............................246.00B  TRBPH8   8” .......................................................222.00B  triangles & comes w/ a Brass Tubular beater. The angle of
        T2GS    10” German Silver............................268.00B               the beatere can be set at either 90° (for a focused sound)
        T2GSPH   10” German Silver/          SUPER-OVERTONE – Includes Bag         or at 135° (for creating a spread of overtones).
                    Phosphor Bronze Combo ............270.00B   TR5   5”  ......................................................$98.00B   MM1    .................................................................. $123.00*
        T2PHBR   10” Phosphor Bronze .......................268.00B   TR6   6”  ......................................................100.00B
                                             TR9    9” ....................................................... 110.00B
        CUSTOM DRY  SERIES  –  Natural Calf Head, Heat-  BRONZE HAMMERED LITE – Includes Bag
        Treated Double Row Jingles. Includes Bag.  TRBHL4   4” Piccolo ...........................................$78.00B

        T2HTS8   8” Heat-Treated Silver  ..................$251.00B   TRBHL5   5” Concert ............................................80.00B
        T2HTS   10” Heat-Treated Silver ...................277.00B   TRBHL6   6” Concert ............................................82.00B
        T2HS    10” Hybrid Silver ..............................270.00B  TRBHL7   7” Symphonic ......................................84.00B
                                             TRBHL8   8” Symphonic ......................................87.00B   TPBX
                                             TRBHL9   9” Symphonic ......................................89.00B
        X-SERIES   –  Synthetic  Head,  Double Row  Jingles.
        Includes Bag.                        BRONZE SERIES

        T2GSX   10” German Silver..........................$254.00B  TRB4   4” Piccolo ...........................................$58.00B   GROVER PRO TEMPLE BLOCKS
                                                    5” Concert ............................................60.00B
        T2GSPHX  10” German Silver/Phosphor   TRB5   6” Concert ............................................62.00B   Made  from  high  quality  resonant  Baltic  Birch.  Standard
                    Bronze Combo .............................263.00B  TRB6   7” Symphonic ......................................65.00B   set of 5 graduated blocks with a pentatonic pitch contour.
                                             TRB8   8” Symphonic ......................................67.00B   Set of 5 Blocks w/ Mounting Bar.
        BANTAMWEIGHT  SERIES  –  15% Less Weight than   TRB9   9” Symphonic ......................................69.00B   TPBX   ................................................................$405.00B
        Our  Other  Pro-Level  Tambourines,  Synthetic  Head,                      TPBXT    w/ stand ............................................501.00B
        Double Row Jingles. Includes Bag.                                          TPBSTAND  Temple Block Stand ........................................132.00B

        T2HSB   10” Hybrid Silver ............................$265.00B
        T2HTSPHB  10” Hybrid Combo............................264.00B       TBSD
        STUDIO PRO  SERIES – Headless, Double Row Jin-
        gles. Includes Bag.

        T2GSH   10” German Silver..........................$162.00B
        T2GSPHH  10” GermanSilver/Phosphor
                    Bronze Combo .............................162.00B
        T2PHBRH    10” Phosphor Bronze .......................162.00B
                                             GROVER PRO TRIANGLE ACCESSORIES
                                             TRIANGLE BAGS
                                             CTS       Small, up to 6” ...................................... $24.00*
                                             CTL       Large, up to 9” ........................................ 24.00*  GROVER PRO PERCUSSION ROCK
              SXBS                                                                 MAPLE WOODBLOCKS
                                             TRIANGLE BEATERS
        OUR SX  TAMBOURINES are fabricated from wood fiber,   Sets                 WB7    7”  (small)  ........................................$56.00B
        Acousticon  shell w/ pre-tensioned heads made from du-  TBD   Deluxe Alloy 303 10 pc. Beater Set ...... 112.00*   WB8   8”  (medium) .......................................58.00B
        rable Fiberskyn  material. Comes with bag and Roll Ring.  TBS   Standard Alloy 303 6 pc. Beater Set  ...... 72.00*   WB9   9”  (large) ............................................60.00B
        SXBR    10” Double-Row, Brass Jingles......$101.00B   TBTD   Deluxe Stainless Steel Tubular   WB10   10”  (extra large) .................................63.00B
        SXGS    10” Double-Row, Silver Jingles ........101.00B            6 pc. Beater Set ................................ 112.00*
                                                    Standard Stainless Steel Tubular
        SXSB    10” Double-Row, Brass & Silver            4 pc. Beater Set .................................. 72.00*
                    Jingles..........................................101.00B  TBSD   Super Deluxe Beater Set ...................... 139.00*
        SXPlus Model also features a wood grain finish and 16
        hand-hammered jingles.               Set of 12 beaters contains 3 different models of beater, including
        SXPBR   10" Double-Row, Brass Jingles .....$142.00B  Alloy 303 Straight Rod Beaters, Stainless Steel Tubular Beaters
                                             and the Brass Tubular Beaters.
          TAMBOURINE ACCESSORIES             SVTBSET  Sound Values  3 pc. Beater Set ...........33.00B
        TW    Tambourine Beeswax  ...........................$15.00B   Singles
        CTB   Black Cordura Bag for 10” ........................ 34.00*  TBB1    ¼" Brass Tubular Triangle Beater  PMAA
        CTB8   Black Cordura Bag for 8".......................... 34.00*          - Small ................................................. 26.00*
        CTB12  Black Cordura Bag for 12” ........................ 34.00*  TBB2   5 /16" Brass Tubular Triangle Beater
        TMC   Tambourine Mount Clamp  ......................72.00B          - Medium .............................................27.00B   PMAH1
        Head Kit: Premium Skin Head, Special Mounting Band &   TBB3   ⅜" Brass Tubular Triangle Beater
        Instructions                                   - Large ................................................. 28.00*  GROVER PRO ANVILS
        HK8   8”  ........................................................... $48.00*   TBBS   Set of All Three ....................................... 59.00*  PMAA   Professional Music Anvil
        HK10   10”  ..........................................................53.00B   TBCSE    Tri Beater Case....................................... 24.00*         "Model A", Pitches 1 & 3.............$316.00B
        Our new Roll Ring  Designed to aid concert percussion-  CLIPS/MOUNTS       PMAB   Professional Music Anvil
        ists with the execution of thumb/finger tambourine rolls.   PTC    Pro Triangle Clip ..................................... 38.00*            "Model B", Pitches 2 & 4 ..............316.00B
        RR8   8” Roll Ring  ..........................................$20.00B   DTM    Dual Triangle Mount ..............................69.00B   PMAH1   Dual-Tone Anvil Hammer ...................37.00B
        RR10   10” Roll Ring  ..........................................20.00B   SVTC    Black High-Impact Plastic Triangle Clip .19.00B   A Hard (brass) side and a Softer (nylon) side
                                                        * = CALL FOR PRICING
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