Page 301 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 301


                PROCO                        HOSA                     ON-STAGE                    LR BAGGS

                                                                                             PARA ACOUSTIC DI

                                    Connect your guitar, bass  or keyboard
                                    directly  to  a  mixing  console.  Features  an
                                    isolation transformer that transforms an               Class A FET input stage, a phantom pow-
         Connects instrument to mixing console for   instrument-level signal to a line-level signal.   erable XLR, a 5-band EQ with two tunable
        PA or recording.            DIB443  Passive  ............................$46.65    bands and phase reversal.
        PDB1 ..............................................$280.20                         PARADI .......................................$325.00B
        CB1 ..................................................163.00
                                              ART                                          Full isolation DI/floor box
                                                                                           VDI ...............................................$422.50B
                  ART                                          ON-STAGE DIRECT BOXES
                                                               DB200  Mini DI Box - Active .........$101.99
                                                               DB500  Passive ................................65.99   MXR A/B BOX

                                    PASSIVE DIRECT BOX
                          XDIRECT   Allows connection of a music source to an
                                    instrument  amplifier  while  simultaneously
        DIRECT BOXES                patching it to a mixer. It automatically bal-
        High quality interface that lets you to con-  ances & matches the line level output.
        nect instrument, line, or speaker level sig-  PDB ...............................................$55.99B
        nals to a mixer or any balanced input. Ex-  DUAL PASSIVE DIRECT BOX   ON-STAGE ABY SWITCHER
        tremely wide, flat frequency response and   Features  2  high-quality  direct  boxes  in  1   A  choice  of  two-input/one-input  or  one-  MXR A/B Box allows you to route your in-
        can  handle  high  input  signal  levels  while   portable enclosure. It is a rock solid, road-  input/two-input configurations. True-bypass   strument’s signal to two separated outputs,
        still maintaining an isolated, balanced low   worthy DI for connection of the outputs of   circuitry,  heavy-duty  aluminum  housing.   with  a  Thru  jack  for  use  with  a  tuner,  an
        impedance output.           electronic  musical  instruments to the bal-  3-color changing LED indicate A/B & A+B   amplifier, or any device meant to receivea
        XDIRECT  Active ..........................$75.99B   anced inputs of mixer consoles.   selections.   constant signal.
        ZDIRECT  Passive .........................45.99B  DPDB ............................................$75.99B  GSP1000  .........................................$59.99   MXRM196 ..............$114.27B  MAP $59.99

                                      MORLEY A/B BOXES - GOLD SERIES

                                    ABC PRO SELECTOR           ABY SELECTOR/COMBINER
                                    Route one input to three outputs. Choose   Route 1 input into 2 outputs or 2 inputs to
        ABC SELECTOR/COMBINER       A, B or C or in any combo. New features   1 output. Choose A, B or A & B combined.  ABY MIXER/COMBINER
        Route one input to three outputs or three in-  include a higher enclosure for easy access,   ABYG .............................................$209.30  Route  any  2  inputs  to  any  2  outputs  and
        puts to one output. Then select or combine   a custom built Morley transformer, silent   ABYPRO ..........................................387.85  match their respective  levels precisely.
        as needed. True Bypass.     switching, reverse polarity switch, etc.   (ABY PRO also has the same new features   'True-Tone' Bypass.
        ABCG .............................................$248.35  ABCPRO ........................................$544.05  as the ABC PRO)  ABYMIXG .......................................$231.60
                                           MORLEY AUDIO SOLUTIONS

        HUM ELIMINATOR                                                            LINE LEVEL SHIFTER   ®
        2 channel hum eliminator with ¼” Smart Jacks and XLR   HUM EXTERMINATOR   Converts  signal  voltage  back  &  forth  between  -10dBu  &
        jacks. Converts back and forth between balanced & unbal-  Exterminates ground loop hum at the source! Filters ground   +4dBV  and  balanced  &  unbalanced  connector  types.  ¼”
        anced cable types.                   line of hum while simultaneously maintaining proper ground.   Smart Jacks and XLR jacks. Eliminates ground loop too.
        MHE    (2 Channel) ............................................$178.60  MHUMX ...................................................................$142.30  LLS2   (2 Channel)................................................$200.90
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