Page 325 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 325


        HOT TUBES                            HOT WAX                               HUM DEBUGGER
        The exact same design as our 1970s CMOS Hot Tubes,   Hot Wax fuses Hot Tubes & Crayon pedals into one pow-
        but miniaturized! Volume and Overdrive let you go from a   erful dual-overdrive. Use each individually or stack them   Absolutely eliminates hum from any audio source. Every
                                                                                   musician battles hum in their signal chain. Hum Debugger
        gentle rasp that caresses your notes to a full-blown gain   w/ the Crayon driving the Hot Tubes. Master EQ & Blend   turns it into dead silence, courtesy of a little EHX magic.
        monster with a powerhouse punch.     controls provide the tonal flexibility power players demand.  EHHD   Hum Eliminator ......................................$214.80B
        EHHT   (Nano) Overdrive ...................................$106.10B  EHHW   Dual Overdrive ......................................$168.60B

        INTELLIGENT HARMONY MACHINE          KEY9  Electric Piano Machine          LESTER G
        Instantly creates matching harmonies to what you play -   Completing the powerful trilogy forged by the B9 and C9   The ultimate rotary speaker emulator packed with good-
        ranging from simple to sophisticated. It's like having one   Organ  Machines,  the  KEY9  emulates  the  world’s  most   ies like a specially designed compression circuit to super-
        – or even two – guitarists jamming with you at the same   coveted electric pianos and more.  charge the rotating speaker effect on guitar.
        time and always in perfect sync.     EHKEY9 .............................................................$345.10B  EHLG   Deluxe Rotary Speaker Emulator ..........$361.90B
        EHIHM ................................................................$321.20B

                                             LITTLE BIG MUFF Pi                    LPB-1 Linear Power Booster
        LESTER K                             Same silky smooth violin-like sustain and creamy tone that   An exact recreation of the original LBP-1 preamp circuit
        Stereo outputs provide a lush, realistic sound with either   made the legendary 1970 Big Muff Pi famous. This little   that ushered in the age of overdrive in 1968. Put the LPB1
        stereo or mono inputs. Tube-style overdrive is variable and   brother displays its heritage proudly, w/ the same circuitry   in line with any effect to provide boost & definition. Improve
        the speaker balance can be fine-tuned.  in a compact die-cast box.         the gain and saturation of your amp
        EHLK   Stereo Rotary Speaker Emulator ...........$289.50B  EHLBM   Fuzz/Distortion/Sustainer .................... $110.10B  EHLPB1   (Nano) .................................................$61.60B

        MAINFRAME                            MEL9
        Buzz, beep and bloop. We’re high on the lo-fi sounds of   Transform  your  axe  and  resurrect  the  sound  of  vintage   MEMORY BOY
        “old-school” games, toys & terminals & the Mainframe Bit   tape-based keyboards. Pays homage to 9 of the coolest   The  Memory  Boy  carries  the  performance  heritage  for
        Crusher takes us back in time to when Pac Man & Donkey   Mellotron sounds: Orchestra, Cello, Strings, Flute, Clari-  warm analog delays and modulations that made its ances-
        Kong rules the arcades & Commodore 64 was high tech.  net, Saxophone, Brass, Low Choir & High Choir.  tors the go-to legends that remain today.
        EHMF   Bit Crusher ............................................$270.30B  EHMEL9   Tape Replay Machine .......................$345.10B  EHMB   Analog Delay w/ Chorus/Vibrato ...........$188.20B

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