Page 326 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 326


        MEMORY TOY                           METAL MUFF with Top Boost             MICRO POG
        Presents  a  pure  analog  delay  for  musicians  who  covet   The ultimate Metal Distortion pedal provides an awesome   The  Micro  POG  delivers  the  same  perfect  tracking  and
        thick sound from a thin wallet.      array of alloys ranging from slithering mercury to lead belly   smooth polyphony as the original POG in a simplified de-
        EHMT   (Nano) Analog Delay w/ Modulation .....$142.30B  blast furnace dross.  sign and will blow you away the first time you use it.
                                             EHMMTB ............................................................$144.80B  EHMPOG   Polyphonic Octave Generator .........$325.70B
                                             EHNMM   NANO METAL MUFF w/ Noise Gate .. 112.30B

        MICRO Q-TRON                         MICRO SYNTH                           MOD-11
        Smooth envelope filter with a funky wah-wah tone. The fil-  Classic vintage sounds of the great early MOOG synthe-  Packed with11 different modulation effects that range from
        ter is controlled by its internal envelope follower, analyzing   sizer to custom creations.  classic  to  exotic:  Tremolo,  Harmonic  Tremolo,  Vibrato,
        the volume of your notes & the dynamics of your playing to   EHMS .................................................................$432.00B  Univibe ,  Chorus,  Rotary,  Flange,  TZF  (Through  Zero
        directly sweep the filter’s center or cutoff frequency.                    Flanger), Phase, Pitch and Filter.
        EHMQ   Envelope Filter ......................................$149.60B      EHMOD11   Modulation Pedal ............................$234.10B

                                             MONO SYNTH
                                             Transforms  your  guitar  into  eleven  great  sounding  syn-
        MOD REX                              thesizers... from vintage synth emulations to fat, stacked   MUFF OVERDRIVE
        A  kinetic  tour-de-force  that  lets  you  weave  compelling,   voices to soaring lead sounds and more.   Reissue of the original 1969 Muff Fuzz in a die-cast alu-
        shifting, musical tapestries. Whether you are a guitarist,   EHGMS   Guitar Synthesizer ..............................$201.50B  minum box. Adds just a touch of funky dirt with an edge.
        synthesist or electronic musician you will find it inspires                Sounds  like  a  vintage  tube  amp  with  a  worn  but  warm
        your creativity and stretches your musical boundaries, with                speaker.
        4 independent modulation sections synced in time.                          EHMO   (Nano) ....................................................$67.60B
        EHMREX    Polyrhythmic Modulator ...................$377.50B

                                             NANO CLONE
                                             The  heritage  of  classic  Small  Clone  chorus  comes  full
                                             circle in an economy version.
                                             EHNC   (Nano)  Analog Chorus ...........................$74.90B
        NANO BIG MUFF Pi                     NEO CLONE                             NANO LOOPER 360
        Took the Big Muff Pi circuit and simply shrunk it without   Uses a high quality bucket brigade chip and the same clas-  360 seconds of loop recording time which can be divided
        changin its rich, creamy, violin-like sustain and sound.  sic Small Clone circuit.  into 11 different loops for mazimum control and flexibility.
        EHNBM   (Nano) Fuzz/Distortion/Sustainer ....... $115.80B  EHNEO   (Nano)  Analog Chorus ....................... $114.60B  EHNL360   (Nano) .............................................$166.50B

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