Page 407 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 407

RESERVE REEDS                      SELECT JAZZ REEDS                       LA VOZ REEDS

        These  reeds  contain  a  shorter  vamp  for  even  tone,
        rounded tip corners for additional warmth, plus a thinner   Cut w/ a thick blank and spine & feature a traditional tip   Crafted from premium cane for consistent response and
        tip thickness for quick response.    shape to give your performance clarity, projection and a   playability. Unfiled for a deep, powerful tone, Specify: Soft,
        BOX of 10                            robust, vibrant sound. Available filed & unfiled, 2 thru 4   Medium Soft, Medium, Medium Hard, Hard.
        10RESCL  B  Clarinet .........................................$46.95B  in soft, medium & hard substrengths. Not available in ½   LCL  B  Clarinet  (Box of 10) ....................$36.35B
        10RESEC  E  Clarinet ...........................................47.45B  strengths.   LSS   Soprano Saxophone  (Box of 10) ......46.45B
        10RESSS  Soprano Sax .......................................51.00B    RFSS   Soprano Sax, filed (10) .....................$51.00B  LAS   Alto Saxophone  (Box of 10) ..............51.50B
        10RESAS  Alto Sax ..............................................56.55B   RUSS   Soprano Sax, unfiled (10) ...................51.00B  5LTS   Tenor Saxophone  (Box of 5) .............35.35B
        BOX of 5                             RFAS    Alto Sax, filed (10) ..............................56.55B  5LBS   Baritone Saxophone  (Box of 5) .........44.45B
        RESBC   Bass Clarinet ....................................$40.40B   RUAS   Alto Sax, unfiled (10) ..........................56.55B  5LBC   Bass Clarinet  (Box of 5) ....................34.60B
        RESTS   Tenor Sax ............................................42.40B  RFTS   Tenor Sax, filed (5) ..............................42.40B
        RESBS   Bari Sax ..............................................68.95B    RUTS   Tenor Sax, unfiled (5) ..........................42.40B
                                             RFBS    Baritone Sax, filed (5) .........................68.95B    MITCHELL LURIE REEDS
                                             RUBS    Baritone Sax, unfiled (5) .....................68.95B

        Each  sampler  pack  contains  an  assortment  of  four
        individually-sealed reeds.                                                 Features a thinner tip and thicker spine providing added
        B  CLARINET                          SELECT JAZZ SAMPLER PACKS             resistance w/ out sacrificing ease of response.
        DRSC30   Reserve 3.0, 3.5 / Classic 3.0, 3.5 ....$19.75B  Each sampler pack contains 2 Select Jazz reed strengths   PREMIUM REEDS   5 per box
        DRSC355  Reserve 3.5+, 4.0 / Classic 3.5+, 4.0 ..19.75B  in both filed & unfiled cuts for a total of 4 reeds per card.  MLPCL  B  Clarinet (filed) ...............................$23.00B
        TENOR SAX
        DRSK25   Reserve 2.5, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0+ ...............$31.75B  SOPRANO SAX   ORIGINAL CUT REEDS         10 per box
                                                                                          B  Clarinet (unfiled) ...........................$36.85B
                                                     Filed 2M, 2H / Unfiled 2M, 2H ...........$18.75B
        DRSK30   Reserve 3.0, 3.0+, 3.0+, 3.5 ...............31.75B  DSJI2M
                                             DSJI3S   Filed 3S, 3M / Unfiled 3S, 3M .............18.75B
                                             ALTO SAX
            RESERVE CLASSIC REEDS            DSJJ2M   Filed 2M, 2H / Unfiled 2M, 2H ...........$23.50B   PLASTICOVER by D'ADDARIO
                                             TENOR SAX
                                             DSJK2M  Filed 2M, 2H / Unfiled 2M, 2H ..........$31.75 B
                                             DSJK3S   Filed 3S, 3M / Unfiled 3S, 3M .............31.75B
                                             BARITONE SAX
                                             DSJL2M   Filed 2M, 2H / Unfiled 2M, 2H ...........$56.00B
                                             DSJL3S   Filed 3S, 3M / Unfiled 3S, 3M .............56.00B
                                               FREDERICK L. HEMKE REEDS
        A longer vamp for flexibilty, square tip corners for ease of               (Specify Strength)         5 per box
        response, plus a thicker tip for added support.                            PLCL  B  Clarinet ............................................$35.00B
        CLACL  B  Clarinet (10 per box) ....................$57.55B                PLSS   Soprano Saxophone ..............................38.00B
                                                                                   PLAS   Alto Saxophone .....................................42.25B
           RESERVE EVOLUTION REEDS                                                 PLTS   Tenor Saxophone ..................................53.75B
                                                                                         Baritone Saxophone ..............................75.50B
                                                                                            TASTEE REED

                                             A  filed,  thinner  tip  &  shorter  vamp,  provides  a  darker,
                                             warm, sophisticated tone favored by many classical and
                                             jazz musicians alike.       5 per box
                                             FHSS    Soprano Saxophone .........................$24.00B
                                             FHAS    Alto Saxophone ..................................26.75B
                                             FHTS    Tenor Saxophone ................................36.10B
        Features the thickest blank of the Reserve line, offering   FHBS   Baritone Saxophone ...........................46.45B
        roundness of sound, a heavy spine for increased projection
        and a thicker tip for enhanced articulation.                               Liquid flavoring for reeds. Simply dip reed in jar.
        REVCL  B  Clarinet (10 per box) ....................$57.55B   PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  TTRS   Spearmint ..............................................$9.95
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