Page 411 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 411


        An economy-priced reed trimmer with many of the features   S781     Bassoon hand rest    Precision-honed  steel  edge  and  balanced  handle  allow
        required by both amateur and professional musicians.       (crutch) assembly  ........................ $78.00B   controlled adjustment of reed surface.
        SA227  B  Clarinet .......................................$104.00B   S782   Bassoon hand rest only  ..................... 20.00B  S515   Reed knife .........................................$95.00B
        SA427A   Alto Saxophone ................................108.00B
        SA427T   Tenor Saxophone ..............................109.00B
        SA427B   Baritone Saxophone ......................... 114.00B

                                                                                   SELMER (USA) and SOLOIST REEDS
                                                                                   Selmer (USA) and Soloist reeds are made from the finest
                                                                                   available imported cane.
                                                                                   OBOE REED
                                                                                   S510MS   Medium Soft ......................................$32.00B
                                                                                   S510M  Medium ...............................................32.00B
                                                                                   S510MH   Medium Hard ......................................32.00B
                                             DOUBLE REED CASES
                                             Plush  lined,  molded  plastic  case.  Oboe  case  holds  six   ENGLISH HORN REEDS
        SELMER REED CASE                     reeds, bassoon case holds four.       S603DR   Selmer Medium .................................$37.00B
        10 Alto Sax or 12 Clarinet Reeds     S513DR   Oboe reed case ................................ $55.00B   BASSOON REEDS
        S7806   Plastic Tan ........................................$27.00B   S713   Bassoon reed case ............................. 78.00B  S707MH   Selmer (USA) – Medium Hard ..........$20.00B

                         REED TRIMMERS                                        REED RESURFACERS

        The  reed  trimmer  is  adjustable  to  adapt
        to all  brands of reeds on the market.
        Innovative  design  and  extremely  close
        manufacturing tolerances make it possible
        to trim as little as 2 or 3 thousandths of an
        inch off even a wet reed.                               VANDOREN                   LeBLANC
        CORDIER                                                 Glass Reed Resurfacer & Reed Stick  Reed Rush
        7276  Clarinet ........................... $177.38B     Made of a washable tempered glass w/ an   A natural, abrasive  grass is a great
        7277  Soprano Sax .................... 177.38B          etched surface. The reed stick is also made   alternative  to sandpaper or a knife  for
        7278  Alto Sax............................ 184.88B  RIGOTTI   of etched glass and enables the player to   restoring or adjusting reeds. Ideal for
        7279  Tenor Sax ......................... 184.88B   TA111  Clarinet .............................$88.00  precisely customize their reeds.  cleaning and maintaining reeds.
        7280  Bari Sax ........................... 192.38B  TA112  Alto Sax ..............................97.80  RR200   ........................................$126.99  2431   8 pc............................. $8.00B pk.
                                               PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
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