Page 429 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 429



        Top layer is a brass repair kit containing   Over 250 pieces of the most often used
        stuck  slide  tools,  water  key  corks   pads  for  flute,  clarinet  and  saxophone;   Designed to fit inside most clarinet cases.   Gripping  cloth, slide  hammer, slide
        replacements, & other valuable products.   and brass instrument water keys.   It contains assorted pads, a register key   paddle, and all the equipment, and tools
        Lower section is complete w/ clarinet, sax,   VSRK ...........................................$357.50   cork pad, a thumb rest cushion, tenon joint   you’ll need to free stuck tuning slides.
        &  flute  pads,  cork  grease,  key  &  tenon   MFSK   Flute Fix Kit .....................208.40  corks, and tools.   VSSRK ........................................$251.55
        corks, & all tools necessary to keep your               ECKC ............................................$76.50  700051    Mpc Dent Tool  .............58.50
        woodwind students playing every day.
        VDRK ..........................................$810.50  TRAVEL REPAIR KIT   ACCESSORIES
               SAMPLER KIT                                      700321   Clarinet Joint Cork Complete Set (Synthetic - 5 pk)  ..................................$32.15
                                                                CJCB    Clarinet Joint Cork Bundy (Synthetic - 4 pk)  ...............................................26.30
                                                                CJCC    Clarinet Joint Cork Center Joints (Synthetic - 4 pk)  ....................................26.30
                                                                CJCM   Clarinet Mouthpiece Cork Replacements (Synthetic - 4 pk) ........................26.30
                                                                CJCV    Clarinet Joint Cork 7/16” (Synthetic - 4 pk)  .................................................26.30
                                                                700342   Sax Neck Cork for Alto, Tenor and Baritone (Synthetic - 4 pk) ....................32.15
                                                                700654   8.5mm  w/ Keycorks   700662   10.5mm  w/ Keycorks
                                                                700656   9.0mm  w/ Keycorks   700664   11.0mm  w/ Keycorks
                                                                700658   9.5mm  w/ Keycorks   700666   11.5mm  w/ Keycorks
                                                                700660   10.0mm  w/ Keycorks   700668   12.0mm  w/ Keycorks
                                    Over  400  pieces:  pads  for  flute,  clarinet   $12.95/dz.     $12.95/dz.
        Assorted  pads  and  key  corks  for  flute,   and  saxophone,  brass  instrument  water
        clarinet  and  saxophone;  and  water   key cork replacements, saxo-phone neck   CTRC    Thumb Cushion .......$10.70/dz.   VJMP    Mpc Puller ...................$140.10
        key cork replacement pads for brass   cork replacements, and clarinet joint cork   700060   Spring Tool  .....................19.50   700551   Valve Instr Washer  ....25.20/24
        instruments.                replacements.               700151   Adhesive Clarinet Pad Set  57.00   113026   Pad Juice, 4 oz................28.00
                                                                                                  Flute Head Cork  ..........2.95ea.
        VPSK ...........................................$246.50  TTRK ...........................................$550.50  VLVSBA  Sax Key Bumper  .......26.80/48   2738    Flute Head Cork  ..........2.30ea.
                                                                700362   1/32 Ky/Ck Switch  ............6.00
                 WATERKEY SPRINGS                        SHEET CORK                       SCREWDRIVERS

                                             NATURAL SHEET CORK (4x12)
               180509             180503     400411  1/64” .......................................................$52.15
        Waterkey spring for trombone (King). Measures .66” be-  400412  1/32” .........................................................59.95
        tween the outer edges and 1.48” in length.   400413  3/64” .........................................................76.30
        180501.................................................................$1.15 ea.   400414  1/16” .........................................................71.30   THE HERCO REPAIR KIT
        Waterkey  spring  (Getzen).  Measures  .65”  between  the   400415  3/32” .........................................................63.15   15-piece set of tools, 4 Phillips and 5 metric screwdrivers,
        outer edges and 2.13” in length.     SYNTHETIC SHEET CORK (4x6)            1 small hammer & a wire prong holder, magnifying glass, a
        180503...................................................................1.20 ea.   700301   1/64”, No Adhesive .................................$13.30   pair of tweezers, & 1 razor cutting tool w/ 12 refills. Screw-
        Waterkey spring for valve instruments (King and similar).   700302   1/32”, No Adhesive ...................................16.00   driver sizes vary from 1.4mm to 3.0mm. Magnetic handle.
        Measures .46” between the outer edges and 1” in length.   700303  3/64”, No Adhesive ...................................18.65  HE828 ......................................................................$46.46
        180509...................................................................1.05 ea.   700304  1/16”, No Adhesive  ..................................21.30   HE826   6 pc. Precision Screwdriver Set ................13.47
        Waterkey spring for valve instruments (Olds).   700305  1/64”, w/ Adhesive ....................................16.00
        Measures .42” between the outer edges and .73” in length.   700306  1/32”, w/ Adhesive ....................................18.65   MOODY
        180510...................................................................1.55 ea.  700307  3/64”, w/ Adhesive  ...................................21.30   580101  Screwdriver & Awl set  ............................$18.75

                        HERMES PAD SETS                              LEAK LIGHT              TUNING HAMMERS

        Clarinet Double Bladder     Full Back                                               PIANO TUNING HAMMERS
        PMI3252  Woven Felt..................... $69.05   PMI215A Alto Sax, Plain ............... 221.80   KM166   K&M, Star Head  ...........$38.99
        PMI3255  Pressed Felt .................... 69.05  PMI215T  Tenor Sax, Plain ............ 236.75  KM1661   K&M, Square Head  ........46.99
        Flute                       PMI290A Alto Sax, Rivet............... 245.20           8024    Trophy, Star Head  ..........31.95
        PMI4256 Flute, Open Hole ........... $91.45  PMI290T  Tenor Sax, Rivet ............ 270.05   8025    Trophy, Square Head  .....31.95
        PMI4252 Dbl. Bladder, Transparent . 91.45   PMI275A Alto Sax, Plastic ............ 242.36   Valentino Fix Kit Rope Leak Light  AUTOHARP TUNING HAMMER
        PMI4302 Dbl. Bladder, Yellow ........117.05   PMI275T  Tenor Sax, Plastic ......... 243.60  236077    Rope Style ............... $35.30B  8020    Trophy .............................$8.95

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