Page 434 - Harris-Teller 2023 Merchandise Catalog
P. 434

SELMER                                                 HETMAN

                    CARE KITS                           ACCESSORIES

        Bore cleaner coil,  mouthpiece  brush, cleaning  rod,   S1878 ...................................................................$12.00B   A14MW10  Light Piston Valve #1 ........................$8.00B
        cleaning  cloth,  valve  oil,  tuning  slide/cork  grease  and             A14MW20  Piston Valve #2 ...................................8.00B
        polishing cloth.                     POLISHING GLOVES                      A14MW30  Classic Piston Valve #3 ......................8.00B
        S366T ...................................................................$28.00B   S1888   Bach – for Silver ...............................$18.00B
                                             S2950   Selmer – for Plated Silver ...................18.00B
        SINGLE/DOUBLE HORN CARE KIT                                                TUNING SLIDE OIL – w/ NOZZLE TIP
        Bore coil, mouthpiece brush, cleaning cloth, rotary valve   SELMER METAL POLISH  A14MW40  Slide Oil #5 (Medium) .......................$7.00B
        oil, tuning slide/cork grease and polishing cloth.   S2979 .....................................................................$6.00B   A14MW41  Light Slide Oil #4 ................................7.00B
        S366H ...................................................................$35.00B   SELMER CREAM LACQUER POLISH  A14MW42  Heavy Slide Oil #6 ..............................7.00B
        TROMBONE CARE KIT                    S2977 .....................................................................$6.00B   TUNING SLIDE GREASE
        Slide cleaner coil, mouthpiece brush, liquid slide cream,   SELMER POLISHING CLOTHS  A14MW49  Light Slide Gel #6.5 w/ dropper tip ...$7.00B
        tuning slide/cork grease and polishing cloth.   S2952   For Lacquer Finishes ..........................$7.00B   A14MW50  Tuning Slide Gel #7 w/ dropper tip .....7.00B
        S366B ...................................................................$28.00B   S2955   For Plated Finishes ...............................7.00B  A14MW55  Slide Gel Plus #7.5 (7P) in 10cc jar ....8.00B
        SAXOPHONE CARE KIT                                                         A14MW56  Slide Gel Plus #7.5 in a Syringe .........8.00B
        Swab,  mouthpiece  brush,  neck  cleaner,  cleaning  brush/                A14MW60  Premium Slide Grease #8 in 10cc jar .7.00B
        duster, cork grease, key oil and polishing cloth.
        S366S ...................................................................$28.00B   MULTI-PURPOSE GREASE
                                                                                   A14MW65  #10 10cc in a tub ..............................$8.00B
        WOOD CLARINET CARE KIT                                                     A14MW66  #10 in a Syringe ..................................8.00B
        Mouthpiece brush, cleaning brush/duster, Dri-Bore swab,
        bore oil, cork greease, key oil and polishing cloth.
        S366W ..................................................................$28.00B
                                             CLARINET SWABS
        FLUTE/PICCOLO CARE KIT               S2944   (Dri-Bore) ............................................$5.00B
        Cleaning  brush/duster,  two  cleaning  cloths,  key  oil  and   SZ2944   (Dri-Bore) (12-Pack) ...........................58.00B
        polishing cloth.                     S2947   Alto, Bass, or Contrabass .....................6.00B
        S366F ...................................................................$28.00B  S375   Selmer Cloth Swab .............................10.00B
        Swab,  mouthpiece  brush,  cleaning  brush/duster,  cork   S465   Le Pactole Swab .................................$8.00B
        grease, key oil and polishing cloth.   S465S   With a Sponge Center ..........................8.00B
        S366C ...................................................................$28.00B
        TUBA/SOUSA CARE KIT                             LUBRICANTS
        Mouthpiece brush, mouthpiece pouch, cleaning cloth,
        valve oil and tuning slide/cork grease.
        S366L ...................................................................$28.00B   S1887SG  S2942BSG
                                                                                   ROTARY VALVE – w/ PRECISION NEEDLE TIP
                  SLIDE O MIX                                                      A14MW70  Rotor #12 ..........................................$7.00B
                                                                                   A14MW30LR Light Rotor w/ 30mm Dropper Tip #11 .7.00B
                                                                                   A14MW80  Light Bearing #13 ...............................7.00B
                                                                                   A14MW85  Medium Bearing #13.5 ...........................7.00B
                                                                                   A14MW90  Bearing & Linkage #14 .......................7.00B
                                              CG338                                A14MW100  Ball Joint #15 ......................................7.00B
                                                                                   A14MW110  Light Key #16 Precision Needle tip ....$7.00B
                                                                                   A14MW120  Medium Key #17 Precision Needle tip .7.00B
                                             BACH                                  A14MW125  Heavy Key #18 Precision Needle tip ....7.00B
                                             S1885SG   Valve Oil .........................................$7.00B  A14MW130  Cork Lubricant #19 w/ Dropper Tip .....7.00B
                                             S1887SG   Tuning Slide Grease ........................7.00B
                                             S1880SG   Trombone Slide Cream ....................7.00B   HYDRO-SLIDE FOR TROMBONES
                                             S1881SG   Slide Cream Additive........................7.00B   A14MW180  Concentrate #20 ...............................$7.00B
                CG337         CG337RC  CG337C  S1886SG   Rotar Oil ......................................... 11.00B   A14MW181  Applicator Bottle .................................4.20B
        Advanced lubrication system for trombone slides.   S1883    Trombone Slide Kit contains:
        CG337   Slide-O-Mix .......................................$27.00B       1 ea., S1880, S1881 & S1882 ...21.00B
        CG337SBR Regular, 10 ml .....................................13.00B   S2942BSG   Tuning Slide Grease ........................7.00B
        CG337LBR Regular, 50 ml .....................................13.00B                      OILS
        CG337L   Slide-O-Mix Light ................................27.00B   C.G. CONN
        CG337SBL Light, 10 ml .........................................13.00B   CG338   Trombotine ........................................ $11.00B   SCVO   Schilke Valve Oil 1oz. ........................... $11.00B
        CG337LBL Light, 50 ml .........................................13.00B   VO4101   Valve Oil ................................................8.00B   VOS   Players Valve Oil..........................................5.35
        CG337RC  Rapid Comfort, 30 ml ..........................15.00B  SO4102   Slide Oil ................................................8.00B   HCS   Hollywood Winds Cork Saver Gel ...............6.00
        CG337B   T-bone Cleaning System - Sm/Med Bores ..66.00B  RO4103   Rotor Oil ................................................8.00B   S3280   Ke-Bor Clarinet Oiling Kit ........................27.00B
        CG337C   T-bone Cleaning System - Large Bores......66.00B  BO4105   Bore Oil .................................................7.00B  DW4930  Wick Valve Oil ............................................16.99

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