Page 325 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 325
Works like a standard DAW plugin and can also be used Taps into the sonic power of the legendary Big Muff Pi, EHX has grafted technology found in keyboard and modu-
as a stand-alone pedal. Brings analog warmth and magic but creates new tonal possibilities at the flick of a switch. lar synthesizers into a pedal designed for guitar and bass
to the digital domain. Great on guitar, but also exceptional Opens up 3 high frequency filters providing a sustain that players. Modulates an instrument's sound like an envelope
on keys, drums, vocals & more. is raspy and defined. filter, but instead of the filter's response being controlled by
EHBMPHP ..........................................................$437.40B EHBMPWTW Fuzz/Distortion/Sustainer ..........$144.80B playing dynamics, it's controlled by an internal oscillator.
EHB Modulated Filter .......................................$207.60B
B9 Organ Machine
With 9 presets that were finely tuned to emulate the most CANYON CLOCKWORKS
legendary organs from the ‘60s & beyond, the B9 Organ Features a collection of awe-inspiring effects, from pristine Works as a master clock for sequencers and drum ma-
Machine will transform your guitar or keyboard. Control the digital delay to warm and warbly tape echo, reverse and chines, generating pulses to trigger the devices. Connect
instrument’s signature percussive click and sweet modula- modulated delays, cascading octave delay and shimmer; up to four devices to the four separate clock channels
tion. Blend your dry signal to create lush layers. looper mode w/ max loop length of 62 seconds. driven from the same master clock.
EHB9 ..................................................................$345.10B EHCANYON Delay & Looper ...........................$234.10B EHCW Rhythm Generator/Synthesizer ............$334.20B
C9 Organ Machine Compact, easy-to-use pedal that delivers static remote
With 9 presets, The C9 will transform your instrument into control for devices with expression control jacks. It lets COCK FIGHT
a convincing full body, electric organ or vintage electronic you set two preset values that represent two positions of Get that cool cocked wah sound w/ out the wah pedal. Add
keyboard. For each preset chosen, it also provides precise a traditional expression pedal and toggle between them the built-in distortion for more grind and growl, or switch to
control over important elements of that sound's sonic fin- with its footswitch. the Talking Wah mode for a stuck voice-box sound.
gerprint like percussive click, modulation, attack/sustain, EHCK Static Expression Pedal ..........................$60.40B EHCF Cocked Talking Wah ..............................$176.00B
drawbar setting or high frequency content.
EHC9 ..................................................................$345.10B
COCK FIGHT PLUS Full-Range Overdrive with a lush, rich, warm tone; inde-
Award-winning tone of the original Cock Fight in a rugged, pendent Bass and Treble controls. Delivers a range of DELUXE BIG MUFF Pi
lightweight pedal & w/ the traditional rack and pinion style sounds going from a suggestion of dirt to full-on distortion Delivers all the classic sounds of the original Big Muff Pi,
operating mechanism. 2 expressive filters: a traditional and is equally impressive all by itself or when driving an- plus some added extras for those who crave more sound
wah pedal filter & a formant filter used for vowel sounds. other overdrive pedal. shaping control.
EHCF+ Talking Wah & Fuzz .............................$200.30B EHCRAYON Full-Range Overdrive ..................$102.50B EHDBM Fuzz/Distortion/Sustainer ...................$200.30B
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