Page 328 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 328


        MAINFRAME                            J MASCIS RAM'S HEAD BIG MUFF Pi       MEL9
        Buzz, beep and bloop. We’re high on the lo-fi sounds of   Pays homage to the sonic center of the alt-rock legend's   Transform  your  axe  and  resurrect  the  sound  of  vintage
        “old-school” games, toys & terminals & the Mainframe Bit   iconic tone of equal parts thickness and clarity in a nano-  tape-based keyboards. Pays homage to 9 of the coolest
        Crusher takes us back in time to when Pac Man & Donkey   sized chassis with a special edition white & violet finish.  Mellotron sounds: Orchestra, Cello, Strings, Flute, Clari-
        Kong rules the arcades & Commodore 64 was high tech.  EHJMRHBMP   Fuzz/Distortion/Sustainer .........$174.90B  net, Saxophone, Brass, Low Choir & High Choir.
        EHMF   Bit Crusher ............................................$270.30B    EHMEL9   Tape Replay Machine .......................$345.10B

        MEMORY BOY                           MEMORY TOY                            METAL MUFF with Top Boost
        The  Memory  Boy  carries  the  performance  heritage  for   Presents  a  pure  analog  delay  for  musicians  who  covet   The ultimate Metal Distortion pedal provides an awesome
        warm analog delays and modulations that made its ances-  thick sound from a thin wallet.  array of alloys ranging from slithering mercury to lead belly
        tors the go-to legends that remain today.  EHMT   (Nano) Analog Delay w/ Modulation .....$142.30B  blast furnace dross.
        EHMB   Analog Delay w/ Chorus/Vibrato ...........$188.20B                  EHMMTB ............................................................$144.80B

                                             MICRO Q-TRON
        MICRO POG                            Smooth envelope filter with a funky wah-wah tone. The fil-
        The  Micro  POG  delivers  the  same  perfect  tracking  and   ter is controlled by its internal envelope follower, analyzing   MICRO SYNTH
        smooth polyphony as the original POG in a simplified de-  the volume of your notes & the dynamics of your playing to   Classic vintage sounds of the great early MOOG synthe-
        sign and will blow you away the first time you use it.  directly sweep the filter’s center or cutoff frequency.  sizer to custom creations.
        EHMPOG   Polyphonic Octave Generator .........$325.70B  EHMQ   Envelope Filter ......................................$149.60B  EHMS .................................................................$432.00B

                                             MOD REX
        MOD-11                               A  kinetic  tour-de-force  that  lets  you  weave  compelling,
        Packed with11 different modulation effects that range from   shifting, musical tapestries. Whether you are a guitarist,   MONO SYNTH
        classic  to  exotic:  Tremolo,  Harmonic  Tremolo,  Vibrato,   synthesist or electronic musician you will find it inspires   Transforms  your  guitar  into  eleven  great  sounding  syn-
        Univibe ,  Chorus,  Rotary,  Flange,  TZF  (Through  Zero   your creativity and stretches your musical boundaries, with   thesizers... from vintage synth emulations to fat, stacked
        Flanger), Phase, Pitch and Filter.   4 independent modulation sections synced in time.  voices to soaring lead sounds and more.
        EHMOD11   Modulation Pedal ............................$234.10B  EHMREX    Polyrhythmic Modulator ...................$377.50B  EHGMS   Guitar Synthesizer ..............................$201.50B
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