Page 388 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 388
Helicore’s multi-stranded, steel Solid steel core string that is durable Synthetic core string provides
core strings have a smaller string and unaffected by temperature and warmth, richness and flexibility for
diameter, providing a quick bow humidity changes. Prelude strings brighter instruments. These settle
response, producing a warm, have a warm sound, are easy to quickly, exhibiting a rich, tonal
clear sound with excellent pitch bow and very stable in pitch. palette and superb bow response.
stability and longevity.
Violin Strings Violin Strings Violin Strings
H311 E Tinned High-carbon Steel ...............$10.10 J811 E* Tinned High Carbon Steel .................$6.60 KA311 E Tinned Carbon Steel .......................$14.15
H311W E Aluminum Wound ..............................18.60 J812 A Aluminum Wound ..............................10.90 KS311W E KS Non-Whistling ..............................18.95
H312 A Aluminum Wound ..............................25.50 J813 D Nickel Wound ....................................11.70 KA312 A Aluminum Wound ..............................35.60
H313 D Titanium Wound ................................30.50 J814 G Nickel Wound ....................................12.20 KA313 D Silver Wound .....................................57.05
H314 G Silver Wound .....................................36.10 J810 Set coiled ..........................................40.80 KA314 G Silver Wound .....................................72.45
H310 Set coiled ........................................100.50 Available in 4/4 3/4 1/2 1/4 1/8, (fits1/10), & 1/16. Fractional KA310 Set ..................................................178.25
sizes available only in medium tension. 4/4 size sets
H310W Set coiled-(aluminum E)..................109.50 available in light, medium, & heavy tensions. Please specify. Silking: Silver with a black spiral. Sets and singles are available
Fractional sizes available in light, medium, and heavy tension and full size (4/4) only.
Viola Strings Viola Strings Viola Strings
H411 A Aluminum Wound ............................$28.60 J911 A ........................................................$15.40 KA411 A Steel/Aluminum/Titanium ................$49.25
H412 D Titanium Wound ................................33.90 J912 D ..........................................................15.65 KA412 D Silver Wound .....................................51.50
H413 G Silver Wound .....................................36.10 J913 G ..........................................................17.00 KA413 G Silver Wound .....................................57.30
H414 C Tungsten/Silver Wound .....................44.00 J914 C ..........................................................18.30 KA414 C Tungsten/Silver wound .....................64.90
H410 Set coiled ........................................138.70 J910XSM Extra Short Set ......................................63.40 KA410 Set ..................................................221.70
Short Set ................................................63.40
Medium Tension. Short Scale 14”-15”, Medium scale 15”-16 J910MM Full Set ...................................................63.40 Silking: Copper, black spiral. Viola sets are available in
medium and heavy tension only.
H411LM A Aluminum Wound ............................$28.60 J910LM Long Set ................................................63.40
H412LM D Titanium Wound ................................33.90 Medium Tension KAPLAN VIVO
H413LM G Silver Wound .....................................36.10 Cello Strings Synthetic core string delivers brilliance, clarity and a robust
H414LM C Tungsten/Silver Wound .....................44.00 J1011 A Nickel ..............................................$30.00 feel for darker instruments. These settle quickly, exhibiting a
H410LM Set coiled ........................................138.70 J1012 D Nickel ................................................32.10 rich, tonal palette and superb bow response.
Medium Tension. Long Scale = 16” and over. J1013 G Nickel ................................................35.00
Cello Strings J1014 C Nickel ................................................38.40 Violin Strings
E Tinned High Carbon Steel ...............$14.15
H511 A Titanium Wound ..............................$48.80 J1010 Cello Set .........................................131.80 KV312 A Synthetic Core/Alum. Wound ............35.60
H512 D Titanium Wound ................................52.00 Bass Strings KV313 D Synthetic Core/Silver Wound ............57.05
H513 G Tungsten/Silver Wound ...................109.50 J611 G Stainless Steel ................................$41.10 KV314 G Synthetic Core/Silver Wound ............72.45
H514 C Tungsten/Silver Wound ...................135.50 J612 D Stainless Steel ..................................44.80 KV310 Set ..................................................178.25
H510 Set coiled ........................................338.30 J613 A Stainless Steel ..................................54.60 Silking: Silver with a black spiral. Sets and singles are available
Fractional sizes available J614 E Stainless Steel ..................................62.60 in light, medium, and heavy tension and full size (4/4) only.
HELICORE OCTAVE VIOLIN STRINGS J610 Bass set, all sizes ...........................201.20 Viola Strings (Synthetic Core)
A Steel/Aluminum/Titanium ................$49.25
Designed to be played one octave below traditional violin KV411 D Silver Wound .....................................51.50
tuning for a new world of tonal and stylistic possibilities. PRO-ARTÉ KV412 G Silver Wound .....................................57.30
Provides a clear, focused tone, incredibly quick bow Nylon core string that is resistant to KV413 C Tungsten/Silver wound .....................64.90
response, and very short setting time. humidity and temperature changes, KV414 Set ..................................................221.70
H351 E Steel/Aluminum Wound ..................$27.80 with a moderate break-in period. Silking: Silver, black spiral. Viola sets are available in medium
H352 A Steel/Silver Wound ...........................33.70 Manufactured at a lower tension in and heavy tension only.
H353 D Steel/Tungsten/Silver Wound............42.70 order to maximize bow response,
H354 G Steel/Tungsten/Silver Wound............52.50 tonal blend and playability. KAPLAN FORZA
H350 Set ..................................................158.00 Solid/Stranded Steel core string
Available in 4/4 size only, Medium Tension Violin Strings provides clarity, warmth and focus
E* Tinned High Carbon Steel .................$9.30
HELICORE ORCHESTRAL BASS STRINGS J5602 A Aluminum Wound ..............................23.30 along with brilliance and projection.
Delivers excellent bow response and
Designed for the artist who plays primarily arco. J5603 D Aluminum Wound ..............................24.70 very quick settling time.
Exceptional bow response. J5604 G Silver Wound .....................................29.50
H611 G Nickel Wound ..................................$73.40 J56 Set coiled (aluminum D)....................84.80 Viola Strings
H612 D Nickel Wound ....................................82.20 Available in all sizes. K411 A Solid Steel/Titanium ........................$49.25
H613 A Nickel Wound ....................................93.60 Fractional sizes available in medium tension only. K412 D Stranded Steel/Aluminum .................51.50
H614 E Nickel Wound ..................................109.50 Viola Strings K413 G Stranded Steel/Silver ........................57.30
H615 C (Extnd. E) Nickel Wound .................123.50 J5801 A Viola ................................................$27.30 K414 C Stranded Steel/Tungsten& Silver ......64.90
H616M Low B ..............................................129.40 J5802 D Viola ..................................................28.40 K410 Set Coiled .......................................221.70
H610 SET .................................................357.60 J5803 G Viola ..................................................32.30 Silking: White, black spiral. Long scale available in
Medium tension. Fractional sizes available. J5804 C Viola ..................................................48.20 medium and heavy tension, K411 is available in light
Extended E & low B sold as single strings only. J58 Viola Set..........................................132.60 tension; medium and short scale in medium tension only.
Designed for the player who performs a mixture of arco J5901 A Aluminum ........................................$42.90 ASCENTÉ (Synthetic Core)
and pizzicato. Excellent pizzicato sustain and attack. J5902 D Silver .................................................54.10 Violin is vailable in full and
Quick, accurate bow response. J5903 G Silver .................................................67.90 fractional sizes: 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4,
3/4 Size J5904 C Silver ...............................................101.80 1/8, 1/16 - medium tension only
HH611 G Nickel Wound .................................$73.40 J59 Cello Set .........................................262.50 (ball end).
HH612 D Nickel Wound ...................................82.20
HH613 A Nickel Wound ...................................93.60 Viola is available in long, medium,
HH614 E Nickel Wound .................................109.50 ZYEX short, extra short and extra-extra
HH610 SET, Coiled ....................................357.60 Zyex is a new generation of short scale - medium tension only.
Medium Tension. 1/2 Size Available. synthetic material. Created Violin Strings
HELICORE PIZZICATO BASS STRINGS for stability in drastic climatic A311 E Tinned Carbon Steel .........................$7.40
A Aluminum Wound ..............................12.20
Optimized to produce a bright tone quality for pizzicato playing. conditions, it settles in faster than A313 D Monel Wound ....................................13.00
Damping is reduced to create maximum sustain and "growl". any other synthetic material. A314 G Monel Wound ....................................14.10
HP610 Set coiled ...........................................$357.60 A310 Set ....................................................44.50
Available in 3/4 size only. Violin Strings Viola Strings
E Tinned high carbon steel .................$10.60
HELICORE SOLO BASS STRINGS DZ312 A Aluminum wound ..............................28.40 A411 A Viola ................................................$12.20
Tension-adjusted specificallly for A-E-B-F scordatura solo DZ314 G Silver wound .....................................43.75 A412 D Viola ..................................................20.40
tuning. Warm tone & exceptional bow response. DZ310A Set coiled-(aluminum D) .................115.90 A413 G Viola ..................................................22.30
HS610 Set coiled ...........................................$357.60 DZ310S Set coiled-(Silver D) ........................116.75 A414 C Viola ..................................................24.90
Available in 3/4 size only, medium tension only. Available in 4/4 size only; medium & heavy tensions. A410 Set ....................................................77.40