Page 389 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 389


                                                      (Fractional Sizes Available)
        DOMINANT (Perlon Core)               SPIROCORE
        Perlon Core offers the sound and feel   (Steel Spiral Rope Core)           BELCANTO
        of gut with the exceptional stability of   Flexible  multi-wire  spiral  rope  core   (Steel Rope Core)
        a  synthetic  core.  The  tone  is  soft,   provides  less  inertia  and  a  longer
        clear, & rich in overtones; live, full &   period of musical vibration. Equally   BASS:  A  new  arco  set;  has  a
        brilliant.  Available in Light (Weich),   effective when playing arco or pizz;   unique  core,  a  warm  tone  with
        Medium and Heavy (Stark) gauges.     highly responsive and very durable.   excellent resonance and settles in
        VIOLIN STRINGS                       VIOLIN STRINGS                        quickly.
        DRT129SN  E  Carbon steel, tin plated .....................$8.05  DRTS15    SET .................................................$141.50
        DRT129MS   Loop end chrome steel .....................13.50  VIOLA STRINGS   DRTBC600  SET ...................................................$642.00
        DRT129   E  Chrome steel.....................................13.50  DRTS19  D  Steel core, chrome wound ................$44.95
        BE130   E  Steel core, aluminum wound.............21.15   DRTS20  G  Steel core, chrome wound ..................54.00
        DRT130   E  Steel core, aluminum wound.............21.15                   SUPERFLEXIBLE
        DRT131   A  Perlon core, aluminum wound ..........31.60   CELLO STRINGS    (Steel Rope Core)
        DRT132   D  Perlon core, aluminum wound ..........43.80   DRTS25  A  Steel core, chrome wound ................$58.75   Dependable, durable all-purpose
        DRT132A  D  Perlon core, silver wound..................48.00   DRTS27  D  Steel core, chrome wound ..................82.40   string  with  stabile  tuning.  Steel
        DRT133   G  Perlon core, aluminum wound ..........48.00   DRTS28  G  Steel core, chrome wound ..................96.85   rope core reduces stiffness and
        DRT135     SET .................................................142.50  DRTS29  C  Steel core, chrome wound ................108.15  improves  elasticity;  excellent
        DRT135MS   SET .................................................142.50     purity of open fifths.
        DRT135BE    SET ball end ...................................136.00   BASS STRINGS
                                             DRTS42    SET .................................................$530.50
        VIOLA STRINGS                        DRTS42W   SET (Heavy Tension) ........................530.50  VIOLIN STRINGS
                                                                                          E  Steel core, aluminum wound...........$22.25
        DRT136   A  Perlon core, aluminum wound ........$36.35                     DRT15     SET .................................................115.00
        DRT137   D  Perlon core, aluminum wound ..........42.00
        DRT137A  D  Perlon core, silver wound..................52.45               VIOLA STRINGS
        DRT138   G  Perlon core, silver wound..................59.25               DRT18   A  Steel core, chrome wound ..............$31.35
        DRT139   C  Perlon core, silver wound................100.70  ALPHAYUE
        DRT141     SET .................................................238.00  (High Tech Synthetic Core)  BASS STRINGS
        CELLO STRINGS                                                              DRT42     SET (36, 37, 38, 39) ......................$419.50
        DRT142   A  Perlon core, chrome wound ............$73.95   VIOLIN
        DRT143   D  Perlon core, chrome wound ............104.55   Sizes 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16
        DRT144   G  Perlon core, chrome wound ............124.40  AL01   E  Steel core, tin-plated ...........................$5.10
        DRT145   C  Perlon core, chrome wound ............137.80  AL02   A  Synthetic core, aluminum wound ........15.75
        DRT147     SET .................................................437.00   AL03   D  Synthetic core, aluminum wound ........15.75
                                                    G  Synthetic core, silver wound ...............18.60
        BASS STRINGS                         AL100      SET: AL01, AL02, AL03, AL04 .............55.50
        DRT190   G  Perlon core, chrome wound ..........$140.70
        DRT191   D  Perlon core, chrome wound ............143.60   VIOLA
        DRT196     SET .................................................633.50   Sizes 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8  SPIRIT!
                                                    A  Carbon Steel core, Chrome wound ...$22.15
        DOMINANT VIOLIN STRINGS              AL22   D  Synthetic core, Chrome wound ...........22.70   DRTSP01  E   Steel wire, tin-plated, remov. ball end ..$8.25
        Packaged In 12 String Tubes          AL23   G  Synthetic core, Monel wound ..............23.20   DRTSP02  A  Synthetic core, aluminum wound .......26.00
        TUBE130  E  Steel core, aluminum wound.........$253.80   AL24   C  Synthetic core, Monel wound ..............32.45   DRTSP03  D  Synthetic core, aluminum wound .......29.40
        TUBE131  A  Perlon core, aluminum wound ........379.20   AL200      SET: AL21, AL22, AL23, AL24 .............99.50  DRTSP04  G  Synthetic core, aluminum wound .......30.50
        TUBE132  D  Perlon core, aluminum wound ........525.60  CELLO              DRTSP100   SET: SP01, SP02, SP03, SP04 .........94.00
        E STRINGS – GOLD-PLATED, LOOP END    Sizes 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8
        DRT48MS  E  Chrome steel, chrome plated ..........$31.45  AL41   A  Steel core, Hydronalium wound ........$38.15  CELLO
                                             AL42   D  Steel core, Multi-Alloy wound ..............38.15   DRTSP41  A  Steel core, chrome wound ..............$67.90
                                             AL43   G  Rope core, Chrome wound .................43.70   DRTSP42  D  Steel core, chrome wound ................67.90
        DOMINANT PRO                         AL44   C  Rope core, Chrome wound .................48.65   DRTSP43  G  Rope core, chrome wound ................75.75
                                                                                   DRTSP44  C   Rope core, chrome wound ................85.95

                                                      SET: AL41, AL42, AL43, AL44 ...........167.00
        Similar  to the original Dominant                                          DRTSP400    SET: SP41, SP42, SP43, SP44 ......298.00
        strings,  but  Dominant  Pro  are
        darker and more focused and
        have a powerful "bell-like" sound
        that fills the room. Ball Ends.
        DRTDP01  E  Tin Plated, Carbon Steel Core ........$14.10
        DRTDP02  A  Aluminum Wound, Synthetic Core ....34.45   VERSUM
        DRTDP03A D  Silver Wound, Synthetic Core ...........54.20  CELLO
        DRTDP04  G  Silver Wound, Synthetic Core ...........54.20  VE41   A  Steel core, multi-alloy wound ............$97.85
        DRTDP100    SET .................................................156.95  VE42   D  Steel core, multi-alloy wound ............106.10
                                             VE43   G   Spiral core, tungsten/chrome wound .246.20  INFELD (Composite Core)
                                             VE44   C   Spiral core, tungsten/chrome wound .254.45  VIOLIN
                                             VE400    SET: VE41, VE42, VE43, VE44 ........679.50  IB100   BLUE SET ...........................................$152.50
        VISION                                                                     IR100   RED SET ..............................................171.00
        (Advanced Synthetic Core)            SOLO CELLO
        Wound on an advanced synthetic       VES41   A  Steel core, multi-alloy wound ..........$110.75   PETER INFELD (Synthetic Core)
        core, these strings settle in        VES42   D  Steel core, multi-alloy wound ............120.00  VIOLA
        quickly,  stay  in  tune  and  are   VES43   G  Spiral core, tungsten/chrome wound .267.80
        highly durable. Vision strings are   VES44   C  Spiral core, tungsten/chrome wound .271.45  PI21   A  Steel core, chrome wound ...............$69.50
        clear, brilliant and focused.        VES4142     A & D Versum solo combo pack ........227.15  PI22A   D   Synthetic core, chrome combo wound 81.80
                                                                                   PI23   G  Synthetic core, silver wound ..............91.35
        VIOLIN STRINGS                       PRECISION (PRAZISION) (Steel Core)    PI24   C  Synthetic core, silver wound ............127.30
        DRTVI100    SET - Vision .................................$110.50  Solid steel core provides a brilliant tone.   PI200     SET: PI21, PI22A, PI23, PI24 ..........356.50
        DRTVIT100   SET - Vision Titanium Solo ..........199.00                    VIOLIN
        DRTVIS100   SET - Vision Solo ..........................173.00   VIOLIN STRINGS   PI100     SET: PI01PT (Chrome Steel/Platinum
                                                     E  Chrome steel...................................$13.60
        VIOLA STRINGS                        DRT51   A  Steel core, chrome wound ................24.90            Plated), PI02, PI03A, PI04 ............$234.85
        DRTVI200    SET - Vision .................................$222.50   DRT53   D  Steel core, chrome wound ................26.45   PI101     SET: PI01SN (Chrome Steel/Tin Plated),
        DRTVIS200   SET - Vision Solo ..........................257.50   DRT58     SET ...................................................95.00        PI02, PI03A, PI04 ...........................193.70
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