Page 425 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 425



        Top layer is a brass repair kit containing   Over 250 pieces of the most often used
        stuck  slide  tools,  water  key  corks   pads  for  flute,  clarinet  and  saxophone;   Designed to fit inside most clarinet cases.   Gripping  cloth, slide hammer, slide
        replacements, & other valuable products.   and brass instrument water keys.   It contains assorted pads, a register key   paddle, and all the equipment, and tools
        Lower section is complete w/ clarinet, sax,   VSRK ...........................................$357.50   cork pad, a thumb rest cushion, tenon joint   you’ll need to free stuck tuning slides.
        &  flute  pads,  cork  grease,  key  &  tenon   MFSK   Flute Fix Kit .....................208.40  corks, and tools.   VSSRK ........................................$269.30
        corks, & all tools necessary to keep your               ECKC ............................................$76.50  700051    Mpc Dent Tool  .............62.50
        woodwind students playing every day.
        VDRK ..........................................$810.50  TRAVEL REPAIR KIT   ACCESSORIES
               SAMPLER KIT                                      700321   Clarinet Joint Cork Complete Set (Synthetic - 5 pk)  ..................................$28.05
                                                                CJCB    Clarinet Joint Cork Bundy (Synthetic - 4 pk)  ...............................................28.40
                                                                CJCC    Clarinet Joint Cork Center Joints (Synthetic - 4 pk)  ....................................28.40
                                                                CJCM   Clarinet Mouthpiece Cork Replacements (Synthetic - 4 pk) ........................28.40
                                                                CJCV    Clarinet Joint Cork 7/16” (Synthetic - 4 pk)  .................................................28.40
                                                                700342   Sax Neck Cork for Alto, Tenor and Baritone (Synthetic - 4 pk) ....................22.80
                                                                700654   8.5mm  w/ Keycorks   700662   10.5mm  w/ Keycorks
                                                                700656   9.0mm  w/ Keycorks   700664   11.0mm  w/ Keycorks
                                                                700658   9.5mm  w/ Keycorks   700666   11.5mm  w/ Keycorks
                                                                700660   10.0mm  w/ Keycorks   700668   12.0mm  w/ Keycorks
                                    Over  400  pieces:  pads  for  flute,  clarinet   $13.80/dz.     $13.80/dz.
        Assorted  pads  and  key  corks  for  flute,   and  saxophone,  brass  instrument  water
        clarinet  and  saxophone;  and  water   key cork replacements, saxo-phone neck   CTRC    Thumb Cushion .......$10.70/dz.
        key cork replacement pads for brass   cork replacements, and clarinet joint cork   700060   Spring Tool  .....................21.00   700551   Valve Instr Washer ...$25.20/24
        instruments.                replacements.               700151   Adhesive Clarinet Pad Set  61.50   113026   Pad Juice, 4 oz................28.00
                                                                                                  Flute Head Cork  ..........2.95ea.
        VPSK ...........................................$246.50  TTRK ...........................................$550.50  VLVSBA  Sax Key Bumper  .......26.80/48   2738    Flute Head Cork  ..........2.35ea.
                                                                700362   1/32 Ky/Ck Switch  ............6.00
                 WATERKEY SPRINGS                        SHEET CORK                       SCREWDRIVERS

                                             NATURAL SHEET CORK (4x12)
               180509             180503     400411  1/64” .......................................................$60.00
        Waterkey spring for trombone (King). Measures .66” be-  400412  1/32” .........................................................59.95
        tween the outer edges and 1.48” in length.   400413  3/64” .........................................................71.30
        180501.................................................................$1.15 ea.   400414  1/16” .........................................................71.30
        Waterkey  spring  (Getzen).  Measures  .65”  between  the   400415  3/32” .........................................................87.35
        outer edges and 2.13” in length.     SYNTHETIC SHEET CORK (4x6)            HERCO PRECISION SCREWDRIVER KIT
        180503...................................................................1.20 ea.   700301   1/64”, No Adhesive .................................$14.40   Kit contains 6 precision screwdrivers: 2 Phillips and 4 met-
        Waterkey spring for valve instruments (King and similar).   700302   1/32”, No Adhesive ...................................17.40   ric screwdrivers ranging in size  from 1.4mm to 3.0mm.
        Measures .46” between the outer edges and 1” in length.   700303  3/64”, No Adhesive ...................................20.05  Magnetic handle.
        180509...................................................................1.50 ea.   700304  1/16”, No Adhesive ...................................23.05  HE826   6 pc. Precision Screwdriver Set ..............$13.47
        Waterkey spring for valve instruments (Olds).   700305  1/64”, w/ Adhesive ....................................17.40
        Measures .42” between the outer edges and .73” in length.   700306  1/32”, w/ Adhesive ....................................20.05   MOODY
        180510...................................................................1.55 ea.  700307  3/64”, w/ Adhesive ....................................23.05   580101  Screwdriver & Awl set  ............................$19.65

                        HERMES PAD SETS                              LEAK LIGHT              TUNING HAMMERS

                                    Full Back
        Clarinet Double Bladder     PMI215A Alto Sax, Plain ............... 221.80          PIANO TUNING HAMMERS
        PMI3252  Woven Felt..................... $69.05   PMI215T  Tenor Sax, Plain ............ 236.75  KM166   K&M, Star Head  ...........$38.99
        PMI3255  Pressed Felt .................... 69.05  PMI290A Alto Sax, Rivet............... 245.20   KM1661   K&M, Square Head  ........46.99
                                    PMI290T  Tenor Sax, Rivet ............ 270.05
        Flute                                                                               8024    Trophy, Star Head  ..........31.95
        PMI4256 Flute, Open Hole ........... $91.45  BG PAD DRYER                           8025    Trophy, Square Head  .....31.95
        PMI4252 Dbl. Bladder, Transparent . 91.45   Absorbs humidity left on pads.   Valentino Fix Kit Rope Leak Light  AUTOHARP TUNING HAMMER
        PMI4302 Dbl. Bladder, Yellow ........117.05   BGA65U  Small (Fl, Clar. Oboe, Bssn) .. 7.00  236077    Rope Style ............... $38.00B  8020    Trophy .............................$8.95

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