Page 429 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 429

PLAYERS CARE KITS                                             VENTURE

         MKHFL                                     MKHSXSS                MKHTR

        FLUTE                                TRUMPET                               TRUMPET
        Contains: Cork Grease; Rod Cleaning Cloths (2); Silver   Contains:  Valve  Oil;  Tuning  Slide  Grease;  Lacquer   Premium valve oil, slide grease, brass mouthpiece brush,
        Polishing  Cloth;  Student  Practice  Record  Sheet;  Use  &   Polishing Cloth; Trumpet Snake; Mouthpiece Brush; Water   valve casing brush, vinyl trumpet cleaner, polishing cloth,
        Care Pamphlet; Case ID Decal; Pencil.   Key  Corks  (2);  Valve  Brush;  Student  Practice  Record   ID tag, instructions.
        MKHFL   Ziplock bag ........................................$22.40   Sheet; Use & Care Pamphlet; Pencil & Case ID Decal.   V350 ........................................................................$21.00
        MKHFLSS  Super Saver ........................................19.60   MKHTR   Ziplock bag ........................................$27.95  TROMBONE
                                             MKHTRSS  Super Saver ........................................24.60
        COMP. CLARINET                                                             Premium slide oil, slide grease, brass mouthpiece brush,
                                                                                   vinyl T-bone cleaner, polishing cloth, ID tag, instructions.
        Contains: Rainbow Clarinet Swab; Cork Grease; Duster   TROMBONE            V355 ........................................................................$21.00
        Brush;  Mouthpiece  Brush;  Polishing  Cloth; Thumb  Rest   Contains:  Slide  Oil;  Lacquer  Polishing  Cloth;  Trombone
        Cushion;  Student  Practice  Record  Sheet;  Use  &  Care   Snake; Mouthpiece Brush; Water Key Corks (2); Tuning   LOW BRASS
        Pamphlet; Case ID Decal; Pencil.     Slide Grease; Valve Brush; Use & Care Pamphlet; Pencil;   Premium valve oil, slide grease, brass mouthpiece brush,
        MKHCC   Ziplock bag ........................................$30.50  Case ID Decal; Student Practice Record Sheet.   vinyl T-bone cleaner, polishing cloth, ID tag, instructions.
        MKHCCSS  Super Saver ........................................22.40  MKHTB   Ziplock bag  ......................................$30.50   V381 ........................................................................$21.00
        WOOD CLARINET                        MKHTBSS  Super Saver .......................................24.60  COMPOSITION CLARINET
        Contains: Rainbow Clarinet Swab; Cork Grease; Duster                       Clarinet  swab,  reed  mouthpiece  brush,  duster  brush,
        Brush;  Mouthpiece  Brush;  Polishing  Cloth; Thumb  Rest   FRENCH HORN    premium cork grease, polishing cloth, reed holder, ID tag,
        Cushion; Bore Oil; Cotton Brush Swab; Case ID Decal;   Contains:  Rotor  Oil;  Lacquer  Polishing  Cloth;  French   instructions.
        Student Practice Record Sheet; Use & Care Pamphlet; Pencil.   Horn  Snake;  Mouthpiece  Brush;  Tuning  Slide  Grease;   V360 ........................................................................$21.00
        MKHWC    Ziplock bag  ......................................$33.75   Replacement Rotor Strings; Duster Brush; Pencil; Use & Care   SAXOPHONE
        MKHWCSS  Super Saver .......................................30.50   Pamphlet; Case ID Decal; Student Practice Record Sheet.   Premium cork grease, duster brush, polishing cloth, reed
                                             MKHFH    Ziplock bag ........................................$33.00   holder, reed mouthpiece brush, sax neck cleaner, ID tag,
        SAXOPHONE                            MKHFHSS  Super Saver ........................................29.80    instructions.
        Contains:  Rainbow  Sax  Swab;  Cork  Grease;  Rainbow                     V375 ........................................................................$21.00
        Sax  Neck  Swab;  Polishing  Cloth;  Mouthpiece  Brush;
        Duster Brush; Student Practice Record Sheet; Use & Care   MARCHING HORNS (Mellophone/Flugelhorn/F-Horn/T-Bone)   FLUTE
        Pamphlet; Case ID Decal; Pencil.     Contains: Valve Oil; Lacquer Polishing Cloth; 5 ft Snake;   Flute swab, duster brush, flute lube, polishing cloth, ID tag,
        MKHSX    Ziplock bag .......................................$29.40  Mouthpiece  Brush;  Tuning  Slide  Grease;  Valve  Brush;   instructions.
        MKHSXSS  Alto Sax Super Saver .........................25.00  Water Key Corks (2); Pencil; Use & Care Pamphlet; Case   V380 ........................................................................$21.00
        MKHTSXSS  Tenor Sax Super Saver ......................27.40  ID Decal; Student Practice Record Sheet.
                                             MKHMH    Ziplock bag .......................................$33.75
                                                                                           BLITZ CLOTHS
                                             LOW BRASS
                                             Contains: Valve Oil; Lacquer Polishing Cloth; 6ft Snake;
                                             Mouthpiece  Brush:  Tuning  Slide  Grease;  Valve  Brush;
                                             Water Key Corks (2); Pencil; Use & Care Pamphlet; Case
        MICROFIBER SWABS                     ID Decal; Student Practice Record Sheet.
        MFZSX    Alto-Tenor (Zigzag) ...........................$13.90   MKHLB ....................................................................$30.75
        MFSCL    Clarinet Swab (Stitched) .......................9.00  MKHLBSS  Super Saver ........................................27.40

             POLISHING CLOTHS                         LOVE GLOVES

                                                                                   BL302   Gloss Care .............................................$6.75
                                                                                   Maintenance of the finish on lacquered metal, plastic, and
                                                                                   painted surfaces.
                                                                                   BL303   Metal Care ...............................................9.00
                                                                                   Specially treated metal care, cleaning and polishing cloth.
                                                                                   BL304   Slide & Valve Care  ..................................7.95
                                                                                   Cloth treated with cleaning and polishing agents to remove
        HE96    All Purpose 6", Herco ...........................$6.91             dirt, tarnish and old oil.
        HE97    Herco Miracle Cloth, 12" ........................8.99              BL306   Gloss Care For Band Instruments ...........5.55
        HE90    Lacquer, Herco .......................................8.60         Absorb moisture, remove natural oils and leave behindn a
        HE92    Silver, Herco ...........................................8.91      shield of Silicone on the surface.
        BAPC    Plain Cloth, Players ................................7.75   Polishing gloves with “I ♥ My ...” imprint.   BL310   Nickel & Chrome Care .............................5.55
        BASLV   Silver, Players ......................................10.20  AWB   Trombone ...........................................$12.00   Cleaning & polishing agents to keep nickel/chrome shining
        BALQ    Lacquer, Players ....................................7.75  AWF   Flute ......................................................12.35
        BASP2   2-in-1 Silver, Plain, Players ..................10.75   AWS   Saxophone............................................12.00   BL502   Silver Care Mitt ................................ 18.75/pr.
        RT99    Untreated, Roche-Thomas 6” x 6” ..........8.50  AWT   Trumpet ................................................12.00   BL7808    Micro Fiber ...............................................8.25

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