Page 189 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 189


        EMAD BASS RESONANT HEAD                                   EQ1 RESONANT BASS HEADS
        A 7 mil head with a fixed interal ring, the EMAD Resonant features two inter-  This solid resonant head with an internal overtone control ring and dry-vents
        changeable foam rings that damp overtones around the edge of the 4” offset   produces a cavernous rumble that is microphone-friendly. It also responds
        port, focusing the pitch and enhancing attack. The port is positioned for easy   with a clean fundamental and a controlled, but full, sustain when tuned high
        microphone placement.                                     for jazz and bop.
        Black                                                     BD20RA   20” ................................................................................... $89.75
        BD18REMAD  18" .............$ 98.40                       BD22RA   22” ..................................................................................... 99.95
        BD20REMAD  20" ..............103.30
        BD22REMAD  22" .............. 110.25                      EQ3 RESONANT BASS HEADS, No Port
        BD24REMAD  24" .............. 117.45                      Features a 10mil internal overtone control ring which provides a resonant yet
        BD26REMAD  26" ..............127.25                       controlled tone with attenuated high-frequency response.
                                                                  Smooth Black (10mil+10mil ring)  Smooth White (7.5mil+10mil ring)
        EMAD CLEAR BASS BATTER HEAD                               TT16RBNP  16” .................$79.60   TT16RSWNP  16” ...............$79.60
        Tailor degrees of damping and attack without removing the head or reaching   BD16RBNP  16” ...................79.60   BD16RSWNP  16” .................79.60
        inside the drum. The EMAD is a 10mil single-ply with two interchangeable   BD18RBNP  18” ...................86.30   BD18RSWNP  18” .................86.30
        damping rings that maximize attack and low-end. The coating adds additional   BD20RBNP  20” ...................93.00   BD20RSWNP  20” .................93.00
        warmth, focus, and depth.                                 BD22RBNP  22” ...................99.95   BD22RSWNP  22” .................99.95
                                                                                             BD24RSWNP  24” ............... 111.80
                                                                  BD24RBNP  24” ................. 111.80
        BD16EMAD   EMAD Bass Batter Clear  ........................................... $89.00   BD26RBNP  26” .................122.35   BD26RSWNP  26” ...............122.35
        TT16EMAD   EMAD Tom Hoop Batter Clear  .................................... 89.00
             EMAD Clear   EMAD Coated   EMAD2 Clear               EQ3 BASS BATTER HEADS
               (1-ply)      (1-ply)       (2-ply)                 The two-ply EQ3 with an internal overtone control ring and removable muffle
        18"   BD18EMAD   BD18EMADCW     BD18EMAD2 ............ $93.50   ring puts the kick back in kick drum. Controlled low-end rumble and focused
        20"   BD20EMAD   BD20EMADCW     BD20EMAD2 .............. 98.00  attack make it the perfect live head. Due to its two plies, it will not distort under
        22"   BD22EMAD   BD22EMADCW     BD22EMAD2 ............ 102.75   heavy hitting. The coated version lends a little warmth.
        24"   BD24EMAD   BD24EMADCW     BD24EMAD2 ............ 108.75   Clear                Coated
        26"   BD26EMAD   BD26EMADCW     BD26EMAD2 .............118.00   BD18GB3   18” .................$96.60   BD18GB3C  18” .................$96.60
                                                                  BD20GB3   20” .................101.50   BD20GB3C  20” .................101.50
                           EMAD HEAVYWEIGHT BASS BATTER           BD22GB3   22” ................. 110.25   BD22GB3C  22” ................. 110.25
                           HEAD                                   BD24GB3   24” ................. 119.75  BD24GB3C  24” ................. 119.75
                           The EMAD Heavyweight bass batter head rede-
                           fines the sonic capabilities of the acoustic bass   EQ4 BASS BATTER HEADS
                           drum.  Combining  two  plies  of  identical  10mil   Provides optimum slap without sacrificing bottom end. You kick the EQ4 and
                           film with the groundbreaking EMAD system, the   it kicks back! A special film makes this 10mil single-ply extra rugged and the
                           EMAD Heavyweight is the thickest, most durable   width of the fixed internal ring is proportional to the head size, optimizing con-
                           bass head in the Evans product line. With the   trol from 18” to 26”.
                           EMAD  system,  additional  muffling  isn’t  neces-  BD16GB4   EQ4 Clear Bass Batter  ................................................... $68.80
                           sary. Two different muffling rings are provided in   TT16GB4   EQ4 Clear Tom Hoop Batter ............................................. 68.80
                           order to adjust sustain and tonal focus.   Clear                 Coated
        BD18EMADHW 18” .............................................................................. $93.50   BD18GB4   18” ..................$73.40   BD18GB4C  18” ..................$73.40
        BD20EMADHW 20” ................................................................................ 98.00   BD20GB4   20” ....................77.80   BD20GB4C  20” ....................77.80
        BD22EMADHW 22” .............................................................................. 102.75   BD22GB4   22” ....................83.95   BD22GB4C  22” ....................83.95
        BD24EMADHW 24” .............................................................................. 108.75  BD24GB4   24” ....................89.90

        UV EMAD BASS HEADS                                        UV EQ4 BASS HEADS
        Features the same patented UV-cured coating and           Features the same patented UV-cured coating
        durable single-ply 10mil film from the UV1 series         and durable single-ply 10mil film from the UV1
        with the addition of our EMAD system for maximum          series with the addition of a fixed internal over-
        punch and low-end.                                        tone control ring to reduce sustain and focus the
        B16EMADUV   16" Tom Hoop .................. $66.75        tonal response of the drum.
        BD16EMADUV  16" Bass Hoop ................... 66.75       B16GB4UV    16" UV EQ4 Tom Hoop .$82.40
        BD18EMADUV  18” Bass Hoop ................. 100.00        BD16GB4UV   16" UV EQ4 Bass Hoop ..82.40
        BD20EMADUV  20” Bass Hoop ................. 107.50        BD18GB4UV   18” ...............................................................................$87.55
        BD22EMADUV  22" Bass Hoop ..................115.00        BD20GB4UV   20” .................................................................................92.70
        BD24EMADUV  24" Bass Hoop ................. 125.00        BD22GB4UV   22" ...............................................................................100.45
        BD26EMADUV  26" Bass Hoop ................. 135.00        BD24GB4UV   24" ...............................................................................108.15
                                                                  BD26GB4UV   26" ...............................................................................118.45
                           GMAD BASS HEADS                                       UV1 COATED BASS HEADS
                           The GMAD is a synthesis of the EMAD and G             The  patented  UV-cured  coating  provides  unmatched
                           Plus concepts. Features a single-ply 12mil film       durability and consistency texture, while the single-ply
                           that delivers increased low end, punch and pow-       of unique 10mil film delivers exceptional stength and
                           er. Ideal for heavy hitters.                          versatility.
                             BD18GMAD     18”  ....................... $96.35    BD16UV1   16” Bass Hoop ............................ $82.40
                             BD20GMAD     20”  ....................... 100.95    BD18UV1   18” ................................................. 85.25
                             BD22GMAD     22”  ....................... 105.85    BD20UV1   20" ................................................. 88.60
                             BD24GMAD     24”  ........................112.05    BD22UV1   22" ................................................. 94.00
                             BD26GMAD     26”  ........................118.00    BD24UV1   24" ............................................... 100.45

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