Page 191 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 191


                              MX  TENOR HEADS                     MARCHING EC2S TENOR HEADS
                              The MX tenor heads are designed with an   The Marching EC2™ features two matching piles of 7mil
                              advanced hoop concept that prevents pull-  film  for  greater  strength  and  durability.  Sound  Shaping
                              out,  and  are  made  using  two  7mil  plies   Technology (SST ) controls overtones for focused sound.
                              (frosted) or two 7.5mil plies (white or black)   The hoop profile is specially designed to withstand higher
                              of tonally rich and durable film.   tensions and offer greater durability.
                                                                  TT06MEC2S  6” ................................................................................... $31.50
                Frosted    White       Black                      TT08MEC2S  8” ..................................................................................... 33.00
         6"    TT06MXF    TT06MXW    TT06MXB ....................... $31.50   TT10MEC2S  10” ................................................................................... 34.25
         8"    TT08MXF    TT08MXW    TT08MXB ........................  33.00   TT12MEC2S  12” ................................................................................... 36.50
        10"    TT10MXF    TT10MXW    TT10MXB ........................  34.25   TT13MEC2S  13”  .................................................................................. 38.50
        12"    TT12MXF    TT12MXW    TT12MXB ........................  36.50   TT14MEC2S  14” ................................................................................... 41.25
        13"    TT13MXF    TT13MXW    TT13MXB ......................... 38.50
        14"    TT14MXF    TT14MXW    TT14MXB ......................... 41.25
                                                                  CORPS CLEAR  TENOR HEADS
                                                                  The 2-ply design with 6.5mil top-ply and 10mil bottom-
        MX  WHITE BASS HEAD                                       ply not only delivers clarity of tone over the drum but
                                                                  enables the drums to cut through the ensemble in clear
        The 10mil single-ply MX1 Marching Bass head is equipped with a unique tone-  and discernible pitches to reach out front and into the
        damping system that enhances articulation and focuses low-end. A series of   stands.
        felt damping arcs can be manipulated for indoor or outdoor marching. The
        MX2 utilizes the same tone-damping system as the MX1, but features 2 plies   TT06CC   6”  .................................................................................. $28.00
        of 7.5 mil white film for enhanced durability, attack, focus & projection. It’s ideal   TT08CC   8”  .................................................................................... 29.00
        for indoor use.                                           TT10CC    10”  .................................................................................. 30.25
        MX1 (1 ply)                 MX2 (2 ply)                   TT12CC    12”  .................................................................................. 32.25
        BD14MX1W  14" ................$78.00                      TT13CC    13”  .................................................................................. 35.00
        BD16MX1W  16”  .................93.25   BD16MX2W  16” ................$93.25   TT14CC   14”  .................................................................................. 37.25
        BD18MX1W  18”  ...............100.25   BD18MX2W  18” ................100.25
        BD20MX1W  20”  ...............107.00   BD20MX2W  20” ................107.00
        BD22MX1W  22”  ............... 116.25   BD22MX2W  22” ................ 116.25   "SYSTEM BLUE" TENOR HEADS
        BD24MX1W  24”  ...............125.50   BD24MX2W  24” ................125.50    Designed in cooperation with the Blue Dev-
        BD26MX1W  26”  ...............135.00   BD26MX2W  26” ................135.00    il’s percussion staff, the System Blue tenor
        BD28MX1W  28”  ...............148.75   BD28MX2W  28” ................148.75    head is a 2-ply design with 7mil top-ply and
        BD30MX1W  30”  ...............165.25   BD30MX2W  30” ................165.25    7.5mil bottom.
                                    BD32MX2W  32” ................181.50
        MX  BLACK BASS HEADS                                      TT06SB1   6”  .................................................................................. $30.25
        The MX Black Bass Heads produce a bright tone and are equipped with the   TT08SB1   8”  .................................................................................... 31.25
        same tone-dampening system as the MX White, which enhances articulation   TT10SB1   10”  .................................................................................. 32.25
        and focuses low-end. A series of felt dampening arcs can be manipulated for   TT12SB1   12”  .................................................................................. 35.00
        indoor or outdoor marching.                               TT13SB1   13”  .................................................................................. 37.25
        MX1 (1-ply) Black           MX2 (2-ply) Black             TT14SB1   14”  .................................................................................. 39.25
        BD14MX1B  14" ................$86.25
        BD16MX1B  16”  ...............104.50   BD16MX2B  16”  .............. $104.50
        BD18MX1B  18”  ............... 111.75   BD18MX2B  18”  .................111.75   "SYSTEM BLUE" MARCHING SNARE
        BD20MX1B  20”  ............... 118.75   BD20MX2B  20”  .................118.75   BATTER
        BD22MX1B  22”  ...............128.25   BD22MX2B  22”  ................ 128.25   Designed in collaboration with Scott Johnson
        BD24MX1B  24”  ...............137.50   BD24MX2B  24”  ................ 137.50   of the world-renowned Blue Devils Drum and
        BD26MX1B  26”  ...............146.75   BD26MX2B  26”  ................ 146.75   Bugle Corps. features a softer feel yet main-
        BD28MX1B  28”  ...............160.75   BD28MX2B  28”  ................ 160.75   tains the tonal clarity and projection neces-
        BD30MX1B  30”  ...............177.00   BD30MX2B  30”  ................ 177.00   sary for a championship-winning drum corps.
        BD32MX1B  32”  ...............193.50
                                                                  SB13MSB   13”  ...............................................................................$116.25
        MS1 BASS HEAD (White)                                     SB14MSB   14”  ................................................................................ 125.50
        This traditional-sounding, smooth white, 10mil single-
        ply head, gives discerning drummers the option to
        customize  their  sound  with  the  damping  system  of   PIPE BAND SNARE BATTER
        their choice.  These heads will project warm, musical     Designed  in  collaboration  with  Stephen
        tones indoors and outdoors.                               Creighton to meet the rigorous demands of
        BD16MS1W  16” ................................................................................. $72.25   the modern snare drummer while also cater-
        BD18MS1W  18” ................................................................................... 75.50   ing to the tradionalists. Offers a bright and
        BD20MS1W  20” ................................................................................... 80.50   articulate sound for solo performances and a
        BD22MS1W  22” ................................................................................... 88.25   heavier head for more projection in outdoor
        BD24MS1W  24” ................................................................................... 97.50   settings.
        BD26MS1W  26” ................................................................................. 107.00
        BD28MS1W  28” ..................................................................................118.75   PBSB1A   14” Oversized .............................................................. $132.00
        BD30MS1W  30” ................................................................................. 130.50   PBSB1B   14” Standard ................................................................. 132.00

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