Page 268 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 268


               Formulated using isopropyl alcohol and ben-
               zalkonium  chloride  to  quickly  sanitize  and
               eliminate odors on microphones and gear.
               GLS104   4 oz ..................................$13.00

        SOLID CORE
        Rubber coated, no creak                                                    iSERIES WATERPROOF MICROPHONES CASES
        solid core gooseneck.                D'ADDARIO MIC STAND ACCESSORY SYSTEM
        R16ST   16”   ............... $23.25B   The  first  fully  modular,  mic-stand-mounted  performance   Features ultra high strength polypropylene  copolymer
        R20ST   20”   ................. 27.00B  system. After clamping the Universal Hub to the mic stand,   resin; UV, solvent, corrosion & fungus resistant.
                                             you can mount and rearrange a full array of performance   3i0907MC6  Holds 6 Mics ...................................$147.00
                                             enhancing accessories. Each module can be set in virtu-  3i2011MC12  Holds 12 Mics ...................................270.00
                                             ally any configuration to suit your needs.
                                             PWMSASSK01  Starter Kit .....................................$96.90  ON-STAGE
                                             Comes w/ the Universal Hub, Cup Holder, Tip Jar, Gear
        TM1    Atlas ...........................................................$53.00B   Tray and an assortment of purpose-built hooks.
        Twin Mount. Designed for horizontal mounting of 2 or 3   PWMSASCH01  Cup Holder ...................................$13.75
        microphones on any stand or podiumtop installation. Fits   PWMSAST01   Gear Tray .......................................47.95
        all ⅝”-27 thread microphones. 8¾” wide; chrome finish.   PWMSASTJ01  Tip Jar ............................................25.50  GOOSENECK
                                             PWMSASH01  Universal Hub .................................22.45  MSA903006   6”   Black (B) or Chrome (C) ......13.99 ea.
                                                                                   MSA903013   13”  Black (B) or Chrome (C) .....17.99 ea.
                                                                                   MSA903019   19”  Black (B) or Chrome (C) .....20.99 ea.

        MMH346  ................................................................$52.10
        Hosa Quad Microphone Holder.
                                             STRING SWING SHEET MUSIC HOLDER
                                             MSSS     Clamps to Mic/Music Stand  ................$29.99   MY700
        Adaptor, ⅜” male to ⅝” female. Chrome.
        W374  ........................................................................$5.20   MIC HOLDERS
        Adaptor, ⅜” female to ⅝” male. Chrome.                                     MY500   Stereo Mic Attachment Bar, Black
        W371  ........................................................................$4.50         Holds up to 3 microphones ................$22.99
                                                                                   MY550   6” Mic Extension Bar, Black .....................23.99
                                                                                   MY650   Dual Mic Amp Bar, Height Adj: 6"-12" ......46.99
                                                                                   MY700   Deluxe Stereo Mic Attachment Bar, Black
                                                                                             Holds up to 6 microphones ..................40.99
                                             QUIK LOK UTILITY TRAY                 MSA2700 Multi-Mic Holder .......................................46.99
        L02B   Chrome Finish .......................................$43.45B    Large utility tray designed  to keep  small  devices,  etc.,   Holds up to 7 microphones. Black powder coat finish, ⅝"-
                                                                                   27 center hole w/ removable ⅜" adapter included.
        Lock-On Accessory. Protective locking design with push-  within reach while performing. 8.4" x 8.4" x 0.5"
        button release for instantaneous fastening or disconnect   AMSMS329  Clamps to Mic/Music Stand  ...............$28.00
        of microphone holder or boom attachment from any stand.

          AD-4B        AD-11B       AD-12B                                         PLATFORM FOR MIC STAND
                                                                        SH01       The ideal platform for studio monitors, controllers, lights,
                                                                                   mixers, etc. The 9" square platform features non-slip rub-
                                                                                   MSA6000 .................................................................$22.99
            AD-7B             AD-19B              SG1000                           ber padding & a 12 lb. weight capacity. ⅝" - 27 threading.
        AD-4B ...................................................................$14.50B
        ¾” long, ⅝”-27 male running thread.  BEVERAGE HOLDERS

        AD-5B .....................................................................14.50B    THE ORIGINAL SWIRLYGIG
        ⅝”-27 female to ⅝”-27 female, coupling.  Fits snuggly on a standard mic stand, It is made out of

        AD-7B .....................................................................14.50B    resilient spring steel, then coated in protective PVC for grip   MA100  MA200  MA300
        3” long tube, ⅝”                     and durability, in black.
        AD-8B .....................................................................17.70B    SG1000  ½" Tube ...................................................$18.99   MIC SCREW ADAPTERS
                                             SG2000  1” Tube ......................................................18.99
        6” long tube, ⅝”                                                           ⅜” Male to ⅝” Female Chrome
                                                                                   MA100  ......................................................................$7.99
        AD-11B ...................................................................20.95B    QUIK LOK   ⅝” Male to ⅜” Female Chrome
        Flange, ⅝”-27 female.                Solid metal holder for bottles, glasses, cans and cups w/   MA200  ........................................................................9.99
        AD11BE  .................................................................17.70B  maximum diameter of 84mm. Clamps to Mic/Music Stand.  ⅝” Male to ⅜” Female Chrome

                                             AMSMS326   ...........................................................$14.00
        AD-12B ...................................................................20.95B   MA300    “Knurled”  ...................................................10.99
        Chrome Flange, ⅝”-27 male.           STRING SWING
        AD-12BE ................................................................17.70B    SH01     Drink Holder for Cans, Cups & Bottles ....$16.79
        Black version                        They easily attach to any mic stand, music stand, drum,
        AD-19B ...................................................................36.55B    cymbal or hi-hat stand. Holds cup, can, or bottle.
        45˚ angle tube; ⅝”-27 male and female end.  PCR1  Fits Med. Diameter Stands .................$12.95   QUICK RELEASE MIC ADAPTER
                                             KM1602BK  K&M Drink Holder, Black ......................25.99   Enables quick interchange of mic clips/mic accessories.
        MSC-K  ...................................................................47.20B    MSA5050   On-Stage Clamp-On Drink Holder .......30.99  Quick-release button dismounts mic acessories. A rubber
        Blister packaged service parts kit for all ⅞” clutch assem-  SCSDH   Gilbraltar Soft Drink Holder - nylon ......36.45   washer acts as a shock absorber.
        bly stands. Includes clutch, lock rings, inserts.  VATVDH   Vater Drink Holder ................................39.23  QK2B  Black Finish ..............................................$24.99
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