Page 266 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 266


                                                                                   TRIPLE MIC ADAPTER
        BLACK MIC WINDSCREEN                 MIC SPRING CLIP                       Allows conversion of one mic stand to hold up to three
        Thick foam rubber windscreen reduces popping and other   Clothespin-type  action.  Fits  many  popular  microphone   microphones. Quality ⅝” – 27 brass insert stand mount
        noises from being amplified. Fits standard size 1⅜” ball-  models. Double spring-loaded. Vinyl inserts reduce micro-  with three male ⅝” – 27 mounting adapters. Black finish.
        end microphones. Washable, hypo-allergenic foam mate-  phone slippage. Made of hard, durable plastic. Standard   00381640   Triple Mic Adapter  ............................ $15.39*
        rial. One per package in a clear poly bag w/ header card.   ⅝” – 27 threads.
        00069100   Black Mic Windscreen ....................... $8.79*   00051860   Mic Spring Clip ................................... $7.49*

                                                                                   FIVE SPACE MIC ADAPTER
                                                                                   Allows the flexibility to mount up to five mics on one mic
        COLOR-CODED WINDSCREEN KIT 1                                               stand. ⅝” – 27 brass mounting screws.
        Fits standard 1⅜” ball-end microphones. Washable, hy-                      00394810   Five Space Mic Adapter  ................... $26.69*
        poallergenic foam material. Packaged individually in poly
        bags  within  master  pack  poly  bag.  Colors  include  light   STANDARD TAPERED MIC CLIP
        gray, black, dark gray and navy blue.  Front-loading, slide-type mic clip. Hard, plastic walls. Pivot
        00494280   Windscreen Kit 1 (pkg. 4)  ............... $24.99*   mic clip with adjustment screw. Standard ⅝” – 27 threads.
                                             00054770   Standard Tapered Clip ........................ $6.99*

                                                                                   MIC STAND CLAMP
                                                                                   Mic stand clamp attaches to mic stand pole for micing
                                                                                   acoustic guitars. Standard male ⅝” – 27 threads for goose-
                                                                                   neck mount.
                                                                                   00381650   Mic Stand Clamp .............................. $12.99*

        Fits standard 1⅜” ball-end microphones. Washable, hypo-  DIAMOND MIC CLIP
        allergenic  foam material. Packaged individually  in poly   Rubber clip with brass-threaded inserts to ensure longer
        bags within master pack poly bag. Colors include purple,   life. Fits most hand held mic models. Modern styling. Stan-
        royal blue, red and yellow.          dard ⅝” – 27 threads.
        00494290   Windscreen Kit 2 (pkg. 4)  ............... $24.99*  00376700   Diamond Mic Clip................................ $8.99*
                                                                                   WIRELESS MIC CLIP II
                                                                                   Rugged plastic mic clip designed for use with hand-held
                                                                                   wireless mics.
                                                                                   03025910   Wireless Mic Clip II ........................... $11.39*

                                             DELUXE MIC CLIP
                                             Heavy duty mic clip with rubber insulator. Adjustable slip-in
        COLOR-CODED WINDSCREEN KIT           style mic clip has brass insert with ⅝” – 27 threads. Black
        Allows identification of stage mics. Fits standard 1⅜” ball-  finish.
        end microphones. Washable, hypo-allergenic foam mate-  00381630   Deluxe Mic Clip ................................. $13.99*   PEAVEY MIC CLIP
        rial. Packaged individually in poly bags within master pack                Softer,  more  pliable  mic  clip.  Equipped  with  metal  mic
        tube. Colors include dark gray, navy blue, yellow, green,                  clip adapter base with standard ⅝” – 27 threads. Molded
        red, royal blue, light gray and black.                                     Peavey logo.
        00069160   Color-Coded Windscreen Kit (8) ...... $49.99*                   00050240   Peavey Mic Clip ................................ $14.99*

        Quality thick foam rubber windscreen prevents pop-ping   FASTTRACK SINGER 1  MICROPHONE ID TAPE
        and other noise from being amplified. Fits standard size   Transform  your  shower  singing  into  some  real  talent!   Assortment includes eight different tape colors. Identifies
        1⅜” ball-end microphones. Packaged eight windscreens   Teaches reading music, scales and different keys and pro-  various stage microphones from the mixing board. Pack-
        per tube. Washable, hypo-allergenic foam material.   vides all the essential info on how to train your vocal cords.  aged in poly bag with header card. Roll length 20’.
        00381670   Black Windscreen Kit (8) ................. $49.99*   00695408  Book w/ Online Audio............................$7.99   00072520   Microphone ID Tape .......................... $19.99*

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