Page 261 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 261
Hypercardioid dynamic instrument microphone brings a Hypercardioid dynamic instrument microphone is a natural Designed for use with accordions & other instruments that
compact drum model to the popular Artist Series line. The with high SPLs, and is tailored for kick drum, percussion, are difficult to mike, the ATM350S UniMount mounting sys-
mic's proprietary capsule is designed to excel in high SPL brass and other highly dynamic instruments. Equipped with tem features the AT350a cardioid condenser mic, and when
applications, delivering full, well-rounded audio w/ an ex- a rare-earth magnet and its rich, warm low-frequency re- teamed w/ the included AT8491S guitar mount & the AT8490
ceptional low-end.. sponse give the mic excellent presence. 5" gooseneck, it can be securely fastened to an accordion or
ATM230 ................................................................. $139.00* ATM250 ................................................................. $199.00* other instruments w/ a challenging mounting surface.
ATM350S w/ Surface Mounting System ............ $299.00*
Designed for use with guitars, the system features the
AT350a cardioid condenser mic, and when teamed with
the included AT8491G guitar mount and the AT8490L 9"
gooseneck, it can be securely fastened to a guitar or other
stringed instrument with a body depth of 90-135mm.
ATM350GL w/ Guitar Mounting System............... $349.00*
Surface Mounting System
Includes AT8491S Surface Mount & AT8490 5" gooseneck.
AT8492S ................................................................. $69.00*
Features the ATM350a cardioid condenser microphone, Guitar Mounting System
Designed for use with brass, saxophone and other instru- AT8491U universal clip-on mount, the AT8490 5" goose-
ments. Features the ATM350a cardioid condenser micro- neck and AT8468 violin mount. 55" permanently attached Includes AT8491G Guitar Mount & AT8490L 9" gooseneck.
AT8492GL .............................................................$119.00*
phone, AT8491U universal clip-on mount, the AT8490 5" miniature cable terminated w/ a locking 4-pin connector for
gooseneck and AT8468 violin mount. use with cW-style body-pack transmitters. AT8491G Guitar Mount ......................................... $79.00*
ATM350U .............................................................. $299.00* ATM350UCW ........................................................ $199.00* AT8491S Surface Mount ........................................ 39.00*
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Application may be obtained by contacting Upon approval, Audio-Technica will contact Harris-Teller.
At present, Audio-Technica is not authorizing sales of their products by new accounts on the Amazon Marketplace.”
Designed for smooth, natural vocal reproduction. Super du-
rable construction, a rare-earth magnet for improved output
The ATM450 offers an innovative side-address stick design and transient response and a multi-stage grille design for
This cardioid dynamic workhorse is designed for smooth, for endless placement options. Switchable 10dB pad, inte- excellent protection against plosives.
natural vocal reproduction and low noise. gral hi-pass filter. Requires 11-52V phantom power. ATM510 ................................................................... $99.99*
ATM410 ................................................................... $79.00* ATM450 ................................................................. $279.00* ATM510PK 3-Pack w/ Zippered Pouch/Mic Clamp . 229.99*
Hypercardioid dynamic instrument mic features a new multi- Side-address condenser microphone features an advanced
Hypercardioid dynamic handheld microphone. Tuned for stage flat grille design for precise positioning close to the large diaphragm tensioned specifically to provide smooth,
clear, detailed, extended-range reproduction of lead and sound source. Equipped w/ a neodymium magnet for high- natural sonic characteristics and high-SPL capability. This
backup vocals, the premier Artist Series dynamic vocal mic output performance, it has a frequency response tailored ultra-consistent microphone may be used with confidence
is equipped with a rare-earth magnet, a tight hypercardioid for clear sound reproducrion of guitar cabinets, snare and in a wide variety of studio and live miking applications, even
polar pattern and multi-stage grille design. percussion. under the stringent demands of digital recording systems.
ATM610A .............................................................. $149.00* ATM650 ................................................................... $99.00* AT4040 .................................................................. $299.00*
* = All Audio-Technica Pricing is MAP Price, Call for Dealer Cost