Page 259 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 259


        All  purpose  mic.  Exceptional  performance.  Concert level performance with vocal pres-  Hypercardioid microphone is best suited for   Lead & background vocal mic for a wide va-
        True Hypercardioid 50Hz-16kHzimp 250Ω   ence boost. Very Tight Hypercardioid 48Hz-  use with high quality mixing consoles which   riety  of  applications.  Cardioid  50Hz-16kHz
        OM2 ................................................$111.00*  19kHz Imp 200Ω   have plenty of head room to compensate for   Imp 250Ω
                                    OM5 ............................................... $199.00*   the low gain.   F50    ............................................ $58.00*
                                                               OM7 ............................................... $291.00*   F50S  w/ Switch  .............................. 67.00*


                                                         D4               D6

                                             Great  for  kick,  floor  tom,  sax,  banjo,  flute,  bass  cabs,
                                             djembe, cajon, & acoustic bass. Broad Hypercardioid 38Hz-
                                             19kHz imp 200Ω                       1 snare/tom mic, 1 kick/floor tom mic, 3 rack/floor tom mics
        Low-mid punch and warmth - Great for toms, congas, gui-  D4 .......................................................................... $223.00*   FP5 ........................................................................ $376.00*
        tar cabs, sax & woodwind. True Hypercardioid 44kHz Imp   Pre-emphasized bass response for ground-shaking lows -   1 snare mic, 1 kick mic, 3 tom mics, 2 overhead condenser
        250Ω                                 Great for kick, & bass cabs. Cardioid 30Hz-15kHz imp 200Ω   mics
        D2 .......................................................................... $162.00*   D6 .......................................................................... $260.00*   FP7 ........................................................................ $565.00*

                                    FLUTE                                                  CLAMPS/CLIPS/ADAPTOR
                                    ADX10FLP  ................................... $245.00*  HARMONICA   DCLAMP  Clamp  ............................ $33.00*
                                    ADX10FL  Wireless Mic Only ......... 215.00*  FIREBALL ..................................... $183.00*   DFLEX   Dual Pivot Clamp ............. 21.00*
        MINIATURE CONDENSER         MCFLUTE  Mic Clip  .......................... 23.00*  FBALLV   w/ Volume Control .......... 160.00*   DCLIP    Mic Clip ............................ 13.00*
        Instrument Mic                                                                     DVICE    Goose Clip ....................... 33.00*
        F90 ................................................ $135.00*                      APS911  Phantom Power Adaptor .. 65.00*

                                    DP QUAD 4-PIECE DRUM MIC PACKAGE  MULTI-PURPOSE
                                    The  Audix  DP  Series  QUAD  pack  is  the  DYNAMIC MICROPHONE
        DP5A drum mic package is the D6, Audix’s   simplest  and most effective combination  Designed  with  a  cardioid  pickup  pattern
        flagship kick drum mic, two - D2’s for rack   of  microphones.  With  kick,  snare  and  two  for  isolation  and  feedback  control,  the  i5
        toms, one - D4 for floor tom, and one - i5   overheads, the QUAD incorporates the best  is  equipped  with  a  VLM™  diaphragm  for
        for snare. Also included are four DVICE rim   of two miking techniques: close miking and  natural, accurate sound reproduction.  The
        mount clips for every mic except the D6 kick   overhead (ambient) miking. The D6 for kick  i5  is  used  for  stage,  studio  and  broadcast
        drum mic, which comes with a heavy duty   drum and the i5 for snare are considered the  applications and can be used to mic a wide
        snap to fit nylon clip. Packaged in a foam-  two microphones every drummer must have  variety of musical instruments, guitars and
        lined aluminum carrying case.   and the two ADX51 overhead mics.   bass cabinets as well as vocals and speech.
        DP5A ............................................. $915.00*                        CABGRABBER
                                    DPQUAD .......................................$695.00*  I5 ................................................... $122.00*   Compact mic  clamp  for guitar  amps  and
        Same packaged as above with a pair of                                              cabinets.
        ADX51s for overhead miking.                              CABGRAB1  ................................... $67.00*

        DP7 ............................................... 1,323.00*   * = CALL FOR PRICING  CABGRABXL   XL Mic Mount .......... 77.00*
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