Page 260 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 260
Ideal for high-SPL applications such as sax, toms, brass
and percussion. Extended frequency response captures
A cardioid instrument mic featuring a low-profile design for subtle nuances of the performance. UniMount Clip permits
minimum visibility and versatile placement options. Tailored accurate positioning. The attached cable on the PRO 35
for snares, toms, etc, this mic offers a moving coil dynamic terminates into a TA3f to (mini XLR) connection.
Professional-quality vocal pickup with hands-free operation. design with cardiod polar pattern, with a frequency response PRO35 ................................................................... $149.00*
Low-visibility, lightweight headband and cushioned support of 100-12,000Hz. The included AT8665 drum mount screws The “CW” code indicates the cable terminates with a 4 pin
pads provide a stable, comfortable fit. Pivot-mounted flex- into the stand clamp to permit mounting to the rim of a drum. HRS connector used with Audio-Technica UniPak Wireless
ible mic boom descends from left or right side. PRO23 Instrument Mic ..................................... $59.00* Transmitters.
PRO8HEX ............................................................... $89.00* AT8665 Drum Microphone Clamp ....................... 21.00* PRO35CW ............................................................. $129.00*
Premier Pro Series vocal microphone delivers excellent
Ideal for acoustic guitar, overheads, piano, group vocals Provides natural, full-range vocal reproduction; outstanding gain before feedback and outstanding stage presence.
and high-SPL applications. Professional performance for sound quality. Silent on-off operation thanks to MagnaLock ™ New look, improved sound, lower price. Two-stage ball-type
studio recording and live sound reinforcement. switch design. head case reduces wind noise.
PRO37 ................................................................... $169.00* PRO41 ..................................................................... $59.00* PRO61 ..................................................................... $69.00*
5 mics specifically engineered for drum applications, along
w/ 2 mics ideal for drum overhead miking: 1-PRO25AX hy-
4 mics specifically engineered for drum applications: one percardioid kick drum mic, 1 - PRO63 cardioid snare mic,
Ideal for musical instrument pick-up and general use. Tai- PRO25AX hypercardioid kick drum mic, one PRO63 car- 3 - PRO23 cardioid tom mics & 2 - AT2021 cardioid over-
lored response provides natural, full-range reproduction. dioid snare mic, & two PRO23 cardioid tom mics; carrying head mics; carrying case, AT8665 clamp & 2 ⅝"-27 to ⅜"-16
Rugged design and construction for reliable performance. case, AT8665 clamp & 2 ⅝"-27 to ⅜"-16 threaded adaptors . threaded adaptors .
PRO63 ..................................................................... $69.00* PRODRUM4 .......................................................... $249.00* PRODRUM7 .......................................................... $399.00*
Equipped with a wide-range
Equipped with a wide-range With robust construction and condenser element, low-mass
condenser element, low-mass unobtrusive appearance, the diaphragm, and self-contained
diaphragm, & self-contained PRO 45 offers versatile sound electronics.
electronics. reinforcement solutions for
Direct mounts to any 5/8”–27 speech, theater, orchestra and Plugs into any standard XLRF-
type surface or cable connec-
choir sound reinforcement and
stand, or to included threaded recording. The mic’s high-SPL tor. Flat, smooth frequency re-
mounting stud 3.0 m (9.8’) handling is perfect for suspen- sponse. Cardioid polar pattern
cable permanently attached sion over choirs and orchestras. reduces pickup from sides/
between mic and XLRM-type rear.
connector. 7.6 m (25’) cable permanently
2 lengths: 12.40” (PRO47T); attached be tween microphone 2 lengths: 13.07” (PRO 49Q);
15.79” (PRO47TL) and XLRM-type connector. 16.46” (PRO 49QL)
PRO47T ....................$129.00* PRO45 .........................$99.00* PRO49Q ...................$119.00*
PRO47TL ...................129.00* PRO45W White .............99.00* PRO49QL ...................119.00*
* = All Audio-Technica Pricing is MAP Price, Call for Dealer Cost