Page 306 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 306
Utilizing the energy effecient technology
found in all 1 SPOTs, the CS6 is the first
NW Powers up to 12 effects ........$30.10B low-profile power brick to be able to put
out up to 1600mA of pure silent power. 6
ACCESSORIES isolated outputs; a variety of DC voltages.
NWMC Multi-Plug 5 Cable ................ 13.95* CS6 ............................................... $208.15*
MC8 Multi-Plug 8 Cable ...............20.25B
C35 3.5mm Converter ....................5.55 YAMAHA Designed to operate all Boss compact and
CBAT Battery Clip Converter .............5.55 High quality AC adaptors. rocker units on A.C.
CL6 L6 Converter ............................5.55 YPA130 12V, 1A ............................ $20.00* PSA120 .........................................$37.10B
CYR Reverse Polarity Converter .....5.55 YPA150 12V, 1.5A .............................40.00 SNARK
TVD Voltage Doubler Cable ........30.10B PIG HOG POWER PIG SA1 9 Volt Power ..........................$19.95
V189 18V to 9V Converter for PP9V 9V DC 1000mA ..................$19.95 SA2 Multicable ..................................9.95
1SPOT Pro ......................20.25B
7 fully isolated outlets. 3-voltage options MULTI SUPPLY
provided power for 99% of effect pedals. 9
Vdc, 12 Vdc & 18 Vdc. Noiseless operation
with far more power. Includes brackets for
mounting under Pedaltrain pedalboards.
Cables and converter plugs included.
Worldwide input voltage.
CS7 ............................................... $192.15*
Combo Pack
1SPOT 9V DC Adaptor, 8-Plug Multi-Cable,
(2) Battery Clip Converters, (2) 3.5mm (⅛") ON-STAGE 8-PLUG DAISY CHAIN
Converters & an L6 Converter. Handles up ON-STAGE PEDAL POWER PACK Connects up to 8 pedals to 1 power source.
to 1700mA. Includes adapter, 8-plug daisy chain, (2) 9V All connectors have the same polarity &
NW1CP2 ........................................$52.65B battery connectors and 1 each of: Line 6, the main connector is female, making it
EXTENSION/CONNECTOR CABLES 3.5mm & reverse polarity connectors. compatible w/ most 9V power adapters.
MC1 12" Extension Cable ...........$5.55 PS801 ............................................ $63.99* PSA800 ............................................$16.99
TTMC2 24" Multi-Purpose 2-plug ......7.75
TTDC12 12" Connector Cable ............5.55 Power brick for effects pedals features 12
fully isolated outlets total: (2) 18Vdc, (4)
TTDC18 18" Connector Cable ............5.55
TTDC22 22" Connector Cable ............5.55 switchable 9-Vdc/12Vdc, (1) variable 4Vdc
to 9-Vdc, (4) 9Vdc and (1) 9Vac. Cables
TTDC26 26" Connector Cable ............5.55
and coverter plugs included for compatibility
with virtually any effects pedals. Mounting
brackets for Pedaltrain ® pedalboards
included. Worldwide input voltage.
CS12 ..............................................$288.20
Extends direct current from a power adaptor
mA METER Selectable DC output for 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9, w/ a 2.1mm DC plug to up to 4 guitar pedal
Has an input voltage range of 9V to 24V and or 12 V operation, 6 interchangeable plugs. effects w/ 2.1mm DC jacks.
will display up to 999mA. ACD477 Multi with 6 Tips ..............$30.45 PDC373 Multi Cable, 4 ..................$19.75
MAM ................................................45.10B
10 fully-isolated outputs. Powers a wide
range of pedal types. (2) 9V outputs at A multi-output power source features
100mA, (2) 9V at 300mA, (2) 9V at 450mA, (10) isolated 9VDC outputs: 4x100mA,
Power up to 10 pedals or stomp boxes at (2) 18V at 250mA, and (2) variable outputs 2x250mA, 2x300mA & 2x400mA. Includes a
once with (8) 9V & (2) 18V. Included AC adjustable from 6V to 15V at 250mA & can Connect multiple digital and analog pedals 6' detachable power cord & (10) 24" long DC
power adapter can utilize from 100-240V, at be used to emulate drained battery effect. with complete electrical isolation, regulated power cables w/ 1 straight & 1 right angle.
47-63Hz, w/ cables. MAP MAP 9 and 18 Volt DC outputs, universal AC- EHMOPD10 .................................$287.00B
MXRM237 ................. $128.56B $79.99 MXRM238 .............. $214.27B $149.99 adapter included with four interchangeable Power up to 8 effects pedals, includes (1)
Replacement Cable Kit for DC Brick MXRM239 Mini ......... 142.84B 99.99 plugs. MAP 18V and (7) 9V outputs.
ECB296 ...................... $43.40B (4) 9V at 300mA & (1) 9V/18V up to 800Ma. EB6191 ..................... $139.99B $99.99 EHMPS8 Multi-Power Supply ........88.00B
* = Call For Dealer Pricing