Page 311 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 311
Takes you from subtle, spatial shimmer to all-out high ve-
NOISE CLAMP locity swooshing with the twist of a knob.
Crank your stomp pedals to the extremes without fear of MXRM101 ................................... $128.56B MAP $79.99 RAW DAWG
any hiss or excess noise. By sensing your guitar’s dry sig- Based on a classic OD famous for its grit and crunch - but
nal, the pedal reduces the noise level within the effect loop PHASE 95 we balanced out the midrange and bumped up the gain for
MXRM195 ................................... $142.84B MAP $89.99 Combines the Phase 45 & Phase 90 circuits–toggled by a sweeter, more natural sound even when cranked.
the 45/90 switch–in a mini housing, featuring a Script MXREG74 .................................. $171.41B MAP $119.99
OCTAVIO FUZZ switch to toggle between modern & vintage style phasing.
Explore the furthest reaches of silicon saturation. Just set MXRM290 ..................................... 142.84B MAP 99.99 REVERB
the Level and Fuzz controls to your desired volume and Delivers six distinct high end reverb styles, each exqui-
intensity, and allow your picking and plucking dynamics to PHASE 100 sitely crafted and tuned. Comes with a simple three-knob
coax out the pedal's legendarily searing, synth-like tones. With both a Speed control & a 4-waveform Intensity con- setup and a hi-fi analog dry path with 20 volts of headroom.
MXRM267 ................................... $185.70B MAP $129.99 trol, the Phase 100 offers a broad range of sounds. MXRM300 ................................... $285.70B MAP $199.99
MXRM107 ..................................... 185.70B MAP 119.99
18dB of serious cut or boost. This pedal is ideal for creat- This gorgeous sounding pedal will remind you how cool Combines the shaggy vintage tones of the La Machine
ing scooped-mid rhythm tones with massive lows. chorus can be. Run in mono or use the stereo outputs for Fuzz with a growling sub octave circuit. Octave up mode
MXRM109S ................................ $142.84B MAP $89.99 a huge, vibrant sound. for searing fuzz; toggle between Series/Parallel modes.
MXRM108S TEN BAND EQ ...... 214.27B MAP 129.99 MXRM134 ................................... $242.84B MAP $169.99 MXRM225 ................................... $242.84B MAP $149.99
Eliminates sizzle and hum. Equipped with three select- A classic recording studio fixture stuffed into a pedalboard- Based on a rare and elusive circuit, this pedal provides
able types of noise reduction to handle almost any type friendly box. Constant Headroom Technology (CHT) pro- a diverse range of clear and transparent overdrive tones,
of signal. vides tons of headroom for clear, transparent performance. from sauced up boosting to blown-tube distortion .
MXRM135 ................................... $185.70B MAP $129.99 MXRM76 ..................................... $271.41B MAP $189.99 MXRM294 ................................... $171.41B MAP $119.99
SUPER BADASS DISTORTION Combines a full historical range of masterfully tuned trem-
Covers a full spectrum, from early '70s low gain overdrive SUPER COMP olo styles with a host of features to satisy the performance
to modern scooped metal distortion and every shade of The Super Comp updates the Dyna Comp Compressor needs of today's discerning players.
dirt in between, with a 3-bnad EQ to fine-tune your sound . with an Attack Level control to preserve initial volume with- MXRM305 ................................... $228.56B MAP $159.99
MXRM75 ..................................... $142.84B MAP $99.99 out sacrificing sustain.
MXRM132 ................................... $142.84B MAP $89.99 UNI-VIBE
SUPER BADASS VARIAC FUZZ Iconic Chorus/Vibrato true to the classic late ‘60s tone,
Aggressive, biting, and highly versatile, featuring a variac TAP TEMPO delivering a chewy, Leslie-sounding goodness. Updated
control to change the pedal’s voltage from 5V to 15V for a Features adjustable tip/ring configuration so you can con- with modern gigging players in mind. Simple three-knob
range of fuzz tones. trol the delay time of a wide variety of pedals. interface with true bypass switching.
MXRM236 ................................... $185.70B MAP $129.99 MXRM199 ..................................... $57.13B MAP $39.99 MXRM68 ..................................... $185.70B MAP $129.99