Page 316 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 316


        DELUXE MEMORY MAN                    EAST RIVER DRIVE                      The Eddy gives you a bucket-brigade vibrato and chorus
        Analog  Delay/Chorus/Vibrato.  Up  to  550  mS  of  vibrant   EH creates classic overdrive ina JRC4558 IC based pedal   w/ an all analog signal; Envelope and EXP pedal control
        echo that rivals tape delay; lish, spatial chorus and haunt-  that’s  as  bold  as  New York  City.  Symmetrical  overdrive   over modulation rate & depth expand the versatility of the
        ing vibrato are just a few of the treats in the Memory Man's   add edge and gain w/out compromising tone. Volume and   Eddy’s classic sound; LFO shape warping can take the
        sonic smorgasbord!                   Drive take it from sweet to searing while Tone lets you dial   modulation shape from standard to totally asymmetric.
        EHDMM ............................................................$317.690B  in just the right amount of bite.  EHEDDY   Vibrato/Chorus ..................................$149.40B
        EHMT550      550-TT w/ Tap Tempo .....................532.10B  EHERD   Overdrive ............................................$103.50B

        EXPRESSION PEDALS (Performance Series)  FLATIRON FUZZ                      FREEZE
        A  single-output  pedal  that’s  versatile  emough  to  control   A classic op-amp powered fuzz/distortion. At lower drive   Capture and freeze any note or chord when you step on
        virtually any device with an EXP input.  settings it remains fairly clean & adds a pleasing mild dis-  the momentary footswitch and sustain that sound until you
        EHSEX  SINGLE EXPRESSION PEDAL ............$77.00B  tortion. As the drive is turned up it transports you to a world   release it.
        Dual-output design gives hands-free control of two func-  of arena rock & produces spectacular, thick, meaty tones.  EHF   (Nano)   Sound Retainer ..........................$190.70B
                                             EHFF ..................................................................$108.00B
        tions or two separate devices from a single source.
        EHDE    DUAL EXPRESSION PEDAL .............. $114.90B

                                             GOOD VIBES                            GRAND CANYON
                                             Recaptures the iconic chorus/vibrato tone and vibe of the   Our most advanced multifunction delay and looper pedal
        GERMANIUM4 BIG MUFF PI               1960s in an updated pedal. It uses photocells to create   is equipped with 12 effect types plus a fully featured looper
        Overdrive and distortion can be stacked utilizing four Ger-  chorus & vibrato with a warm, undulating, liquid groove for   capable of recording and overdubbing the Grand Canyon’s
        manium transistors.                  a sound and response that’s true to the classic design.  effects.
        EHG4BMP   Distortion & Overdrive ....................$148.90B  EHGV  Analog Modulator ...................................$209.10B  EHGC  Delay and Looper ...................................$390.50B

        GREEN RUSSIAN BIG MUFF PI            HOG2
        The cult classic first shook the ground in the mid-1990s.   Delivers complete control of ten totally polyphonic and   HOLY GRAIL
        Since then it has been heralded by guitarists and bassists   glitch-free voices ranging from two octaves below to four   Divine Reverb for mere mortals. Down from the heavens
        for its devastating low-end and unique sludge and sizzle.  above the instrument’s pitch - all without the need for a   comes this compact digital reverb guitar pedal.
        The Green Russian Big Muff (in a mini package) creates a   special pickup or instrument mods of any kind.  EHHG            (Nano) ..........................................$174.60B
        huge tone that is all its own, but it is undeniably Big Muff.  EHHOG2        Harmonic Octave Generator .......$705.60B  EHHGMAX     HOLY GRAIL MAX .......................234.30B
        EHGRBM   Fuzz/Distortion/Sustainer ................$137.90B  EHFCHOG2   Foot Controller ...............................91.90B  EHHGNEO     HOLY GRAIL NEO ........................181.50B

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