Page 320 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 320


        RAVISH SITAR                         RING THING                            RIPPED SPEAKER
        Streamlined the essence of the sitar into a compact enclo-  Presents  state  of  the  art  modulation  control.  Complex   A versatile pedal delivers fuzz that goes from old school
        sure that offers a polyphonic lead voice & tunable sympa-  modulations with interactive parameters create any sound   to modern, with bias control, active tone control and true
        thetic string drones that dynamically react to your playing.  your mind can imagine.  bypass switching.
        EHRS   Sitar Emulator ........................................$351.40B  EHRT   Single Sideband Modulator ....................$343.50B  EHRSF   Fuzz .....................................................$147.10B

        Features an elemental two-knob layout with controls for   SIGNAL PAD
        Volume and Attack (fuzz). This classically-voiced fuzztone   Allows you to instantly switch to a different preset volume.   SILENCER
        creates a sound that goes from an aggressive rasp to full-  It’s like your guitar’s volume knob, with a fully-passive and   A sophisticated noise gate that can tame a single pedal or
        on fuzzed-out mayhem.                color-free circuit.                   an entire effects loop.
        EHSFUZZ .............................................................$91.90B  EHNSP    (Nano)  Passive Attenuator ..................$64.80B  EHSNG   Noise Gate & Effects Looper ..............$102.30B

        SMALL CLONE                                                                SOUL FOOD
        The finest Analog Chorus sounds: from clear, rich and di-  SMALL STONE     Delivers  transparent  overdrive  with  great  touch  and  re-
        mensional to warm pulsating warbles, can be intensified   Generates traditional thick, sweeping phase shifting with   sponse. Its circuitry features boosted power rails to pro-
        with the Depth Control.              liquid transparency and tingling feedback.  vide abundant headroom & increased definition.
        EHSC   Analog Chorus .......................................$135.70B  EHNSS   (Nano)  Analog Phase Shofter ..........$105.570B  EHSF   Transparent Distortion/Fuzz/Overdrive ....$128.70B

                                                                                   SOVTEK DELUXE BIG MUFF PI
                                                                                   The circa 1991 Sovtek Big Muff used the same circuit as
                                                                                   the Tall Font Green Russian Big Muff & our EHX Green
        SOUL POG                                                                   Russian Big Muff. The new Sovtek Deluxe Big Muff ex-
        Combines two sweet pedals - the Soul Food transparent    SOUL PREACHER     pands on that big, wooly sound w/ the addition of the De-
        overdrive and Nano POG polyphonic octave generator - in   Offers  three  selectable  attacks  coupled  with  silky,  long   luxe Big Muff’s advanced controls while paying homage to
        one potent multi-effect; for use alone or together.  sustains.             the Civil War Big Muff aesthetic.
        EHSPOG   Overdrive/Octave Multi-Effect .......... $411.40B  EHSOUL   (Nano)  Compressor/Sustainer ........$128.70B  EHSDBM   Fuzz/Distortion/Sustainer .................$220.60B

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