Page 323 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 323
BASS BIG MUFF PI The Bass Clone chorus pedal's circuitry is nearly identical Has the same feature set as the Micro Synth, but includes
The Prodigy reborn with underworld instincts comes to life to the legendary Small Clone, but with added features es- a trigger and filter sweep range especially tailored for bass
wielding the drive of the original classic Big Muff Pi and pecially for bass. Provides precise sound shaping control guitar. The same fat analog synth textures give your bass
the earthy support of a bass tailored design with no loss for a tight, focused sound with a well-defined low end and a whole new range of possibilities - from percussive stabs
of low end. shimmering chorus on top. to backwards-sounding bowed sounds.
EHBBM Fuzz/Distortion/Sustainer ...................$124.10B EHBC Bass Chorus ..........................................$105.70B EHBMS ............................................................... $411.40B
BASS MONO SYNTH Features fully adjustable controls that can subtly transform BASS SOUL FOOD
Transforms your bass into eleven great sounding synthe- the dynamic qualities of a bass guitar or take them to the Natural overdrive/clean boost. Its gain, treble control and
sizers... from vintage synth emulations to thick, stacked extreme. From transparently leveling out notes so they sit signal path are optimized for those wanting extended low
voices to deep pulsing sounds and more. Its intuitive lay- in a track to creating an intensely squashed sound, the frequency response. Adjustable clean blend for articulate,
out makes it easy to use and dial in good sounds quickly. Bass Preacher helps spread the gospel of great bass tone. full tone & boosted power rails deliver extended headroom.
EHBSMS ............................................................$191.90B EHBP Compressor/Sustainer ...........................$128.70B EHBSF Overdrive .............................................$144.80B
Twin dynamic envelope filter generates very unique vocal- A compact, flexible pedal that is loaded with features such The Prodigy reborn with underworld instincts comes to life
like sounds. A distortion switch enriches the harmonics. as a 4-band equalizer, fully-featured MOSFET distortion wielding the drive of the original classic Big Muff Pi and
The response control varies the sweep range determined section with three signal path options, a compressor, a the earthy support of a bass tailored design with no loss
by your attack. noise gate and comprehensive I/O. of low end.
EHNBB (Nano) ................................................$108.00B EHBT Bass Preamp + DI .................................$220.60B EHDBBM Fuzz/Distortion/Sustainer .................$190.70B
EH75V 7.5 Volt AC .................................$20.70
NANO BASS BIG MUFF PI NANO BATTALION EH9V 9 Volt DC ......................................19.50
The Prodigy reborn with underworld instincts comes to life A compact, flexible pedal that is loaded with features such EH12V 12 Volt AC ....................................14.70
9 Volt DC ......................................25.20
wielding the drive of the original classic Big Muff Pi and as a 4-band equalizer, fully-featured MOSFET distortion EH9LDC500 9 Volt DC ......................................19.50
the earthy support of a bass tailored design with no loss section with three signal path options, a compressor, a EH96V 9.6 Volt DC ...................................20.70
of low end. noise gate and comprehensive I/O. EH18V 18 Volt DC ....................................22.50
EHNBBM Fuzz/Distortion/Sustainer ................. $119.60B EHNBT Bass Preamp & Overdrive ...................$168.90B EH24V 24 Volt DC ....................................19.65