Page 328 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 328


                                    BLACK TEETH
        AC STAGE                    Vintage distortion pedal; warm, smooth and   BLUESY    DUMBLER
        Acoustic guitar simulator; volume, body and   wide range of vintage distortion; volume, fil-  Vintage blues overdrive pedal; volume, tone   Dumble amp simulator pedal; smooth and
        top control; 3 options of piezo, standard and   ter and distortion control; 3 options of solo,   and gain control; 2 options of bright and nor-  dynamic  overdrive  sound;  volume,  voice,
        jumbo; true bypass.         turbo and normal; true bypass.  mal; true bypass.      tone and gain control; true bypass.
        TOMAAS3 ........................................$94.50  TOMABT3  ........................................$94.50  TOMABY3  .......................................$94.50  TOMADR3  .......................................$94.50

        BASS EQ                     GT EQ
        Analog  5-band  equalizer  pedal  for  bass;   Analog  5-band  equalizer  pedal  for  guitar;   FIRECREAM
        62.5Hz,  125Hz,  500Hz,  1KHz  and  4KHz   100Hz,  250Hz,  630Hz,  1.6KHz  and  4KHz   Vintage  distortion  pedal;  rich  and  creamy   G-FUZZ
        with  +/-  18db  control;  level  control;  true   with  +/-  18db  control;  level  control;  true   fuzz tone; volume, tone and sustain control;   Vintage  germanium  transistor  fuzz  effect;
        bypass.                     bypass.                    true bypass.                fuzz and volume control; true bypass.
        TOMAEB3 ........................................$94.50  TOMAEG3 ........................................$94.50  TOMAFM3  .......................................$94.50  TOMAGF3  .......................................$94.50

                                    HOLYWAR                    MANIC                       British stack simulator pedal; recreation of
        GREENIZER                   Classic  heavy  metal  distortion;  volume,   High gain distortion pedal; volume, tone and   '70s-'80s classic sound; 2 options of bright
        Vintage tube-like overdrive effect; volume,   contour and distortion control; 2 options of   gain  control;  3  options  of  soft,  tense  and   and normal; volume, tone and gain control-
        tone and gain control; true bypass.  extreme and classic; true bypass.  normal; true bypass.  true bypass.
        TOMAGR3  .......................................$94.50  TOMAHOR3  .....................................$94.50  TOMAMC3  .......................................$94.50  TOMAPN3  .......................................$94.50

                                    TUBE PUSHER                TWISTER                     VACUUM STACK
        S-FUZZ                      Valve combo simulator pedal; volume, tone   Analog  flanger;  color,  range  and  speed   Valve stack simulator pedal; volume, tone
        Vintage  silicon  transistor  fuzz  effect;  fuzz   and gain control; 2 options of boost and nor-  control; 2 options of freeze and normal; true   and gain control; 3 options of fat, boost and
        and volume control; true bypass.  mal; true bypass.    bypass.                     normal; true bypass.
        TOMASF3  .......................................$94.50   TOMATP3   .......................................$94.50  TOMATR3  .......................................$94.50  TOMAVS3  .......................................$94.50

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