Page 331 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 331


              POWER CONDITIONER                    POWER CONDITIONER                       PLUGLOCK STRIP
                                                     WITH SEQUENCING

                        PL8C                 The perfect low-cost AC power solution for any rack mount
                                             system is the Furman Merit M8S Power Conditioner with   The Furman M-10 10 AC Outlet is a power distributor with
                                             Sequencing. Install an M-8S in to the top slot of your rack,   a  sturdy  rack-mount  design  and  10  available  outlets. A
                                             and the eight switched outlets in the rear panel will power   convenient way to power a rack of equipment up to a 154
                                             up and protect all your equipment up to a 15-amp load.   amp load.
                                             M8S ....................................................................$449.95B  D10PFP ................................................................$89.95B
                                                                                           PLUGLOCK STRIP
             PLPLUSC                                SMART SEQUENCER     ™

        Linear Filtering Technology (LiFT) • Series mode protec-
        tion plus (SMP+) • Automatic Extreme Voltage Shutdown
        (E.V.S.) • LED rack lights provide long-life, low heat illu-  Providing robust control options, the CN-2400S (20 amp)
        mination for front of the rack • Zero ground contamination   supports RS-232 communication with command sets for
        circuitry assures the delivery of pure AC • Rear BNC con-  integration with control systems. An optional RS-232-to-
        nector for optional goose-neck light to illuminate rear of   Ethernet adaptor (sold separately) adds full IP-address-
        the rack. • 15 Amp/1800 watt rating, with circuit breaker.   ability to the unit, allowing it to be controlled, programmed,
        PL8C  ................................................................... $339.95*   and monitored from a smartphone, tablet, PC, remote
        PLPLUSC   With Slide Out Lights .................... 389.95*   power and energy management platform.
        PLBULB   .................................................................5.00B   CN2400S  ............................................................$759.95B   Has outlets spaced widely enough for five bulky transform-
        PLPRODMC  20 Amp/2400 watt rating..............759.95B   ADP1520B  Adapter Cord  .................................... 44.95*   er “wall warts”. Has clamps to securely lock wall warts into
                                                                                   place. Can lock regular plugs as well as wall warts.
                                                                                   PLUGLOCK .........................................................$69.95B
                                                   VOLTAGE REGULATOR
                                                                                              PRO PLUGS
                  MERIT SERIES

                                             Provides  nine  regulated,  conditioned AC  outlets  –  eight
                                             on the rear panel and one on the front. Input capacity is
                                             15 A; output capacity is 12 to 15 A. Extreme over-voltage
                       M8DX                  (instant) shutdown and under-voltage (delayed) shutdown,
                                             safeguard connected equipment. Extreme Voltage Shut-
                                             down (EVS) indicator LED. Tri-color “In-Regulation” indi-
        Filters noise from radio frequencies and electromagnetic   cator. Protection OK indicator. Eight element, Bi-color bar
        interference • Standard level of surge suppression • 8 rear   graph meter to indicate input line voltage. User accessible   SURGE SUPPRESSORS
        panel outlets • Sturdy one rack space design • 15 Amp   thermal  circuit  breaker  protects  against  overload.  Low   A 6-outlet steel power block with standard level surge pro-
        capacity with circuit breaker.       noise  toroidal  autotransformer  with  very  low  stray  mag-  tection,  EMI/RFI  filtration,  heavy  duty  steel  construction
        M8X2  ..................................................................$124.95B   netic field leakage. Front panel ON/OFF switch. Compact,   and a 15 ft. power cord.
                                                                                        Vertical 6-Outlet Strip ............................$74.95B
                                             lightweight unit weighs only 15 lbs. (6.8 kg).
        M8LX  with Lights  .............................................204.95B   M8XAR ...............................................................$889.95B  SS6B   6-Outlet Block .........................................74.95B
        M8DX  with LED meter  .....................................259.95B
                                                      POWER FACTOR                        POWER STATION-8
               POWER SEQUENCER

                                             Engineered specifically for use with instrument amplifiers
                                             and  other  high-current  equipment,  the  Furman  P-1800
                                             PFR offers a stable, protected and filtered low impedance
                                             powered supply for maximum performance of connected   15A 8 OUTLET SURGE SUPPRESSOR STRIP
                                             electronics.  Furman’s  exclusive  Power  Factor  provides   Features furman's SMP circuit which incoporates Linear
                                             a 45A peak current reservoir to minimize the detrimental   Filtering Technology (lift) and a high current TVZ-MOV to
                                             effects  of  line  impedance  on  high-current  gear  such  as   insure that any electronic  device  (including televisions,
                                             amplifiers and powered monitors. Clear Tone Technology   projectors, CD-DVD players, or computers) is fed clean, fil-
        120 AMP SEQUENCER W/REMOTE TURN ON/OFF   provides additional line noise filtration tuned for instrument   tered AC power. This dramatically reduces noise, ensuring
        120 amp distro • 6 x 20 amp • 3 phase ready (+ phase   amplifiers for clean and consistent tone. Plus, equipment   peak performance from your equipment. Another feature
        check) • 6 channel sequencing w/remote capability • Front   benefits from professional-level protection thanks for Fur-  is the automatic extreme-voltage shutdown. 8 ft. captive
        panel key switch for security.       man’s exclusive SMP and EVS technologies.   power cord wth 36˚ NEMA 15 plug.
        ASD120 ............................................................$1204.95B   P1800PFR ........................................................$1004.95B   PST8   8-Outlet Surge Suppresssor ...............$214.95B
                                                     * = CALL FOR DEALER PRICE

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