Page 335 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 335

ON-STAGE AMPLIFIER/MONITOR STANDS                                       AMP STANDS

        Small Foldable Tiltback Amp Stand   Tilt-back Tripod Amp Stand for    STAGELINE    ULTIMATE
        The solid steel box frame design provides   Stage/Studio Amplifiers and Monitors   A-Frame Amplifier/Monitor Stand   Three-Position Tilt Genesis  Series
        vibration dampening feet. Ideal for small   The  heavy-duty  steel  tripod  base  adjusts   This A-frame stand tilts at 70° and will raise   Ultra compact, Three-position tilt Genesis
        amps and practice amps. Small locking   to accommodate various sized amps. It   cabs from 12” to 19” off the floor for better   Series amp stand with locking legs and mic
        tabs swing into place to keep the stand from   features  5  tilt  positions.  The  fold-and-go   projection. The actual height is adjustable   boom attachment. Can hold a small to mid-
        opening during transportation.   features a threaded end, for the addition of   from 18" up to 25½". It holds up to 110 lbs.,   sized amp up to 75 lbs. A perfect addition to
        RS4000  Small .................................$60.99   a mic or boom.   and folds for portability.   the gigging guitar player's rig.
        RS6000  Medium to Large .................93.47  RS7500  ............................................$66.05  AS5 ...................................................$86.35   UAMP150 ......................................$63.99B

                                                                                           QUIK LOK HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE
        Tiltback Amp Stand for Stage/Studio   Pro Tiltback Amp Stand for Stage/Studio   QUIK LOK ADJUSTABLE AMP STAND  MONITOR STAND
        Amplifiers and Monitors     Amplifiers and Monitors    The AMS-BS-625  features  a  tilt-back  bot-  Designed for home, project & professional
        The A-frame construction makes this stand   A-Frame  base,  constructed  of  1”  square   tom amp platform and a top amp platform.   recording  studios.  All-ssteel,  arc  welded
        extremely  secure  and  stable  even  with   tubing, can be adjusted to get the most sta-  Both platforms have a dual set of durable   construction.  Stable  three-point  triangle
        heavy amplifiers. Non-slip rubber feet and   ble stance possible under your amp. Ridged   support  arms.  Big  enough  for holding  the   base. Speaker plate dimensions: 9” square.
        a locking cross brace keep the stand, and   end caps keep all metal surfaces off of the   large size combo amps with up to two 12”   Height  positions  (5):  32.7”,  36”,  39”,  42”,
        your amp, firmly in place.   ground and act as a shock absorber.   speakers.       45.3”. 100 lb weight capacity.
        RS7000  ..........................................$128.95   RS7705  ..........................................$191.85   AMSBS625  ....................................$126.00   AMSBS300 .......................................$72.05

                                          RACK STANDS / RACK PANELS


                 RMT254                                                                                         RPV2000


        HOSA 19-inch RACKS                                                             Blank       Vented       Rack
        Designed to keep equipment fixed in place and at reach.                       Rack Panel    Rack Panel   Drawer
        Ideal for preamps, outboard gear and audio interfaces.                    1U   RPB1000     RPV1000     RDL1000
        Desktop Equipment Rack               ON-STAGE                                  $12.99      $20.99      $155.99
        Small Footprint for Compact Workstations.  Puts 12 single rack spaces on your studio floor, desktop,   2U   RPB2000     RPV2000   RDL2000
        RMT254  11 U, Table-top Design ..............................$86.75   etc. The bottom horizontal bar serves as a secure and stur-     $18.99    $25.99   $175.73
        Floor Equipment Rack                 dy rest for gear, while the top horizontal brace adds stability.   3U   RPB3000     RPV3000   RDL3000
        Adjustable tilt angle, w/ rollers for quick access to rear panels.  The fixed angle allows for easy monitoring of the rack gear      $25.73    $28.99   $196.69
                                             while still supporting all its weight. Weight Capacity: 75 lbs.
        RMT152  12 U, Rolling Design ..................................173.20  23"H x 19.5"W x 14"D  4U   RPB4000     RPV4000   RDL4000
        RMC180  Screws & washers (24) ..................................9.10   RS7030  Table Top Rack Stand ..............................$73.99      $28.99    $38.99   $232.18
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