Page 339 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 339


                                    BANDIT  112
                                    100  watts  (rms)  into  4  ohms  (w/  external
                                    speaker).  12”  Blue  Marvel  speaker. High            SOLO
        BACKSTAGE                   & low gain inputs. TransTube  tube emula-  RAGE  258   12  watts  (rms).  8”  Blue  Marvel  speaker.
                                    tion circuitry. Footswitchable clean and lead
        6” 10 watts (rms) custom designed speaker.   channels. 3-band passive EQ & 3 position   8”  super-duty  Blue  Marvel   speaker.  Two   TransTube  emulation circuitry. Clean and
        TransTube  preamp with 2 switchable chan-  EQ/gain  voicing  switch  on  each  channel.   switchable  channels:  clean  and  lead.   lead  channels.  3-band  passive  EQ.  ¼”
        nels. Volume and overdrive controls. 2-band   Reverb, footswitchable boost, & ¼” stereo   3-band EQ. ¼” Aux input. Modern/vintage   stereo CD input/direct out jack. Low damp-
        EQ. Aux input for practice. Headphone jack.   speaker simulated direct out jack w/ level   voicing  switch.  Headphone  jack.  25  watts   ing factor for lively tube power amp sound.
                              MAP   control. Footswitch optional.     MAP  (rms).     MAP  Headphone jack.       MAP
        00590630 .................. $119.99*  $99.99  00583640 ..................$599.99*  $499.99  00583600 ..................$219.99*  $149.99  00584610 ..................$129.99*  $119.99

                                                                                  MAX  158 – BASS
                                             MAX  126 – BASS                      20 watts (rms) into 4 ohms. 8 inch speaker. Low, mid and
        FOOTSWITCH                           10 watts (rms) into 4 ohms. Selectable “Vintage” gain con-  high EQ controls. Volume control with TransTube  distortion
        Multi-purpose 2-button footswitch, sturdy molded housing,   trol with patented TransTube   tube circuitry. Volume control.   boost. Psycho-acoustic low end enhancement. ⅛” phones
        quality  metal  switch  components,  angled,  ergonomic  de-  Low and high EQ controls. 6.5 inch speaker. ¼” headphone   output. ⅛” aux input. Built-in chromatic tuner. DDT  speaker
        sign, includes 15' right angle 1/4" cable.  jack. ¼” aux input.       MAP  protection.                   MAP
        03022910    ............................................................. $31.89*    03608290 ..................................... $169.99*  $99.99  03602960 ..................................... $229.99*  $169.99
                                                     * = CALL FOR DEALER PRICE
                                            VHT REDLINE SERIES AMPS

        Real Spring Reverb • Clean & Drive channels • Selectable   EXTENSION SPEAKER CABINET
        gain  modes  •  Headphone  out  &  auxilary  in  •  Extension   VHT special design speaker • 2 jacks • 8 ohms. Perfect
        speaker out.                         companion for the amplifiers in the Redline lineup.
        AVRL60R   60-watt, 12" Speaker ........................$519.70  AVRL112C   12", 60 watts ....................................$236.20
        AVRL40R   40-watt, 10" Speaker ..........................425.20  AVRL110C   10", 30 watts ......................................188.95
        AVRL20R   20-watt,   8" Speaker ..........................316.50  BASS EXTENSION SPEAKER CABINET  BASS COMBO
        STEREO COMBO                         One pro quality 8-ohm 12" speaker with double-roll sur-  3-band EQ • Effects loop • Adjustable DI out • Tuner out
        Clean & Drive channels • Stereo Effects Loop • Two 40-  round • Designed to complement the Redline 50B Combo   • Auxiliary in • Headphone jack • Extension speaker jack.
        watt Power Amps•Two 10" Speakers • Spring Reverb  • 150 watts              AVRL50B   50-watt, 12" Speaker ........................$552.75
        AVRL80S  80-watt, (2) 12" Speakers .................$788.95  AVRL12BC  12" ...................................................$268.35  AVRL25B   25-watt, 10" Speaker ..........................425.20

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