Page 332 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 332
PASSIVE DIRECT BOX The SLA-1 Studio Linear Amplifier is a robust yet compact External tube microphone preamp. The hybrid design of
the Tube MP allows it to add warmth and fatness to a
The PDB allows connection of a music source to an in- power amplifier designed for studio or even select live ap- signal while maintaining exceptionally low-noise and high
strument amplifier while simultaneously patching it to a plications. It has been designed and engineered to pro- quality. While it’s primary application is as a microphone
mixer. It automatically balances and matches the line level vide clean, quiet power and excellent sound with ultra-low preamp, the TubeMP is an exceptional direct box – imped-
output. noise and distortion. ance matching, amplifying and improving the sound of any
PDB ......................................................................$55.99B SLA1 ..................................................................$369.99B instrument plugged into it.
DUAL PASSIVE DIRECT BOX 200 WATT STUDIO LINEAR AMPLIFIER TUBEMP ............................................................ $119.99B
The dPDB dual passive direct box features two high-quali- The SLA-2 is a studio linear power amplifier capable of
ty direct boxes in one portable enclosure. It is a rock solid, delivering 200 watts per channel (8 ohms) with an incred-
roadworthy DI connection of the outputs of electronic mu- ible 10Hz to 40kHz frequency response. Compact single
sical instruments (or other audio sources) to the balanced rackspace low noise linear design, the SLA-2 uses a solid
inputs of mixer consoles. steel chassis and toroidal transformer for added long term
DPDB ...................................................................$75.99B reliability.
SLA2 ..................................................................$529.00B
PB4X4 Offers superior performance and a sound quality any ‘on-
board’ preamps found in today’s low-cost mixers and audio
DUAL 31-BAND GRAPHIC EQUALIZERS interface units aren’t capable of delivering. Built with all of
Designed to pro use wherever you need a cost effective the professional input features required in recording or live
way to shape your sound. The rugged, all-steel construct- sound applications, it uses a hand-selected 12AX7A tube
SP4X4 ed chassis is well suited for any live sound application. in the signal path for maximum tone and gain.
TUBEMPSTV3 ...................................................$149.99B
POWER DISTRIBUTION EQ355 ................................................................$389.99B
ART 4x4 Series Power Distribution Systems feature a
unique “4x4” AC jack layout on the back of the unit where
four of the eight rear outputs are set 1.25 inches apart,
allowing the user to plug in wide power cables and multiple
PB4x4 – Power Distribution System Designed as the ideal preamp for any application, the
Power Capacity of 1800 Watts • Surge & Spike Protection tube driven TPS II adds warmth and texture to any audio
• 8 Rear Outlets with Power Adapter Friendly Positioning. source. This two-channel high performance preamp uses
SP4x4 – Metered PDS a pair of hand selected 12AX7A tubes in the low noise
Power Capacity of 1800 Watts • Surge & Spike Protection input circuitry. This, coupled with ART’s proprietary V3™ TUBEMPUSB
• 8 Rear Outlets with Power Adapter Friendly Positioning • (Variable Valve Voicing) and variable input impedance al-
Pull Out Light Pipes and Dimmer. lows the TPS II to deliver incredible performance from cost SINGLE CHANNEL TUBE PREAMPLIFIER
PB4X4 ................................................................$109.99B effective single space rackmount solutions. The ultra low noise discrete microphone preamp front end
SP4X4 ..................................................................169.00B TPSII ....................................................................$299.99* has an extremely flat and wide frequency response and
* = CALL FOR DEALER COST can easily handle a wide range of input signal levels with
a minimum of coloration. The fully adjustable input gain
allows as little ‘tube warmth’ or as much ‘tube drive’ as
required for any audio source.
TUBEMPPS ........................................................$159.99B
TUBEMPUSB With USB ......................................179.99B
The ART PDS8u is a premium power distribution package The ART S8 can be used to split 8 balanced low imped-
for stage or studio. It has 8 AC outlets with opposing orien- ance microphone signals into 16 balanced low impedance
tation ensuring easy access for AC Cables. Two AC outlets microphone signals (eight pairs). Each channel of the S8 ZONE DISTRIBUTION MIXER
are spaced for large size 'wall wart' adaptors. 1.0 and 2.0 provides one direct output and one transformer isolated Designed for remote volume control of multiple amps or
Amp USB ports are included for powering tablets, phones output from a single microphone. Applications include powered speakers in a distributed audio system. 2 stereo
and other accessories. sending the direct outputs to the main or Front-of-House sources are available to each of 5 output zones.
PDS8U ................................................................$129.99B mixer and the second isolated outputs being sent to a MX225 ................................................................$225.99B
monitor or recording mixer. The direct outputs pass phan-
tom power from the main mixer to the microphones for use
with condenser microphones.
S8 .......................................................................$349.99B
Versatile mixer combining 3 balanced microphone or line
level inputs w/ 3 stereo line inputs into a single stereo line
level mix.
S8 3WAY EIGHT CHANNEL MX622 ................................................................$239.99B
The S8-3Way eight channel three way microphone splitter
CLEANBOX PRO CONVERTER is ideal for live sound, fixed install, recording, and broad-
Two Way Stereo Converter cast applications where microphone and XLR balanced
Single/Balanced – Balanced/Single The CleanBOX Pro line level input signals have to go to multiple mix locations.
converts a consumer level RCA signal to a balanced XLR Each channel provides one XLR input, one XLR direct out- 2-WAY CROSSOVER w/ SUBWOOFER OUT
professional line level and visa-versa. CleanBOX Pro has put, with two additional transformer isolated XLR outputs Employs 24dB/octave state-variable, Fourth-order Link-
two XLR inputs and stereo RCA outputs, as well as stereo for a total of 3 balanced outputs from each microphone witz-Riley filters that guarantee properly phased outputs
RCA inputs and two XLR outputs. input signal. at all frequencies.
CBPRO ...............................................................$109.99B S83WAY .............................................................$415.99B CX311 .................................................................$219.99B