Page 324 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 324


                                                  CALL FOR DEALER COST ON MORLEY

                                             CLASSIC POWER FUZZ WAH               20/20 BAD HORSIE WAH
        STEVE VAI BAD HORSIE 2 CONTOUR WAH   One of the great Morley classics. Just like the original, it combines   Pedal-friendly size, Switchless, Optical and built like a tank
        Steve Vai legendary, signature wah with an added Contour   Wah and Fuzz that can be used separately or together for a thun-  w/ the new 20/20 Buffer circuit, two Wah modes: Bad Horsie
        mode, allowing you to adjust the frequency and tone.  derous sound.       and Contour Wah.
        BH2  ....................................................................... $415.75  PFW2 ...................................................................... $485.50  MTBH2 ................................................................... $348.75

                                             20/20 WAH LOCK                       20/20 LEAD WAH
        20/20 CLASSIC SWITCHLESS WAH         Want the ease of switchless activation, but also the ability   The Lead Wah is made for high gain and amps that go to
        Classic Wah tone w/ a custom MQ2 Inductor and the new   to cock it? Say no more... The Wah Lock mode emulates a   eleven. Switchless, simplicity and a wide sweep make it the
        20/20 Buffer circuitry that ensures pure guitar tone & output.   fixed position Wah giving you both.   perfect Wah for guitarists that love the spotlight.
        MTCSW .................................................................. $206.50   MTG3 ...................................................................... $348.75  MTLW ..................................................................... $348.75

        20/20 WAH BOOST                      20/20 VOLUME PLUS                    20/20 DISTORTION WAH
        One of our classic circuits on steroids. Switchless, Optical   The ultimate optical Volume pedal. Its smooth Audio Taper   This little green monster packs a punch. The redesigned
        Wah w/ 20dB Boost. Its wide sweep and mid-range focus   is ideal for violin-like & lap steel guitar-type swells and its   circuit features more gain, a new tone circuit and is topped
        will cut through the heaviest of mixes.   Minimum Volume Control can perform a variety of functions.   off with a Switchless Wah. Pedalboard friendly.
        MTMK2 ................................................................... $348.75  MTMV2 ................................................................... $270.65  MTPDW .................................................................. $348.75

        20/20 POWER FUZZ WAH                 20/20 POWER WAH                      20/20 POWER WAH VOLUME
        The 20/20 version is a pedalboard-friendly size and now   Pedal-friendly  size,  switchable  Optical  Wah  w/  a  wide   Ultimate space-saving combo pedal: classic Morley Power
        has  Switchless Activation.  It  offers  our  widest  frequency   sweep and vintage tone, new 20/20 Buffer circuit that pre-  Wah w/ its vintage tone, wide sweep & 20dB clean boost &
        sweep  and  when  combined  with  its  Fuzz  circuit  delivers   vents  signal  loss  and  maintains  tone,  silent  switching  to   a smooth audio volume taper, w/ switchable Optical Wah &
        monstrous Fuzz Wah tone.             prevent pops and noise.              Volume Pedal.
        MTPFW .................................................................. $348.75  MTPWO .................................................................. $270.65  MTPWOV ............................................................... $348.75

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